Lord of the North

Chapter 425 Mordred would be more suitable

When Rogier was a child, he was just the son of a poor man in the city of Doran, but he was lucky. One day, an old knight passing by discovered that he had the possibility of awakening extraordinary power.

So he gave his parents two gold coins and took him away.

In the end, Rogier did not disappoint the old knight. Soon after, he not only awakened his extraordinary power, but also stepped into the realm of the great knight ten years later.

In this he surpassed his teacher.

In the next few years, he worked steadily and steadily, and finally sat on the position of the governor of the Chenhe Navy Guard Fleet of the Kingdom of Dolan.

Even the elder who guided him into the extraordinary realm is full of praise for his achievements now, after all he is just a palace guard.

So Rogier was careful when handling this matter, trying not to make both parties feel that he was incompetent, otherwise his position as the governor would have to be moved when the time came.

And now he has completely confirmed the identity of His Royal Highness Loka. After all, he can send dozens of superpowers to hunt down the suspect. He doesn't think anyone in the Dolan Kingdom can do such a big deal.

But Rogier couldn't help trembling when he thought that his subordinates seemed to beat that caravan leader into a shapeless shape.

God is so pitiful, I really didn't know just now, all of this was done by the smart captain of the charge.

Thinking of this, he made a decision. Although the sister of the charge captain did satisfy him in some aspects, nothing was as important as his own life and position.

It's just that sometimes the more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen. After ordering his subordinates, Loka turned around again, stared at Rogier with gloomy eyes, and said coldly: "This general, since the matter is still If you haven’t checked it out, can you explain to me what’s going on with my subordinate?”

He pointed to the marching staff officer lying on the ground vomiting blood from time to time.

At the same time, I was annoyed that my subordinate went to the other party's ship to explain the situation just because he didn't bring a guard, and then this tragedy happened.

"This... my lord, this is just a misunderstanding. When the truth is revealed, I promise to give you a satisfactory answer." Rogier panicked in his heart, but on the surface he still looked calm.

Neither humble nor overbearing.

This is because Loka's status is noble, so he speaks in such a low profile. If it is replaced by other caravans, I am afraid that they will all be arrested by this time.

And there is no place to redress the grievances. Even if he is not proved innocent in the end, he still has no idea whether he can get out of the naval prison.

Luoka was unmoved, still staring at him coldly, after a long while, he suddenly smiled, stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said, "What's your name?"

Is this a plan to settle accounts after the fall? Cold sweat broke out on Rogier's back, partly because of worry, and partly because the oppressive force on Lorca's body was too strong.

But he dared not answer, and said with a strong face: "Rogier, my name is Rogier, the governor of this fleet."

Loka nodded, said Rogier's name several times, and said, "General Rogier, you did a good job today, I will remember you."

Then he turned and left, this time for real, because he had to say sorry to Jason for getting him into unnecessary trouble.

After all, he was also his father's guest.

Jason smiled when he saw Lorca walking towards him: "What? Is it troublesome?"

"It's very troublesome. I have to go to Dolan King City. After all, these three nobles died on my boat."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jason apologetically and said: "I can't accompany you during this time, so I can only make it difficult for you to stay on the ship, but since my identity has been exposed, it is impossible for these soldiers to continue to embarrass you. I'll be back soon."

"I don't care, just treat it as free sightseeing,

It's just that your father may have to wait a while longer. "Jason shrugged and said that he was fine, but he didn't believe what Lorca said that no one troubled him.

The guys in the dark dared to murder the nobles of the Dolan Kingdom to blame Lorca, so how could they not dare to target "unidentified" people like themselves.

Sure enough, on the day Roca left with his bodyguard Badis and Rogier, a group of black-clothed killers numbering in the hundreds rushed onto Roca's boat, and even the warships of the Kingdom of Dolan were not spared. , the target of one team is Jason and others.

It's a pity that before the leading knight had time to see Jason's face clearly, he was crushed by a terrifying pressure and smashed into the floor hard.

Without even moving a hand, Arthur dealt with the strongest person in the group, directly bursting out with all his strength and stunned him.

The remaining rookies and miscellaneous fish could not last long in the hands of hundreds of Spartan soldiers who suddenly jumped out.

Soon, when there was still a lot of noise outside, thirteen people kneeled neatly in front of Jason.

A few others were killed by Mordred, and this guy couldn't stop fighting.

"Mordred, you and Cu Chulainn took the Spartans to help the people outside, and Arthur stayed behind." Jason silently looked at the ashen-faced killers, then waved his hands and said.

The poison sacs in their mouths and their arms were removed the moment they were caught, and the people who had awakened their extraordinary power were also scattered by these terrifying people.

Now they can't even commit suicide.

"Yes, Your Highness." Mordred and Cu Chulainn agreed and walked out, leaving only Arthur to accompany Jason.

The people outside were all Lorca's subordinates. Before he left, he took away most of his subordinates, and there were not many masters left, and Jason didn't think that those sailors would kindly help them out.

Jason looked at the leader and asked calmly, "Do you know who I am?" He wanted to determine a question now, whether he was being targeted or was involved in an unwarranted disaster.

If it's the latter, then everything is fine. If it's the former, Jason has to think about his retreat in the Haraua Empire.

It's a pity that these assassins were all very stubborn, and they closed their eyes tacitly when facing Jason's question, as if they were waiting to die.

"I won't let you die, at least it won't be so easy." Jason nodded, he hated this kind of dead soldiers the most, and usually he couldn't even ask a fart after being tortured for a long time.

"Arthur left it to you." In desperation, he could only ask Arthur for help. This guy should have some way to make these guys talk.

But what he didn't expect was that Arthur actually answered in a very difficult way: "I think it might be more appropriate for Mordred to do this kind of thing."

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