Lord of the North

Chapter 426 Can't enter the city

For the next twenty days Jason was going to be moldy on the boat, but he was satisfied that during this time the guys who were hiding in the dark didn't pop up to find fault.

And after some interrogation by Mordred, Jason got a result that gave Jason a little headache, that is, the group of killers did come towards him.

It's just that they don't know Jason's identity, and the good news is that they are not targeting Jason alone, and their ultimate goal is Lorca.

As long as he failed to complete what Emperor Harauja ordered him to do, the purpose of these killers would be achieved.

Because in this way, Loka will lose face in front of his father, and his impression will plummet, and before that, Emperor Harauja didn't particularly like his son.

The source of all this is the group of restless Haiwei people. Who made Luoka's mother the princess of the Haiwei people?

God gave him a prominent status from birth, and at the same time played a joke on him.

"My dear friend, I have kept you waiting."

Twenty-third days after the discovery of the bodies of the three nobles, Loka finally returned with his guards, and he said very apologetically after the meeting.

"It's just a little boring." Jason replied. He saw that Lorca looked very tired. He didn't think he had much rest on the way, and that King Dolan was not so easy to deal with.

Loka must have promised him something, otherwise the three nobles would have died without knowing why, and no matter how they looked at it, it was impossible to calmly suppress it.

"By the way, someone came to attack your fleet after you left, and now those guys are locked up." Jason was a little bored. If the soldiers hadn't restricted their freedom to go to land during this time, maybe he would have It exploded on the spot.

"I know what happened, thank you very much for your help."

Lorca said seriously: "I assure you, this kind of thing will never happen again."

As soon as he came back, some of his subordinates ran over to explain to him what had happened during this period, including the performance of the Spartan soldiers that night.

There are also Mordred and Cu Chulainn, who have a decisive fighting style and are very hot, which makes Roka look at the two gentle and gentle people who have been standing behind Jason all the time.

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, if this kind of thing is happening now, then why is he fighting for the throne!

It seems that his low-key and indisputable behavior in the past made some people underestimate him.

"Let's not talk about this, when are we going to leave?" Jason has no interest in his future for the time being, and now he just wants to go to the Haruah Empire as soon as possible, and then meet the emperor.

If there is nothing serious, he should go back to his own territory early to develop steadily and continue to fight against his elder brother. If possible, he would like to ask his uncle what he meant.

"Leave immediately."


During the next journey, their fleet did not encounter any accidents again, but it was delayed for a month because of the previous incident.

You don't need to think about it, and you know that His Majesty Emperor Harauja has probably been impatient for a long time.

Because after their fleet docked at Ruby Port, the richest port in the Harauja Empire, they saw an army of hundreds of people, and the left shoulder and shoulder armor of each soldier were golden yellow.

The Royal Guard of the Harauja Empire, an army responsible for guarding the palace, is only under the jurisdiction and command of the emperor.

The leader of this army is an old man with a gray beard. After Roca's introduction, Jason knew that his name was Connie. He was a strong man at the peak of the Earth Knight. It was his father's bodyguard.

It's just that this old man's temper is not very good, he is very straightforward, and the first thing he said after meeting Loka was: "Your Highness, we have been waiting for you here for thirty-four days.


Especially when he said this, his face was completely expressionless, so Jason couldn't help feeling that the veteran's temper was a bit weird.

"There were some accidents on the road. I am very sorry for Grandpa Connie. I will explain this to my father clearly." Loka stepped forward and said apologetically.

Hearing that General Coney's expression softened slightly, he has always been very satisfied with the prince's humility and courtesy, but it's a pity that his blood...

"I'm not blaming you, it's just that the soldiers under me have some complaints, and I need to give them an explanation."

Then whispered: "You are not hurt?"

He still cared about the prince very much, but his status meant that they could not get too close, otherwise they would only harm him.

"No, let me introduce you. This is the Northern Duke of the Lopez Kingdom and the second prince of the Lopez Kingdom, His Royal Highness Jason Lopez." Fortunately, Loka did not forget Jason, otherwise he would Embarrassed.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, I hope you will like the scenery of the Harauia Empire. I am the general Connie who was ordered to receive you."

After speaking, he glanced seriously at the soldiers behind Jason, that is, the hundred Spartan soldiers: "Your soldiers are excellent."

"Of course, they are the best fighters."

"It's just that they can't enter the imperial city Xisa."

The atmosphere became awkward in an instant, and everyone present fell into silence.

Jason looked into Connie's eyes quietly, and he saw firmness from it, that is to say, there was absolutely no room for negotiation on this matter. After hundreds of superpowers entered the Imperial City of Xisar, Jason Under the leadership of these three masters with unfathomable strength, they can completely threaten the safety of the palace.

But Jason was worried because some unpleasant things had happened before.

After a long time, he nodded slowly under Lorca's nervous gaze, now is not the time to be willful, this is not his territory.

"But you need to make sure that no one comes to harass my soldiers, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen."

boom! ! !

The majestic power in Arthur's body erupted suddenly, making everyone present feel a little breathless. The long sword on Connie's back was unsheathed in an instant, and he stared nervously at the man who had a very low sense of presence before he spoke.

After noticing him, he suddenly realized that this man's temperament and sense of oppression were still higher than Jason's.

If no one said it, maybe someone would mistake him for the leader of this team.

But as soon as Jason raised his hand, the terrifying pressure was felt back like running water, which showed that this man who was suspected to be a strong man in the sky was loyal to Jason.

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