Lord of the North

Chapter 432 Transfer order

Obviously, the sixth brother who is the most shy and easily shy among the brothers is no longer a simple little guy, and may even be the most scheming one among all the brothers.

After all, the behavior of cheating one's own brother is not something ordinary people can do. In fact, if it weren't for Hughes, maybe Simda would have directly confronted Jason and Roca.

In this way, regardless of whether the two sides win or lose, the image and strength of the two princes will suffer a huge blow. Although it is impossible to completely kick them out of the ranks of contenders for the throne, it can also make them lose one. echelon.

And even if my plan is exposed afterwards, it will not affect me, and I can even win the attention of some people because of my means, and Noah has full confidence that after those nobles see his ability, they will definitely be firm. Unswervingly put into his own faction.

After all, he was able to completely reshuffle the Withered Leaf Legion, which Lorca had operated for more than ten years, within a year. This kind of ability and wrist were among the many princes. He dared to say that no one except him could do it.

And he feels that the only people who are qualified to compete for the throne are his elder brother, second elder brother, fourth elder brother and himself.

Because his third brother is just an idle prince who is keen on adventures, and his team is composed of a group of people with various skills. The temptation to compete for the throne may not be as strong as that of a secret place.

As for his fifth brother, he is a martial idiot. Among all his brothers, his cultivation talent is not the best, but his strength is the strongest. Yes, after all, every prince has to receive this kind of education when he was a child, but if he is really allowed to deal with state affairs, he may die of sorrow.

The other brothers are too young to pose any threat for the time being. This is also a blessing, because they don't have to be regarded as thorns in the eyes of their elder brothers.

"Your Highness, the fourth prince, you are too careless." Hughes couldn't help sighing when he saw that Simda had thought it through clearly. After this incident, maybe the formerly high-spirited fourth prince would be depressed.

Let's see if he can untie this knot.

After a long silence, Simda looked up at Hughes and asked, "Dear Hughes, I... what should I do now?"

Hughes was a little worried when he saw him like this, because the originally high-spirited and slightly arrogant eyes had disappeared from his eyes, replaced by deep confusion. It was obvious that he was betrayed by his younger brother The hit is broken.

"At this point, we have no other choice. Your Majesty's order cannot be violated. Your Highness, you can only serve in the Iron Bone Legion first, and no matter what, don't put yourself in danger. As long as you are still alive, we have hope of turning around. "

Hughes sighed, thinking that His Majesty is really cruel, what kind of good place is the garrison of the Iron Legion? The death rate was so high that even the legion's garrison had been breached several times, and they might have died inside at some point.

"I'll stay in the imperial city first and try to contact Jason Lopez, slowly bridge the gap between us, figure out why His Majesty asked this young man so much, and start from this aspect to see if His Majesty can take back himself The command."

Simda's mind is now blank, and he can only say mechanically: "Then please, I will wait for your news in the Talun Mountains."

"Best trip, Your Highness." Hughes saluted, because they had delayed too much.

Soon the palace guards left with Simda at a very fast speed. They had to reach the next foothold before dark, otherwise they would have to sleep in the wild.

At the same time, the captain of the palace guard, who had heard the conversation between Hughes and Simda, was so frightened that he quickly shut down the matter, and at the same time, he was a little entangled in whether he should report the matter to His Majesty.

After all, this matter is really too difficult, and when Hughes and Simda talked about this matter, they didn't mean to avoid themselves and their own group of men at all, and it was clear that they wanted to pass this matter to His Majesty through them in the ear.

This was tangled for them who were absolutely loyal to the emperor, but in the end he ordered a soldier to rush back to the palace and report the matter to His Majesty, but it had to be a retelling of the original words, without any emotion of his own.

It didn't take long for the soldier to appear in front of Emperor Harauia. He knelt on the ground and tried his best to retell the original conversation between Hughes and the fourth prince.

But after listening to the report, Emperor Harauya simply waved his hand and said that he knew, and let the soldier retreat.

After the soldiers left, there was an insignificant sigh in the empty palace. The royal family of every country has more or less a headache for the monarch.

Although he himself would do almost the same thing from Noah's point of view, as a father, he finds it difficult to accept this happening.

Not long after that, Emperor Harauja laid out a blank sheet of paper on his desk and began to write on it.

This is a gift Jason brought to him this time, because the power of the Kyle Chamber of Commerce in the south has been completely taken over by the Holy See, while the Chamber of Commerce in Francis City has not yet expanded its influence to the Haraua Empire in the south.

So before that, Emperor Harauya still used sheepskin rolls.

If someone stood beside Emperor Harauja at this time, they would find that what he wrote was actually a transfer order.

He ordered the sixth prince, Noah, to serve in the West Sea Navy. The West Sea Navy is different from the Royal Navy. Before that, Haiwei people had always served as generals there.

After finishing writing, Emperor Harauya signed his name on it, and then sealed it in a cylinder and handed it over to his soldiers to send to the Dead Leaf Army.

After the soldiers left, Emperor Harauia looked quietly at the sunlight shining into the hall, and said to himself: "Since you are so 'motivated', why don't you go to the navy to exercise."

The Xihai Navy has been attacked by pirates in the West Sea recently, and most of the generals there are rebellious, and their king is Luoka's uncle!

Although the Haiwei people surrendered to the Harauia Empire and even married their princesses to King Harauia, they still maintained their own royal power system. It is not that King Harauia did not want to ban this, but the rebound was extremely strong. big.

Due to the terrifying sea power of the Haiwei people, if they broke up with them, Harauia's naval power might be completely destroyed, so Emperor Harauia tolerated them.

He waited for another chance.

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