Lord of the North

Chapter 433 Shocked Chadman

"Are you sure that he is the strong man in the sky who watched us secretly?"

Jason pointed to the Great Sage Chapman who was sitting in his room and couldn't be driven away, and asked with a look of disbelief.

Arthur nodded numbly, obviously he was also taken lightly by thunder, he really didn't expect an old monster who had lived for more than two hundred years to be so thick-skinned.

Mordred on the side looked like he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, his face turned red because the image of Chapman's great sage at this time was really ordinary, and the luxurious mage robes on his body had become tattered.

As for why Chapman appeared here with Jason, and became like this, it had to start when Jason left the palace hall and came to the residence prepared for him by Emperor Haruah.

He had just arrived with Arthur and Mordred, and before he had time to take a good rest, a small mind-interference circle that Jason solidified on himself was inexplicably activated.

Shocked, Arthur hurriedly used his extraordinary power to detect the surrounding environment, and then found the great sage of Chadman who was standing furtively outside the door and cast an advanced concealment spell on himself.

No matter what his purpose is, in short, the mental interference circle on Jason has been activated, which means that he has just been cast a spell by Chadman.

So Arthur made a bold move, and the Holy Sword of Broken Steel came out of its sheath, and slashed fiercely at the great sage Chadman who was still a little astonished.

However, even if mages are weak in melee combat, they will always have some powerful life-saving skills after they reach the realm of sky powerhouses. Even if they encounter powerhouses of the same level, they will have a chance to fight back.

A translucent shield suddenly appeared just as Arthur's attack was about to come, a magic shield solidified in his staff instantly activated to block the blade of the Holy Sword of Broken Steel, but the shield also disappeared after a while. It shattered.

At the same time, the light blue magic gem on the staff in the great sage Chadman's hand also instantly turned gray, and a trace of pain flashed across his face.

But the most powerful lethality has been offset by the spell shield, and the aftermath of the energy just tore the robe of the Great Sage Chadman into pieces.

Frightened, the great sage of Chadman hurriedly revealed his identity and purpose, expressing that he had no malice, and then Arthur stopped his attack in doubt, but the holy sword in his hand never retracted.

At the same time, he blocked Jason behind him. Arthur, who had seen Merlin's full strength, knew exactly what kind of damage a mage with profound spell attainment would cause.

"I'm so old that I still have to suffer from this crime. Are you people from the north all this irritable? Do you attack without asking whether you are an enemy or a friend?" Great Sage Chadman was distressed Looking at his already abolished staff, he would have to spend again after returning to the Eye of Truth.

"I don't think a person who sneaks into me with the eyes of a magician will be a friend." Jason looked at him indifferently, holding Karadeboga tightly with his right hand, and there were looming electric arcs on his hand shine.

Speaking of this great sage of Chadman, he suddenly shuddered. He suddenly thought of the curing magic that had just been activated on Jason, a simple but very practical mental disturbance, or a mental alarm.

Although this is just a very simple elementary spell, it cannot avoid being detected even at Chadman's level.

This made him have to admire the talent of the senior who created this spell, which made him feel convinced.

But he had never heard of the mages of the Eye of Truth staying in the Lopez Kingdom, and those wild mages obviously couldn't go wandering in the interior of the mainland, because this is the territory of the Holy See.

A person who was accidentally targeted by the Inquisition Office, and finally disappeared silently.

So he asked with some seriousness and doubts: "What's the matter with the hardening spell on your body? Don't fool me with this magic robe that you got by accident.

Several other items on your body also have ripples of solidified spells. "

"Can't I just buy these?" Jason rolled his eyes and said very speechlessly.

But after thinking for a while, he actually stretched out a finger with a flame dancing on it: "I awakened the mana pool, and I learned these from a mage's notebook."

Having the status of a mage may make the Holy See jealous and have some other ideas, but it will give him a lot of convenience on the west coast, such as selling the Qingxin Stone Mine.

Suddenly Chadman's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "You have awakened the mana pool!!"

His voice was distorted at this moment. As we all know, the body of a person who has awakened extraordinary power will repel mana. At this point, the mages call it zero elemental affinity.

But what did he discover today? An extraordinary knight with outstanding talent actually opened up a mana pool!

And he can actually solidify some simple spells on ordinary items.

Suddenly, the way he looked at Jason changed, giving Jason the illusion that he was being watched by fanatics. His eyes were like a researcher looking at a mouse.

The fact is exactly the same. Chadman has lived for more than two hundred years. He always thought that everything he could do had been done, and the future work would be handed over to young people to continue.

But the appearance of Jason rekindled the passion and anticipation of his youth. He was eager to study why Jason was able to awaken the extraordinary seeds and open up the mana pool at the same time.

Is this ability accidental or reproducible? If it is reproducible, can other races besides humans also do it?

One question after another filled his mind, making him eager to seek answers.

If Jason was just an ordinary person, he might have directly used strong means to force Jason to submit. There is no doubt that although Chadman is very kind and kind now, how could a researcher-like mage like him not have been wiped out? What about human things?

Research in some areas of magic requires a living body, and sometimes the body of an animal does not satisfy them.

It's a pity that Jason is not something he can handle at will, because Jason has two powerful sky knights under him, and there are also an unknown number of earth knights, let alone the masters below, it depends on the city. The army stationed abroad is composed entirely of extraordinary powers, and can spy on it.

Then combined with Arthur's respect for Jason, so if something happens to Jason, he really can't imagine what kind of actions this group of people will make.

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