Lord of the North

Chapter 437 Inexplicable Hostility

Jason, who had experienced so many bad things in just one day, refused in his heart after hearing the news.

Because he always felt that there was nothing good for Emperor Harauya to seek him out, but since they had already arrived at the Imperial City of Caesar, he had no reason to refuse to attend the banquet.

Moreover, according to the hint of information revealed in Connie's words, it seemed that this banquet was specially prepared for him.

It's just that Jason hasn't forgotten that when he first met Emperor Harauia today, the other party didn't seem to like him very much, did he?

Jason, who had changed into an aristocratic dress, quickly followed Connie to the palace hall, thinking about what might happen soon.

One thing is certain, no matter what Emperor Harauja's attitude towards him is, there will definitely be nobles who stand up to make things difficult for him at this banquet.

Because it is impossible for them to watch a foreign aristocrat show off his power on his own territory. Of course, it might be better if this aristocrat is replaced by someone from another great empire.

It's a pity that Jason came from the Kingdom of Lopez. In the eyes of the southern nobles, the north is a barbaric land.

The nobles there are of course also rural nobles, and the very obvious regional discrimination is simply undisguised.

Jason couldn't understand why these people have such a sense of superiority, is it because the economic and social conditions in the south of the mainland are more prosperous?

But they seem to have forgotten one thing, the ancestors of human beings rose up in the north, and then defeated the once powerful elves, and then drove the hundreds of tribes into the Tarun Mountains little by little. status.

Finally, in the process of his wild thoughts, the four of them came to the palace hall. At this time, the place for the banquet had been set up, and there were dozens of gorgeously dressed nobles and ladies walking in it.

Of course, Emperor Harauja and his sons and daughters are also indispensable.

Immediately, Jason's expression became ugly, and he cursed secretly in his heart, what exactly does this damn Emperor Haraua want to do? !

Now that everyone else is here, he is the only one left. How will this make those nobles who are already full of discrimination and hostility towards him think of him?

Sure enough, after he appeared at the entrance of the hall, all those who noticed him stopped what they were doing, and those who didn't notice him also looked over at the prompts of the people around them.

The nobles looked at Jason with meaningful or malicious eyes, while the noble ladies and noble ladies looked at Mordred and Arthur behind Jason without any trace.

After all, compared to Jason, who was still a little young, these two knights with extraordinary temperament and outstanding appearance were more likely to attract their attention.

It stands to reason that at this moment, Emperor Harauya, who invited Jason, should stand up and introduce Jason's identity to everyone present, but he did not do so.

And Luoka, who wanted to speak, did not dare to speak because of the attitude of Emperor Harauja, so he could only stand still and worry.

Just like that, the originally lively banquet fell into a very embarrassing atmosphere because of Jason's appearance.

Immediately, the expressions of Mordred and Arthur were very ugly, and the eyes they looked at Emperor Haraua at the same time were a little different.

The instigator of all this, Emperor Harauya, was holding a glass of wine in his hand, quietly watching Jason fall into a predicament, but he had no intention of opening his mouth to rescue him.

If it wasn't for the recommendation of the great sage Chadman, how could he have invited a prince from a northern country to the Imperial City of Xisar, let alone arranged a banquet specially for him.

At that time, Simda was expelled because he was too stupid. Jason was invited here because of the great sage Chadman. In a sense, he represented the face of the great sage Chadman.

In order to avoid this powerful sage who had helped him greatly, he had to exile his son to the Iron Drum Legion in anger.

But that didn't mean he didn't have any grievances against Jason, and he also wanted to suppress the young man's spirit, so there was the situation tonight.

It's just that he overlooked one thing, Jason is not an ordinary little prince, he is considered a hegemon, with an army of tens of thousands in his hands.

His small tricks can only have a counterproductive effect on Jason. If there is a conflict, Jason will also have the confidence to rush out of the Imperial City of Xisar, and even if he cannot escape, he can bite Emperor Haruah hard. The meat comes.

So no matter how great a person is, there are times when he miscalculates, such as Emperor Harauya this time.

In the future, he must feel sorry that he didn't listen to the advice of the great sage of Chadman, because he offended a young man with great potential severely.

Jason stood there silent for a while, then raised his head and took a serious look at Emperor Haruah. Seeing the playfulness in his eyes, he took a deep breath and didn't talk to Emperor Haruah who was watching coldly. He saluted the nobles present and said: "Good evening, everyone. My name is Jason Lopez. I come from the Lopez Kingdom in the north. I was invited by His Majesty Emperor Haraua to attend this banquet."

Now that Jason had already spoken, the other nobles couldn't keep pretending to be dumb, so they all saluted him back, and at the same time were secretly startled by his boldness.

After he entered the door, he didn't salute Emperor Harauya, which was simply disrespectful to Emperor Harauya.

But what they didn't expect was that Emperor Haraua was silent for a short time, and then he stood up happily and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this is Dole Lopez from the Kingdom of Lopez." Jason Lopez, the second son of King Zi, is now the Northern Duke of the Lopez Kingdom, and he resisted the more than 100,000 troops sent by his brother half a year ago with an army of 60,000, including a heavy armor Legion, how close you youngsters are to him."

Immediately, Jason poohed his face in the mood, this is not a compliment, it is simply setting him on fire!

These imperial nobles had already had a great prejudice against him, and these young people were even more arrogant. It's no wonder that he didn't feel conflicted after hearing these words.

And why are you emphasizing that I am at war with my elder brother? You are clearly mocking me.

Jason was annoyed in his heart, but he didn't continue to argue with him, nor did he show dissatisfaction on the surface, but still nodded to the nobles present with a smile on his face.

But he made a decision in his heart that he would draw a clear line with the Emperor Harauya in the future. He asked himself that he had never offended him, but his every move was full of pettiness.

It's just that there's no need to continue to fight with him now, sometimes you have to bow your head when it's time to bow, there's nothing wrong with pretending to be stupid.

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