Jason's reaction filled the hearts of the nobles present who were planning to watch the fun with disappointment.

What they want to see more is that a stunned young man who is not afraid of death will start a conflict with the ruler of the Harauya Empire, because no matter what the result is, the reputation of the emperor will be affected.

In the eyes of many nobles of the Harauia Empire, this is good news, but it doesn't matter now, and they make things difficult for the guests they invite. Who will dare to accept his invitation to be a guest in the Imperial City of Xisar in the future?

How good it is to show off your power on your own territory, why come to this kind of occasion to be angry?

It's just that the heavy atmosphere disappeared in Jason's slightly submissive attitude, which disappointed many young people present, and at the same time looked down on him even more.

Even though Emperor Harauia was noble, in their eyes Jason represented the Kingdom of Lopez. How could they admit defeat so easily?

It's just that some of the older generation of nobles nodded slightly, and were very satisfied with Jason's choice. Only young people who know how to read the situation can go further. They have never seen a sharp-edged person who finally returned. big achievement.

Often this type of young people dies before the belt develops, and it is this kind of people who are said to be shot at the top and easy to break.

Soon the banquet was divided into three circles, one was the older generation of nobles who communicated together, and the other was young people who sat around many princes and communicated with each other.

The other one is the female relatives who accompanied the nobles.

Originally, Jason couldn't participate in the three circles, and Emperor Harauja's attitude towards him was so bad that he couldn't possibly go over there to make fun of himself.

He was not familiar with the young people on the other side, so he sat quietly in a corner drinking wine and eating the exquisite desserts prepared by the palace chefs for this banquet.

I have to say that this kind of delicacy cannot be tasted in the north, especially those delicious seafood.

In the end, the eldest prince Loka got rid of the group of young people and came over to talk to him in person, which relieved Jason's embarrassing situation, otherwise he might be the saddest guest in history.

"My dear friend, I'm really sorry. I didn't know my father would have that attitude." Loka came over and sat next to Jason and said apologetically.

He felt that it was probably because of Simda that Jason was treated this way, but he felt a little unreasonable, because the order was issued by his father himself, but he couldn't think of anything else besides this incident. It can make Emperor Harauya and Jason have an intersection.

"I'm also very strange. It stands to reason that your father called me here all the way to make me look ugly, right?" Jason's tone revealed a trace of resentment.

It is impossible for anyone not to complain about this, and Jason is still the kind of person with a relatively stable mood.

"Why don't you go over there with me? I'll introduce you to some young heroes. They are different. They are not the kind of people whose eyes are above the top. You will definitely have a lot in common."

Loka invited with some hope, and then he added: "It will be beneficial to make more friends in the future. After all, most of them will be the heirs of the great nobles of the empire in the future."

"No, thank you Your Highness for your kindness, but I don't think I will cause trouble for them." Jason said apologetically, he could see that Lorca had good intentions.

But making friends with these young people is really useless to him, and judging from the current situation he is in, making friends with them can only cause trouble for these people.

And he could also see Loka's intentions, which was to make himself his foreign aid.

Although Jason did not help him win the throne, it would always be a way out.

Seeing that Jason had no interest in these people, Loka had no choice but to give up his little thoughts, chatted with him for a while, got up and left.

After all, he has many friends over there,

Those people were the ones who could bring him real benefits, and it was impossible for him to put all his energy on Jason.

Prince Luoka had just left. Just when Jason thought he could finally be quiet for a while, another young man with an extraordinary bearing and a smile came over.

His age is only a few years younger than Loka, and he is His Royal Highness Marlow, the second prince of the Harauia Empire.

After he came over, he first asked Jason softly, "Your Highness Jason, I'm Marlo Harauia, may I sit here?"

He spoke very politely when he came up, and Jason couldn't find a reason to refuse him, so he had to ask him to sit down with a bitter face, then rubbed his forehead helplessly and said: "Dear Your Highness, Second Prince, I respect you Brothers really don’t want to meddle, and they don’t have the ability to meddle, so you don’t have to grab me, do you?”

He really just wanted to spend this period of time in the Harauja Empire in peace and stability. If the Emperor Harauja didn't tell him clearly why he invited him after a few days, he would have to take the initiative to resign.

Although Francis would still be functioning normally without him, he still felt missed.

"What is your Highness talking about?" His Highness Marlowe looked very puzzled, and he said, "I just think His Highness Jason is a very interesting person, so I just want to make friends with him."

I believe in your evil! Jason rolled his eyes in his heart, and felt speechless, so he could only apologize to him in the end.

Then Marlowe sat beside Jason very familiarly and talked with him about the noble lady present.

Jason was a little surprised to see how he commented on these noble ladies. He didn't expect that His Royal Highness, who looked very serious, would be so dishonest.

After a while, Marlowe finally stopped his long speech, then stared deeply at a woman with a slender figure and a cold face in the field and asked, "I don't know what His Royal Highness Jason thinks of my royal brother? "

Just now, he introduced these noble ladies to himself in a serious manner, and then changed a very serious topic in an instant. Jason couldn't adapt to this change for a while.

"His Royal Highness Loka and I have only known each other for a few months, and we haven't had much contact with each other." Jason took a sip of his wine and replied calmly, while his gaze remained on that On a woman with a cold face.

Because this woman was the noblest and most beautiful among all the women present, during the time he was talking with Marlowe, no less than ten young people had been deflated by her.

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