Lord of the North

Chapter 440 Dry Orchid

This banquet will continue for a long time, it may last until midnight, but Jason is already full after sitting in the corner, so he can only stare at all the people present, watching their hypocritical faces and hypocritical behaviors.

This was the same as the noble banquet in his memory, and it was also like the banquet held in the Slovenian Palace. A group of nobles gathered together with hypocritical smiles on their faces and talked loudly.

It actually caused a long-lost feeling in his heart, which made Jason feel a little dumbfounded.

Just as he was reminiscing about the past, a young man sneaked up to his side, sneakily lowered his voice and said to Jason: "Dear Your Highness Jason, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hughes Rupert."

Jason was shocked by his unique way of introducing himself. Could it be that this is someone who sneaked into the banquet scene? The guards of the palace are a little too lazy.

It's just that he had no grudge against the young man, so he didn't expose him on the spot, so he nodded and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Hughes."

Immediately afterwards, he said very kindly, Mr. Hughes, there are guards around here. If there is nothing important, I can cover you and sneak out safely.

With the wisdom of Hughes, how could he not have guessed what Jason thought, so he said with a dark face in embarrassment: "I am one of the guests at this banquet, the only son of the Rupert family, the future Rupert Marquis."

As soon as Jia Zhen heard it, her head got bigger again, and she didn't want to communicate with the heirs of these great nobles, because some troubles are always easy to happen. He learned from His Royal Highness Luoka that the Rupert family is one of the most staunch supporters of the fourth prince. , so his attitude gradually became indifferent: "Then, respected future heir of the Rupert family, do you have anything to do with me? If there is nothing important, please leave, because you may disturb some noble ladies and me strike up a conversation."

In the end, he didn't forget to hack Hughes. This sentence can be understood as you are too ugly, and you may scare those noble ladies, so please stay away from me.

Hearing this, Hughes' face became even darker. He suddenly understood how the fourth prince felt at that time. This man's mouth was so poisonous that people wanted to kick him in the face.

But for the cause of the fourth prince, he still resisted Jason's provocation, and he said to Jason very sincerely: "Dear Your Highness Jason, I have no malicious intentions, I am here to resolve the dispute between you and the fourth prince." Hatred."

But I didn't expect Jason to be shocked when he heard the words. He lowered his voice and exclaimed: "Oh, my God! I actually have a grudge against the noble fourth prince. How can I, a pathetic country nobleman, have a relationship with him?" Do such big men meet? You must have misremembered!"

This is Chi Guoguo's ridicule. Thinking of the temper of the fourth prince, Hughes can immediately guess that the words "country noble" must have spit out from the mouth of the fourth prince. But it's embarrassing.

A prince was ridiculed as a country noble. If this kind of thing spread, I am afraid that the royal family of the Harauia Empire would lose face. No wonder His Majesty the Emperor was so angry at that time.

So he could only continue to explain to Jason with a cheeky face: "Dear Your Highness Jason, this must be a misunderstanding, and His Highness the Fourth Prince was also dazzled by anger at that time."

Jason waved his hand and said, "Really? I'm also getting carried away by anger now, so you better stop talking to me about this."

Still angry, angry ass! He and His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince had no grievances in the past or recent days, and attacked him personally as soon as they met. How could Jason endure such a thing?

Now he still wants to say lightly and expose this matter because of anger, he must be thinking too much.

Hughes scratched his hair in distress when he heard the words. He found that the task his father entrusted to him did not seem to be so easy to complete. This Prince Jason simply didn't get into it.

It seems that I can't achieve my goal today, and I can only plan it slowly in the future.

So he sighed, stood up and saluted Jason and said, "Your Highness Jason, please believe me, there is a big misunderstanding in this, Your Highness, you are not the kind of person you imagined, when he It was also calculated by someone, and it was just a coincidence to humiliate you."

"Coincidence, where do so many coincidences come from in this world? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" Jason sneered, do these people from the Haruah Empire really think of themselves as fools?

Seeing that Jason couldn't listen to his words at all, Hughes had no choice but to leave angrily and report to his father.

But after he left, Jason narrowed his eyes. Although he pretended to be very angry, he was like a mirror in his heart. He had already noticed that something was wrong, because in his news, the fourth prince Although His Highness is a little reckless, he should not be the kind of person who just looks for trouble.

It's just that he shouldn't change his attitude hastily, because that would easily arouse hostility and contempt from others, and in this way, his life in the Haruah Empire would be even more difficult.

It seems that I have to contact Hughes secretly afterwards, but it is best to leave this kind of thing to other people, such as Cu Chulainn who stayed outside the imperial city.

Just when he thought that everything tonight was over and no one would come to him again, Miss Ada, whom he and His Royal Highness Marlowe had been staring at before, suddenly walked away slowly with a glass of wine Come over and sit down next to Jason.

After sitting down, her cold and crisp voice sounded slowly: "Your Highness Jason, can I sit here?"

Jia Feng rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "You have to sit down and still ask me, it seems that tonight will not stop." After tonight, he is destined to become a thorn in the eyes of the nobles of the imperial city.

"You are such an interesting person." Miss Ada said with a light smile, her smile was very beautiful, like the melting of ice and snow and the recovery of the earth.

Although Vetterier's appearance was not inferior to her at all, Jason was still stunned for a moment, but Miss Ada's smile was fleeting, as if she had never appeared before.

"I'm indeed an interesting person, but I don't like to sit with a dangerous person." Because Jason smelled a very faint smell on Ada's body, which was overwhelmed by the smell of her perfume. To cover up, if Jason was not familiar with this smell, he might not be able to smell it.

Because, this smell is also present in the people of Hassan and Crow,

A smell called dried orchids is very beautiful, but it is highly poisonous. Assassins on this continent like to smear the poison extracted from it on their weapons. If people who are cut by this weapon are not treated in time, they will die. Will soon die of poison.

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