Lord of the North

Chapter 441: The Creation Collapses

A top student of the Royal Knights Academy, with a dean and teacher as the backing, her future achievements are limitless, such a thing as political marriage will never happen to her, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to connect this kind of girl with a killer together.

But the fact is that it is so full of drama, and those who are truly full of knightly glory don't bother to use this kind of insidious poison.

So Jason was secretly wary of Miss Ada, so he took a step aside without leaving a trace.

But every killer's perception is superhuman. Miss Ada quickly discovered Jason's little tricks, and she secretly smiled in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on the surface.

She didn't expect that His Royal Highness Jason, who dominates the north, would be so cautious, or timid, and she couldn't help but feel a little contempt for him, but what Miss Ada didn't know was that her identity as a killer had been captured by Jia. Fern saw through.

So she chuckled and asked, "What? Do I look terrible?"

Jason shook his head when he heard the words, and replied with a slightly bitter expression: "No, no, no, Miss Ada is very beautiful, as dazzling as the stars in the sky, but I am really afraid that I will be eaten alive by your suitor , you also know that I am just a small country nobleman, how can I be compared with these big noble children? Look at the people present, there are some people who want to stand up and teach me."

His words were half true and half false, and his expression was pitiful, which made Ada wonder whether he should believe him or not.

But Ada still put on an angry expression, and said with a slightly reproachful tone: "Your Highness Jason is embarrassing me. If you really hate me so much, then I will leave now."

After finishing speaking, he got up immediately, pretending to turn around and leave. Normally, at such a time, if he were a more aristocratic man, he would ask to stay, but Jason still sat motionless in his seat, Then he looked at Miss Ada's back with great interest.

He didn't believe that Ada would come to him for no reason, and then leave without gaining anything. He had seen many such small tricks in his previous life.

It's just that what he did made some young men around who had been paying attention to him filled with righteous indignation, wishing they could rush over and give him a hard fix. Unfortunately, the elders in the family had told him that during this period of time, he must not be provoked. The Prince of Lopez.

It's a pity that Jia Zhen is not interested in their attitude, and Quan pretends not to see it.

After a while, as expected by Jason, Miss Ada stood there for a while, then turned around and sat down again.

This action of hers shocked the eyes of many people around. It looked like Ada was sticking upside down on Jason. Even His Majesty Haraua and many nobles on the other side looked at him curiously after hearing the movement. moved over.

It's just that His Majesty Harauja's expression is not very good, because Ada is the wife candidate he is looking for for his fourth son, and he originally thought that he would go to the Wenze family and Earl Wenze to discuss this matter after a while.

But looking at the current situation, this matter seems to be getting worse.

Although Jason guessed the development of the matter, he still rubbed his forehead in distress. Those who come are not kind, and those who are kind will not come.

It must not be a good thing to find someone to accompany me at this time. It seems that my luck has been exhausted in the north. After coming to the south, it has been very unsatisfactory.

So he sighed and said, "Dear Miss Ada, is there anything we can't talk about in private? Do we have to say it in a place full of people? I'm in a situation where you don't know I know, you are making trouble for me."

But I didn't expect Miss Ada to raise her eyebrows as a matter of course, and said a little playfully: "I know, but I did it on purpose, didn't you see it?"

At the same time, I cursed in my heart, who told you to embarrass me just now.

Therefore, women are the least likely to be offended, because you will never be able to guess their thoughts.

Hearing this, Jason took a breath: "This is the first time we met today. We have no grievances in the past, and we have no grievances in recent days. There is no need to punish me like this, right?"

At the same time, the look in her eyes has changed, with a little hostility, but there is still more doubt in the depths of the eyes. It seems that the Wenze family does not support any prince. It stands to reason that there is no conflict between them.

Even the dean of the Royal Knights Academy has never had contact or conflicts of interest between them. After arriving in the Halauja Empire, he has only seen Lawrence who guards the palace, and the unreliable Just a great sage.

And besides the great sage, he didn't take the initiative to conflict with others.

After hearing Jason's words, Ada blushed slightly, because she hadn't thought about it so much before, but she still said stubbornly: "I heard that you were angry at the fourth prince at the gate of the palace, just now Even the second prince's invitation was ignored, and Hughes should have come to you to resolve the grievances between you and the fourth prince, but you also fooled him away, I thought you were not afraid of anything."

God is pitiful, he doesn't want to have too much contact with these people, it's all because he doesn't want to have too much intersection with the Harauria Empire, and before that, he really had the purpose of making friends with the Harauria Empire.

Because this will be of great help to his future, but now that purpose has been left behind by him, and now he can live here safely for a few days, and then leave safely, which is his greatest wish.

The water in the Hallauia Empire is too muddy, and now he doesn't want to stay here for a moment, because not only is there no benefit to fish for, but he may also put himself in it if he is not careful.

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it. Don't talk about him here." Jason sighed again. Although this girl is very likely to be a killer, she doesn't seem to be particularly sophisticated. This mouth is too long-winded. .

It doesn't quite match her cold appearance and repulsive temperament. If her suitors know about it, I'm afraid the persona of the iceberg goddess in their hearts will collapse.

"Alright alright."

Ada waved her hand and decided not to continue chatting with Jason. She lowered her voice and said solemnly, "Your Highness Jason, have you heard of the Son of Nature?"

Although she was asking Jason, the look in her eyes showed that she was sure that Jason must have seen the Son of Nature.

Hearing this, Jason's pupils shrank, his face changed slightly, and the gaze he looked at Ada changed again. He stared firmly at Ada's eyes, trying to see something from her eyes.

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