Lord of the North

Chapter 443: The End

If it is true as they said, the Wenzer family was just a small family before discovering the giant gold mine, and could they swell to the extent that they coveted the secrets of the Holy See in just two or three years?

And Ada seems to be very familiar with some of the shady actions of the Hallauia royal family.

But having said that, being able to form an extraordinary army that can be compared with the holy knights is indeed tempting enough, just looking at the role played by the Spartan warriors in these crises.

Thinking of this, Jason couldn't help but licked his lips, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes, and he had to say that he became interested in this secret.

But his action was misinterpreted by others.

Especially those young people showed expressions of grief and indignation. They saw Ada's intimate actions with him just now and the "blushing" face when he left.

If Jason knew what they were thinking, he would definitely be wronged. What kind of shyness was there? It was obviously her pretending, but Jason didn't need to explain to them.

In Jason's bored to moldy state, tonight's banquet finally came to an end.

All the nobles bid farewell to Emperor Harauia one after another, and then left with their heirs. Jason took a look and ran to Emperor Harauia, and said with a slightly respectful tone: "Your Majesty, I have come to Xisar I haven't had time to pay my respects to the customs here after the imperial city, so I won't stay in the accommodation you arranged tonight, I will take my guards to the imperial city and find a hotel to stay in."

Although the other party's attitude towards him was average or even bad, Jason still showed no impatience or indifference, after all, he was still on his territory.

Emperor Harauia gave him a deep look when he heard the words. Lawrence had already told him what he heard just now, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart and said, "Please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

Then just when Jason was about to turn around and leave, Emperor Haruah took another deep look at him, and said in a low voice: "Two days later, the great sage and I have an important matter to discuss with you. In the palace, I hope you can attend on time at that time."

Is it finally here? The real purpose of being invited to the Halauia Empire this time, Jason shrank his pupils and nodded slightly.

He has always been curious that all his people have arrived, why he didn't explain the matter clearly today, and now it seems that the leader of this matter is the great sage, and besides them, there are other participants who have not arrived.

This made Jason unable to bear a headache and distress. If he had known that he would have excused himself from the busy affairs of the territory, it would have been better if he hadn't come.

After Jason left, Emperor Harauja kept looking at his back. For some reason, he suddenly felt wary of Jason.

He felt that he might need to go back and put his private senses aside and give this young man a good evaluation.

"Lawrence, follow up and see what he and Ada are going to do tonight." Emperor Harauja said to Lawrence who was standing aside.

He didn't think that a girl like Ada would let go of her principles for so many years just because she met someone who didn't say a few words. His sons and many noble youths showed love to her more than once.

The final result was to be ignored, but his attitude towards Jason was a bit unusual, combined with some rumors, this had to make him vigilant.

Unexpectedly, Lawrence smiled wryly, and said to Emperor Haraua in distress: "But Your Majesty the Emperor, he is still accompanied by that strong man named Arthur. If I approach rashly, I am afraid it will cause some trouble." Conflict and misunderstanding."

At this moment, Emperor Haruah woke up with a start, only to remember the power around Jason, even he had to take it seriously once it broke out.

This made him couldn't help pinching his brows, and said wearily: "What's wrong with me? How could I lose my temper because of a young man? My beloved Lawrence,

Do you think I am old? "

"Your Majesty is in the prime of life, I am very envious, how can you be old?" Lawrence said with a smile.

Emperor Haruah returned to his seat, waved away the servants who were going to clean up the mess, and ordered to Lawrence: "You don't have to monitor what they are going to do tonight, send someone to monitor his residence , as long as there are no accidents, but it is still necessary to report their every move that can be seen."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lawrence replied with a smile when he saw that Emperor Haraua had suddenly figured it out for some reason.

Not long after, a group of soldiers in black soft armor appeared from the palace, and then followed in the direction Jason left.

On the other side, Hughes saw Jason board Ada's carriage at the gate of the palace, and then watched them leave in the direction of the hotel. He felt a deep sense of powerlessness in addition to his astonishment.

That's right, maybe there is no need to continue to mend the relationship with Jason. If Prince Simda finds out about this, he might explode on the spot.

Before that, he had always regarded Ida Wenzer as his future wife, and even Emperor Harauja had acquiesced in this matter, so he planned to come to propose marriage after a while.

Although Ada herself might not quite agree, uh...it should be said to be very contradictory, but even her dean teacher may have to think carefully about the matter that His Majesty personally acquiesced.

But now it seems... Does this Jason have some magical powers? After studying Jason's information, he knew that Willett, the eldest lady of the Kyle Chamber of Commerce, who was once incomparably brilliant in the south, also fell in love with Jason.

The former suitor was the Grand Knight Commander of the Knights Templar of the Holy See, known as the person most likely to become a Sky Knight before the age of thirty-five.

And it is said that he may even become the future pope.

Hughes, who was bitter and helpless in his heart, could only board his carriage with a little dejection, and drove to the family residence. He wanted to take a good look at what happened today, and then discuss with his father what to do next.

On the other hand, because the second prince who owns a manor in the Imperial City of Xisar also left the palace, he listened to the report of his subordinates in amazement. He really didn't expect that Jason would be able to get involved with Ada. .

"The water is getting muddier now. I think it's better for us not to mix it up, otherwise it will be troublesome if we do something self-defeating." He smiled and said to Tolan beside him.

He was just joking, but he didn't expect Tolan to think very seriously for a while and said: "Jason is too difficult to control, maybe it would be a good decision to withdraw from it."

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