Lord of the North

Chapter 444 She's Dangerous

Hearing that the second prince was stunned immediately, he looked at Tolan in disbelief.

He knew this best friend of his very well. Although he looked particularly weak, it was only on the surface. His pride and persistence were no lower than anyone else's.

But now he has the idea of ​​retreating because of this incident.

"Do you really think so?" After a moment of silence, the second prince looked up at Tolan solemnly and asked.

Tolan did not evade his question this time, but answered very seriously: "Yes, Your Highness, I don't think we need to win over Jason Lopez. He is from the Kingdom of Lopez. The empire is thousands of miles away, even if you win over him, it will not be of great help to you, why are you and the other highnesses in such a hurry?"

The second prince was silent when he heard the words. He took a deep breath, thought for a while before saying in a deep voice: "I didn't tell you clearly about this at the beginning, but you must believe me. All in all, it is a great help. The reason why he came to the Harauia Empire this time is not that simple, and he himself may not know what the purpose of his father's invitation is, but his role will definitely play a pivotal role in the future. Those who offend him now are looking for unhappy future for themselves."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "My grandfather told me this through a dead man in the family. There is absolutely no mistake."

Tolan's pupils shrank slightly after hearing this sentence. The Duke of Warren, the most powerful sealed nobleman in the empire, revealed this matter to the second prince through his family's dead men, not himself. It can be seen that this There must be a lot of involvement in this matter, otherwise he wouldn't be so cautious.

"And the battle between us around Jason Lopez has already started, whoever launches it first will admit defeat." The second prince shook his head slightly.

Tolan lowered his head and said shamelessly, "I understand, Your Highness."

As for the first prince, there is no such luxurious lineup of followers as the second prince and the fourth prince. Because the first prince is cautious, there are not a large number of noble children gathered around him.

This also led to the fact that when encountering problems, there were not many nobles to advise him, and only a group of generals from the Withered Leaves Legion helped him.

But it is really difficult for them to deal with these things with a group of soldiers who are good at fighting, conspiring and scheming, so they sat together and scratched their heads, watching Loka a little speechless: "I'm not in a hurry, you are here What's the rush?"

"Your Highness, according to what you said, Jason Lopez has been drawn in by His Highness the Second Prince and the Fourth Prince, which is enough to show that his identity is very important, but you have not married him after traveling with him for so long. How can we not be in a hurry?" A big man with a beard stood up suddenly when he heard the words, and said loudly, saliva flying all over the place.

After hearing what he said, Luo Ka silently added in his heart that the sixth prince had also approached him. The story of Kecole visiting Jason in the palace had spread among many princes, but of course this kind of thing Can't say it.

"Howell, sit down first." He waved his hands dumbfoundingly to let him go back to his seat first.

Then he said: "If Duke Jason Lopez was so easy to win over, then I would have succeeded in the past few months at sea, so your worries are unnecessary."

"Tennyson." At this moment, a middle-aged general sitting next to Lorca suddenly called out his name.

"Eh? Sir Simon, you call me?" A drowsy and rough general below stood up abruptly and looked at Lorca in embarrassment. He was the guard who was in charge of guarding the ship that Lorca was on when sailing at sea. sir.

Although lacking in resourcefulness, he is very brave. This time he followed from the Withered Leaf Army to be responsible for Luoka's guard work.

Simon shook his head immediately when he saw him like this. He had nothing to do with this nervous guy: "Tennyson, I remember that you have a good relationship with the man named Cu Chulainn next to Duke Jason. Bar?"

When on the boat, this reckless man challenged Cu Chulainn persistently because he also used a gun.

Because of this, Cu Chulainn taught him a few tricks casually, so some friendship was formed between them.

It's just that even Cu Chulainn can beat Tennyson, who is only at the knight level, to the ground every time without using extraordinary strength.

"No way, he just taught me a few pistol skills casually." Tennyson scratched his hair in embarrassment and replied, how could such a person befriend such a small person like him.

"That can be regarded as half of your teacher, maybe we can get in touch with Cu Chulainn who stayed outside the city first." General Simon said with an unquestionable smile: "Tennyson, this task is entrusted to you .”

"Ah?!" Stani was stunned for a moment, what's going on? He's not that thick-skinned!


Early the next morning, Jason walked out of the room with big dark circles under his eyes, followed by Miss Ida Wenzer with light makeup on.

He stayed up all night after listening to Ada's words last night, because the news she revealed was really shocking. He didn't expect the Holy See to have other secrets besides doing human experiments like magic swordsmen.

It's just that Jason has to figure out whether it's true or not. After all, it's impossible for him to believe whatever Ada says. It's just because of the conversation last night that he and Ada made a verbal agreement.

After being escorted by Arthur and Mordred out of the hotel gate, Jason looked up at Ida with a smile and said, "Beautiful Miss Ada, don't leave in a hurry, acting must be a trap, right?"

In the dark, there are quite a few nobles' eyeliner staring at it. It would be bad if it gets worn out.


Ada rolled her eyes, and suddenly put on a charming expression, which made Jason unable to realize which one was the real her.

She leaned over to Jason and smiled coquettishly, and said with a pun, "Honey, I'll see you another day." Then she turned around and lightly jumped into the carriage that was already waiting outside.

Watching her leave, Jason turned and went back to the hotel. His previous smile disappeared, and his face sank and his eyes flickered. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, but I don't think you should have too much contact with this woman." Mordred said suddenly, "She is very similar to my mother, very dangerous."

Arthur's expression on the side changed slightly, and even Jason couldn't help muttering to himself: "Morgan?"

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