Lord of the North

Chapter 448 Internal and external troubles...

With the influence of the Holy See, it is still very simple to "lease" a few seaports in some coastal countries, but this group of guys who flaunt justice are always restless.

In addition to collecting money for the Holy See, they would go to sea to suppress some pirate groups when they had nothing to do, but one of them made them encircle and suppress for more than ten years without success.

This pirate group is the pirate group formed by the Shelley family. It is a pirate family with a long history. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the pirate kings of different worlds. Pirate members.

Moreover, they have also established their own strongholds and settlements on some islands far away from the mainland. This power is comparable to the sea power of some coastal countries.

This is a very principled pirate family, they only want money and don't kill their lives, but Jason looked at them differently, because Jason had just established the North Sea Caravan based on the foundation of the Katsura Club. At that time, they encountered a looting by them.

For this reason, Jason also lost tens of thousands of gold coins in goods, which made him heartbroken for a while when he was not particularly rich in funds.

However, he has no plans to settle accounts with the Shelley family. After all, it has been so long, and there is no need to make troubles with people over tens of thousands of gold coins. The bad attitude towards the elves and Andes before is entirely because of his current situation. caused by these two camps.

Although the elves cannot represent the hundred clans, he is also one of the hundred clans, and Jason does not believe that the elves will not participate in it.

Facts have proved that Jason's guess was correct. It was indeed a member of the elves who participated in the plan against him. It was just a tree elf, and now he has been persuaded by Jerome to stay in Ludi An Empire helped him deal with Raines.

After the last alliance member raised his head, everyone present couldn't help drooling, because he looked a little scary, and his exposed skin seemed to have been burned by a fire.

"Battista, representing the Council of Lurkers." His voice was very hoarse and harsh, and very cold.

At this time, Taylor, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but said, "Batista, I didn't expect you to be alive and join the Council of Lurkers." It seemed that they knew each other.

"Hehe, Knight Commander Taylor, you are not dead, how could I die?" Unexpectedly, Batista's words were full of gunpowder when he spoke, which was more vicious than Jason's words when he was angry with the elves.

It's just that Taylor didn't fight back. Instead, he sighed and closed his eyes. He didn't have the consciousness to get back on the field at all, but it also made Jason feel unreliable in this alliance.

Internal and external troubles...

"Perhaps many of you here have never heard of the Council of Lurkers. The mermaids and dragons there are mixed together, and the discipline of the peripheral members is extremely poor, but they are all people who are hostile to the Holy See or have a deep hatred, and what I look like is Thanks to the Holy See."

Speaking of this, Batista also took a look at Taylor: "Our Templar Knight Commander Taylor was among the members of the Knights Templar who rounded me up. Fortunately, I was rescued by members of the Council of Lurkers when I was executed at the stake. But it left a scar that couldn't be healed."

In the end, he sneered: "Perhaps those people in the Holy See thought that even if I was rescued, I would be a useless person? But unfortunately, I am now stronger than before."

Jason secretly clicked his tongue. The Holy See is glamorous and inviolable on the surface, but he didn't expect there to be so many enemies behind it? He thought their opponent was only Dark Blue Cross Star.

"Ahem, no matter what, we are able to get together now because we have a common goal. I hope that everyone here can let go of the gap between each other and defeat the hegemony of the Holy See together." Having finished my introduction, the Great Sage Chadman spoke to stabilize the situation.

"There is no such thing as a leader in our league,

We are all equal to each other, whether it is the Deep Blue Cross, the Halauja Empire, or the Eye of Truth behind me. "

I have to say that this dispelled some people's worries, so they all nodded, but Jason looked at Graham and Andes strangely when he heard the words, wondering whether they represented the dark blue cross or the kingdom of lions .

Because from what Gwendolin said back then, Jason felt that her relationship with Dark Blue Cross Star was not as close as it appeared on the surface.

In the end, the meeting ended in a calm atmosphere, and this time the meeting was just to get to know each other, and an agreement on mutual assistance and protection of resources was finalized.

And it has formulated an agreement that members of the alliance will never attack each other and supervise each other.

In addition, the action of eliminating the forces outside the Holy See needs to be discussed by all parties, and it must be carried out very secretly. Therefore, they all need to leave their own confidantes in the Haruah Empire who can take charge of their own affairs and make decisions. Act as a liaison.

Due to the particularity of the barbarians and elves, they only need to provide military help to other member forces.

It's just that Jason took the agreement of non-aggression as a joke, because the alliance of hundreds of clans headed by the three clans was vigorous and unbreakable, but in the end, humans still betrayed the hundred clans.

As a result, hundreds of tribes were driven to the Talun Mountains to survive with hatred. The dwarf human race was almost wiped out before the humans betrayed them, and they withdrew from the alliance, so the human race expressed their disapproval.

After walking out of the old castle and coming to a place without people, Jason looked at the distant forest and couldn't help but let out a long sigh, with a rather helpless expression on his face.

It's just that the most meaningful thing about this meeting is that he no longer has to worry about his sea caravan being attacked by the Shelley Pirates, and he has also developed a powerful sea trading partner.

Mordred stepped forward and asked suspiciously: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"


Jason shook his head, squeezed his eyebrows a little tiredly, and then said to him: "Mordred, I trust and rest assured of your ability and strength, I hope you can take me with you after I leave. with ten Spartans sitting in the Halauia Empire, delivering news to me and representing me at alliance meetings."

Mordred's face became serious when he heard the words, and he said in a deep voice, "I will definitely not disappoint your great trust."

"But be sure to watch out for your own safety."

Jason patted him on the shoulder: "The Black Crow's power in the Haruah Empire is still very weak, but I can hand them over to you to command."

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