Lord of the North

Chapter 449 What are you trying to do?

Everything finally came to an end, and Jason was about to embark on the return journey, but before that he still had a grand banquet to attend.

The huge change in Emperor Harauia's attitude made him a little confused, and his enthusiasm made Jason feel very awkward. After all, this old man was in trouble when he first arrived in Harauia!

Jason felt that he could write a history of blood and tears by virtue of this encounter. For the sake of the relationship between the two parties, he had to hold back his anger, and even had to smile. It was really not easy.

It's just that the thing that made him feel a little headache came to him again, and now he finally understood why the group of princes surrounded him like sharks smelling blood.

It turned out that some people did not know where they got the news, and hinted or even directly revealed it to these princes.

But what made him feel strange was that, according to Kecole, the fourth prince and the sixth prince should be brothers of the same mother, but the actions of the fourth prince did not seem to know these things.

It stands to reason that the fourth prince, who is more favored by Emperor Harauja, should be given more attention, but why is it the opposite from the performance of Kekel?

In the end, Jason decided not to pay attention to the family affairs of the Halauia Empire, nor did he want to get involved in the interest dispute between the Keith family and the two princes.

According to his guess, it might be that the fourth prince got too close to some other families in the empire, which caused the head of the Keith family to be unhappy, right? After all, that guy doesn't look like a person who knows how to judge the situation.

So impulsive.

Even knowing that Jason was a guest invited by Emperor Haruah, he still wanted to provoke him. This can no longer be described as a wink.

I don't know why Emperor Harauja doted on his fourth son so much. No matter how capable and talented this kind of person is, ascending to the throne will probably only bring disaster to the Harauia Empire, right?

It's just that now is not the time to think about these things, because the lingering second prince came to him again and invited Jason to attend a small banquet at his place.

It stands to reason that Jason is also a duke no matter what, no matter how remote and backward his fief is, he can still be regarded as a big boss, right? And Marlowe is just a prince, so inviting him like this is really against the rules, but there is no way, Jason is too young, it is difficult to arouse awe in a short time.

"I appreciate His Highness the Second Prince's wishes, but I will return to the north after a while, and your father will also discuss some cooperation with me, so things like banquets..." Jason looked a little embarrassed , but the meaning of what you want to express is already obvious.

He didn't want to be misunderstood by King Haruah, and he really didn't want to get in touch with the second prince who was always smiling.

The smiling tiger is the scariest thing. Among these brothers, the eldest prince is probably the only one who has been in contact with Jason, right?

It's a pity that he is the oldest, but the situation is so sad. His brothers are stronger than the other, and Jason looks a little sad.

"It won't take up too much of your time, and my father will definitely support me to get in touch with you and learn more. After all, young and promising people like you are...too rare." Marlowe's tone was very respectful, and Didn't give up because of Jason's answer.

But the corners of Jason's mouth twitched slightly after hearing the words, you are about thirty years old, right? And why didn't I know that I was so good?

To be honest, Jason still has a very intuitive understanding of his abilities. Without the help of Lancelot and the others, it is basically impossible for him to get to this day, okay?

Jason, who was determined not to have too much contact with these princes, had to have a showdown with him after much deliberation, so he thought about his words before saying: "Dear Prince Marlowe, you have to understand, I feel that in your It is inappropriate to have too much contact with foreign ministers before becoming the crown prince.

Not to mention that I have close contacts with great nobles from other countries like me, so..."

Jason gestured casually: "Do you understand what I mean?"

He has always been very puzzled by the behavior of these princes to attract foreign aid from the nobles to support him, and to show his father his ability, especially when his father's body is still strong.

At this time, you start to win over your father's vassals in order to fight for power. What are you trying to do?

Are you planning to rebel against your great father? I'm afraid that Emperor Harauia would push back this idea just after it came out. Although he might not lose his life, it is inevitable to lose his fate with the throne and freedom.

If King Lopez hadn't suddenly relapsed from his old injury and fell ill, the Marquis of Garcia would not have been able to cover the sky with one hand in the Kingdom of Lopez.

When King Lopez regained consciousness, everything had become a foregone conclusion, and he had lost his freedom, so he could only pin his hopes on the backhand he had left in advance, who could compete with Garcia and most of the nobles in the kingdom Your Majesty the Marquis of Asa.

But looking back at the actions of the Marquis of Asa now, it seems that he did not intend to rescue King Lopez.

Until now, Jason didn't know what his uncle was planning. It seemed that everything was not going the way he had told himself.

And his explanation at that time seems to be full of loopholes now, but Jason needed an ally and a supporter with enough influence at the time, so after listening to his explanation, he didn't think much about it.

"I understand what you mean, but you also need to understand that in many cases, we don't have to do it if we don't want to do it. If I can't bring benefits to them, then in their eyes, I am not the most suitable person for investment support. It's gone." Prince Marlowe looked very helpless.

"Dirty profit transactions and power changes, I understand." Jason gave him a look that everyone is a victim.

Some princes are born with a strong political color, just like Marlowe’s uncle, a powerful nobleman, and he is naturally in the Marlowe camp. Just imagine if other princes ascended to the throne, this family can continue. So will the moistness continue?

Now that I think about this kind of thing, the two brothers of the Lopez family probably can't understand it, because he and his elder brother Phil's uncle are some big scams, a king who chose the dark blue cross and imprisoned himself .

The purpose of the other is unknown now, but it is very possible to support the army and stand on its own.

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