Lord of the North

Chapter 451 Alliance relationship? Who said that?

Phil stared blankly at the kind-eyed old man who looked a little weird because of the strange purple pattern painted on his face. The most striking thing was the unicorn on his head. It was obvious that this was Sandra's kin.

Just judging from Sandra's attitude, this old man's status is not low.

In addition, the old man's unicorn is not as white as Sandra's, but a little withered yellow, as if full of historical vicissitudes, it doesn't look so holy.

"My Grand Duchess, don't you want to introduce to me the identity of this... old man?" Phil narrowed his eyes and reached out his hand to signal.

He is not in a good mood now, and he is secretly vigilant, because after he entered the hall, the old man didn't even look at him directly.

This made him unclear about the old man's attitude towards him. Although he had recruited many masters in the past few years, the last strong man of the earth in the Heshouhui also joined him.

Because Jason buried the kasha with his own hands, hatred and desire for power made the strong man make this decision.

But Phil still didn't have enough confidence to confront this seemingly harmless old man head-on, because Sandra alone was not so easy to deal with.

"Heh heh heh, I don't think you are as stupid as little Sandra said, at least you can see the situation clearly." Unexpectedly, before Sandra opened his mouth, the old man spoke, but his words Make Phil's face a little black.

Even Sandra's expression was a bit awkward, after all, it is not honorable to say bad things about someone behind the scenes and be exposed in person.

Fortunately, Phil is not in the mood to care about these things, because just now the master Ocassie, who took the remnants of the kashou club and joined him, reminded himself in a low voice that this old man is much more dangerous than Sandra.

Even he wasn't sure about escaping from the old man's grasp, and before that, this situation only happened when he confronted Lancelot, but fortunately, he had already taken refuge in Phil at that time, representing Let Phil go to discuss the Trade Act with Zola.

Otherwise, how could he appear to be okay to confront Lancelot, who had killed two strong hands of the earth? Isn't that courting death!

"I am Sandra's grandfather, Elder Axel of the Holy Spirit Clan. In the future, I will be in charge of the cooperation between the Holy Spirit Clan and you." Get up and say, Sandra quickly reached out to hold his arm.

Phil's eyelids twitched as he watched, afraid that the old guy would suddenly fall down and die.

At the same time, I crazily complained in my heart, at such an advanced age, you should quickly abdicate and give way to the virtuous, do you still want to hold power in your hands until you die?

Because he remembered that Sandra had crazily accused the clan elders of their inaction and pedantry before, and combined with this person's words, he had every reason to think that this Axel was one of them.

At this moment, Axel looked up at him, those cloudy eyes gave him enormous pressure for some reason, and seemed to be able to see through the bottom of his heart.

"I know what you're thinking. Young people nowadays don't know how to cover up their thoughts. Little Sandra is like this, and so are you. They are too immature. Don't worry."

As he walked down, Mr. Axel said in a rambling manner: "Do you think I don't want to abdicate early? I'm over four hundred years old! But today's young people can't be alone! If I retire , the Holy Spirit Race and its vassal races will be beaten to the bottom by the Elf Race guys sooner or later!"

The corner of Phil's mouth twitched, this old guy talked a lot...

"Little Sandra is not bad, but she is too young, how can she play tricks with those sun elves without deep experience in the world?" The old man still did not stop talking, and finally Sandra felt a little embarrassed.

So she lowered her voice and said, "Grandpa, please don't say a few words, first ask His Royal Highness Phil what he is looking for us for.

"As she spoke, she also glanced at the heavily armed guards behind Phil who were facing an enemy.

"Oh, yes, yes, please, please don't blame your highness Phil. It's easy to say a few more words when you get older. Little Sandra's father often said that about me, and he disliked me for talking too much, but I did it for him. Okay, this damn brat, he went out more than 200 years ago and kidnapped an elf wife without my consent. Even the elves almost hit the door! Are these elves easy to provoke? They are so arrogant, I have always looked down on other races!" After that, there was a lot of blah blah blah.

Sandra covered her forehead in embarrassment and helplessness. She finally understood why her father did not come to the relatively stable north, and had to stay in the south to deal with the masters of the Holy See.

Although Phil also had some headaches, he also got a lot of information from the old man. It turned out that Miss Sandra was not a pure-blood Holy Spirit, but a mixed blood of Holy Spirit and Elf.

But this news is of no use to him, except that there is one more thing...

"Dear elder, let me interrupt for a moment, you mean elves?" Phil said with interest.

It's just that the old man Axel was stunned for a while as if he didn't realize it, and then said: "Yes, little Sandra's mother is an elf, and she was originally a candidate for the guardian of the elves, but I didn't expect I was abducted by my son, and the group of arrogant sun elves almost fought with us because of this matter."

Seeing that the old man was about to start a long speech again, Phil quickly stopped him: "No, no, I'm not talking about this one, but the previous one. You said you were playing tricks with the sun elves? Isn't the relationship between your hundreds of clans an alliance?"

Now Axel's expression became a little surprised: "Alliance relationship? Who said that?"

"Isn't there a Council of Hundred Clans among you?" Phil opened his mouth. Could it be that the intelligence that humans have been giving for so many years is all wrong? That would be cheating.

"Yes." The old man nodded.

Then you still say that there is no alliance between you? Phil's face was so long at that time, do you think I'm a fool?

"The relationship between the Hundred Clans is very complicated. Didn't Little Sandra explain it to you carefully?" Axel quickly understood the misunderstanding, so he said with a smile.

"Explain what?"

"The relationship between the hundreds of clans and the significance of the existence of the Hundred Clans Council."

Axel smiled and said: "There is actually a cruel competitive relationship among the hundreds of clans, and the council of hundreds of clans is only a show when it comes to fighting humans."

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