Hearing this, Phil's expression is simply wonderful, which can be called a face-changing stunt in a different world. Could it be that human beings have been getting the news inside the Hundred Clans wrong?

And I also seem to think that my allies are too powerful. No wonder Sandra is so petty when she supports herself.

"What do you mean?" Phil's expression was as if he had eaten a fly. He felt that he was a little bloated before, and he should keep a low profile in the future.

After all, his ally is not as tall and stalwart as he imagined. Although he may still be a giant, he is much shorter than he imagined.

"What I mean is that although the Talun Mountains have a vast area, comparable to half of the Lopez Kingdom, there are only so many places suitable for living. It is not so easy to feed millions of members of hundreds of tribes, so the relationship between each other Competition is indispensable, and it is more tragic than the struggle between you humans." Axel said with a grin.

"The Council of Hundred Clans will only be restarted when facing a large-scale human attack or counterattacking humans. At other times, this title is just a decoration. No large evil race will obey his arrangement." Sandra added.

"And what you are cooperating with you is not the Hundred Clans as a whole, but the Holy Spirit Clan and the vassal races headed by our Holy Spirit Clan."

Axel glanced at Sandra reproachfully: "This girl may not have made it clear to you that although our plan was implemented after passing the aristocratic council, in fact, except for ourselves, the other camps of hundreds of clans did not offer you any help."

In fact, it was not without help. After all, the tree elves sent their own tree shepherd inheritors under the persuasion of the elders of the Holy Spirit Clan, but they were cut off by the restoration camp of Gulaier on the way.

"And some time ago, our forces in the north were indeed hit hard. Six out of ten lurkers were killed. Now we are almost blind in the area controlled by Jason." Sandra suddenly She said with a wry smile, seeing her heartbroken expression should not be fake.

Now Phil's mind is a little messed up, he doesn't know whether Axel is lying to him or telling the truth, after all, the amount of information is too much.

Immediately afterwards, he woke up with a start, and looked at Sandra and Axel with some doubts. These two people could not have guessed the purpose of his trip, and they didn't want to damage their power because of this incident. excuse?

After all, apart from themselves, not even their old enemy, the Holy See, knows the internal affairs of the Hundred Clans very clearly.

So what's the truth of the matter, aren't they making it up as they please?

So Phil's expression was a bit ugly, he stared at Axel intently: "Is what you said true?"

"The Holy Spirit race never lies to their friends, otherwise with our small number of people, there would not be so many races following us." Axel opened his hands, and the soldiers in golden armor around him took off Looking at his own helmet, it was only then that Phil realized that these soldiers were not members of the same race.

There are the holy spirit race, the high-level wolf man, and some strange races.

"Jason discovered your existence?" Phil asked solemnly. Although he wasn't stupid enough to believe everything, his judgment was shaken.

"No, it's not Jason Lopez's handwriting, his damn crow can't do that." At this moment, a burly figure walked in from outside the hall, and Phil's guards Hastily shot to stop him.

But these soldiers who shot were all knocked down with one punch, without exception.

Suddenly, Phil, who had just turned around to see who was coming, turned black.

"Quincy! Stop it! This is His Royal Highness Phil Lopez, our ally!" Sandra yelled angrily. She was very annoyed by the big man's rude behavior, mainly because she was worried that the nerves would be a little stimulated now. Fragile Phil.

"They were the ones who attacked me first!" Quincy is a tauren who is nearly three meters tall. He yelled at Sandra angrily without showing any weakness. The guard soldier in his hand was thrown out.

"Enough! You are a soldier now! Quincy! Stop it! For your father's sake!" Seeing that the scene was a little out of control after Quincy arrived, Axel had no choice but to stop it.

Hearing his voice, Quincy stopped what he was doing, but was surrounded by Phil's soldiers, with swords and spears pointed at his vitals, but he still roared unconvinced: "Of course I see For my father's sake, my father died at the hands of these damned humans!"

"Your father was a warrior, and it was his own choice to die on the battlefield!"

Axel leaned on the crutch in his hand, and reprimanded him angrily: "He chose to confront the Holy See head-on. When he made a choice, he should have the consciousness to die in battle."

Now Quincy was speechless, so he turned his head aside angrily. His father was killed when he attacked the army of the Holy See. No one should blame him, but this did not weaken his hatred for human beings.

Axel let out a long breath, it seemed that he was very angry: "Is there any clue about what I sent you to investigate before?"

It was he who sent Quincy and some other masters to investigate this matter before, but he didn't expect the result to be so soon.

When it came to the business, Quincy put away his anger, and took out half a piece of blood-stained cloth that had been chopped up by a broken sword from his arms. It can be seen that it is a long snake: "The crow under Jason Lopez should not use this kind of marking thing?"

"That doesn't explain anything." Phil leaned forward and took the bloody rag from Quincy's hand, and said with disdain after looking at it several times.

"The clothes of those crows are all black." Quincy glanced at him and said in a low voice.

"Leave this piece of cloth on purpose to confuse the public, wouldn't you do such a simple thing?" Phil asked back.

This piece of cloth was indeed left on purpose, but it was not used to confuse the public, because Hassan was very willing that Phil or the Hundred Clans would target the Snake Cult.

It's just that he ignored it. There are very few people who still remember the Snake Worship Cult, let alone the members of these hundreds of clans.

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