Lord of the North

Chapter 453 I released a devil

Hassan wanted Phil and others to shift their hostile eyes to the Snake Cult, so he deliberately left clues, but he missed a small oversight, that is, Phil is really suspicious.

Even Sandra, who single-handedly rescued him from captivity and gave him the power to control the kingdom, would doubt it from time to time, not to mention a mysterious force that suddenly appeared during such a sensitive period.

He had every reason to believe that this was a smoke bomb deliberately released by Jason's men.

"Jason and his men have no reason to do this." Sandra turned to Axel and said to Phil at the same time.

"No, no, no." The treacherous... The wily Axel didn't think so. He took the broken piece of cloth from Phil, which seemed to be a mask used to cover his face.

Pointing to the long snake above, he said: "If the forces behind this symbol really exist, and they are still Jason Lopez's enemies, then his subordinates have every reason to do so."

"I'm not here to discuss this with you this time." Phil waved his hands and found a chair and sat down. Anyway, the person who killed was not his subordinate, and he didn't have the time to meddle in other people's business.

Sandra and Axel couldn't help but look at each other and smile wryly, this kid is getting harder and harder to fool.

Although they didn't lie to Phil about this matter, there are many reasons for evading Phil's request. Even Quincy's rudeness just now was arranged by Sandra, just to divert Phil's attention and Cancel his plans.

But they didn't follow their plan.

"My dear brother is not in the north now. His subordinates and legion are completely leaderless. We can take this opportunity to attack them. Why are you unwilling to participate in my plan? Raised objections!" Phil looked a little excited: "This is different from what we agreed at the beginning!"

"I also explained that it's not that we don't want to help you, but that our strength has really suffered trauma, and we need to send strong people from the south to this side if we want to recover." Sandra replied very patiently, If her grandpa wasn't still here, she wouldn't want to talk to Phil a long time ago.

"Also, do you want to destroy this hard-won peace?" Axel shook his head and asked. He had lived in dire straits and tribal invasions all his life, and he longed for the peaceful life after coming to the north. .

"There is no possibility of peace between me and Jason, and I have been waiting for the opportunity to march north since I lost the last war, and my army has never stopped." Phil's eyes were cold, when he made After making the decision to imprison his father, there can only be one person alive between him and Jason.

Since the last armistice, the army that has pledged allegiance to him has been in a state of preparation for war all the time. The kingdom's taxes for the past two years have basically been used to maintain the army's wartime state.

After listening to his words, Axel looked at him quietly: "Are you really sure, are you going to do this? That's your brother."

"The throne belongs to me, and I am the first heir to the kingdom!" Phil clenched his fists, very angry at those who did not support him.

Sandra was very dismissive of people like him, she sneered and said: "But you and your uncle betrayed your father and deprived him of his freedom with your own hands."

"He asked for it!" Phil stood up abruptly: "If he was willing to give up the throne to me, none of these things would have happened, and Jason wouldn't have been able to hop for such a long time!"

"You're hopeless." Sandra mocked. This kind of extremely self-centered people can't communicate, because in their eyes, except for themselves, everyone else is wrong.

"Sandra, you are so rude!" Axel suddenly yelled at Sandra, making her unable to react for a while.

Then he looked at Phil with his slightly cloudy eyes: "Maybe what you said is right,

But before you sit in that position, all these obstacles will inevitably appear, so do you want to sit in that position? Really sit in that position and become the king of this country. "

After he finished speaking, Sandra opened her eyes in disbelief. What does this mean? !

At the same time, Phil's expression also showed shock, and then he struggled deeply. His hands were clenched and loosened continuously, and beads of sweat gradually covered his forehead.

"When... of course, of course I want to do that." He panted like a cow, and it took a long time before he struggled to say this sentence. Of course he knew what Axel meant, but he still chose to do so.

Standing behind him, the cold sweat broke out from the back of Ocassie, as if he had witnessed a very horrible thing happen.

"Then you do it, we will support you, and those who doubt you will sink in your anger." Axel said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Phil's gaze gradually became struggling, he suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "There are still two strong men in the palace. I'm not sure that I can take them down completely, so I hope I can get your help."

One of the two strong men of the earth is his mother, King Lopez and Queen Lopez, a woman from the Garcia family who has terrifying strength but has successfully concealed it for decades.

"Collect it for your own use, or..."

"They are destabilizing factors, and I'm afraid it will cause complications."

"As you wish, those who monitor them will cooperate with Sandra after you return to the king's city."

If Sandra hadn't left a terrifying number of superpowers in the palace, maybe the earth knight who had been hiding in the palace would have escaped with King Lopez long ago.

As for the queen, no one can guess her mind.

"Very good, then please go back first, our reinforcements will follow you back to the palace immediately and cooperate with your subordinates." Axel returned to his seat with his cane, and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

"Then I'll wait for you." Phil took a deep look at the shocked Sandra and the old man beside her with crazy eyes, then turned around and left with the frightened Ocassie.

"Grandpa..." Sandra looked at her grandpa in disbelief. He didn't even recognize him just now.

Axel opened his eyes a little tired, and looked at his granddaughter: "I released a devil, and he will become our greatest help, and may also become our greatest threat, Sandra, It’s up to you to do this.”

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