Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 45 Five-Level Cottage, Eight Diamonds

Four black iron arrow towers stand at the four entrances of Chaoge Village.

The ability of Chaoge Village to defend against enemy invasion has been enhanced again.

at the same time.

When Yang Chuan checked the trial leaderboard again.

I saw my ranking and took a few steps forward again.

【Trial Ranking】

1st place: Gusu Village, Sun Ziyu, defeated 25 enemies

Second: Handan Village, Li Mu, defeated 21 enemies

Third: Qingfeng Village, Li Yulan, defeated 19 enemies


Seventh: Chaoge Village, Yang Chuan, 17 enemies


That's right.

It's only been two days.

Yang Chuan has once again reached the top ten of the trial rankings.

With 17 results, it ranks seventh.

And that doesn't accomplish today's goal.

You must know that yesterday, Yang Chuan's 11th place was already ranked in the dozen.

If you can achieve today's goal.

Yang Chuan's ranking can definitely take another step forward.

Equally obvious.

With the increase in the number of crusading bandit cottages.

The efficiency of other lords in breaking the bandit cottage also began to drop significantly.

the reason is simple.

When the combat power of the territory far exceeds that of the bandit cottage, the battle situation must be extremely easy.

But when the combat power of the territory is equal to that of the bandit cottage to be subjugated, one needs to be concerned.

And like Yang Chuan, who can push down a third-level bandit cottage in a few minutes, I am afraid that even Sun Ziyu can't do it at present.

"Fuck, it's already in the top ten."

"Brothers and sisters, let's take a look at the ranking of Yang Chuan. It only took more than a day to enter the top ten again."

"I found out long ago that within a few hours, Yang Chuan captured 6 bandit cottages."

"This is the real boss!!!"

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank you, the Chiyan equipment sold by Yang Chuan is really easy to use!"

"Agree with the point above."

"The bandit cottage I captured after I bought the Chiyan equipment, and got the territory upgrade blueprint from the trial treasure chest. Now my territory finally has a name."

"Is it so good luck! Why did I open six trial treasure chests, but I didn't open the territory upgrade blueprint."

"You won't still be the original wooden house."

"That's right."

"Then you are the real boss, so terrifying!"

"Being able to rely on the original wooden house, in this battlefield of ten thousand races, has survived for so long."


According to the current speed of crusade against the bandit cottage.

The time to complete the goal today is estimated to be much better than yesterday.

And if nothing else, according to Zhao Feiyan's plan.

Today, in addition to the crusade against the third-level bandit cottage.

It will also clean up all the bandit cottages closest to Chaoge Village.

As such.

Although Chaoge Village cannot guarantee absolute safety.

However, the probability of being invaded will be greatly reduced.


But on the other side of the same time.

Inside a giant bandit cottage.

"Master Chief has an accident."

"Something is wrong!"

"Then Chaoge Village launched an attack on other cottages."

Black Wind Village.

Among the 108 villages in Montenegro, it is the only bandit village of level 5.

Among them were hundreds of elite bandits.

Just talking about the fortifications, the number of various arrow towers is as many as one or twenty.

Accompanied by the sound of rapid footsteps.

I saw a sentinel bandit shouting loudly.

Pass through Shanzhai Square and enter the Shanzhai Hall guarded by two stone statues.

"Master Chief."

"Today, there are five more third-level cottages, which were successfully captured by Chaoge Village."

The words of the sentinel bandits sounded.

Let sit in the middle, close his eyes and rest in peace, the mountain eagle slowly opened his eyes.


A murderous sense of oppression suffocated the other bandits in the cottage hall.

As the leader of Heifengzhai.

He is also the boss of the 108 villages in Montenegro.

Needless to say.

The fighting power of the mountain eagle can be called the strongest.

Look at his burly body like a giant, with a burly body like a mountain, and a green dragon sword standing on the left side of him.

on the battlefield.

Enough to make the enemy terrified.

"Tier 3 cottage?"

Zuoshan carved an expressionless face and opened his mouth slowly.

"It does have some strength."

Marriage falls.

The mountain eagle looked aside, it was the leader of a fourth-level bandit cottage.

Among the 108 villages in Montenegro.

Possessing a combat power second only to Heifengzhai.

The mountain eagle said again: "Second child, tomorrow, you will go to investigate the specific combat power of Chaoge Village."

"As ordered."

Liu Mazi nodded lightly.

He is the leader of the bandits in Yingmenzhai.

He is also the most ruthless bandit among the eight brothers of the mountain eagle.

well known.

Among the 108 villages in Montenegro.

Except Heifengzhai, the only fifth-level bandit cottage.

There are eight fourth-level bandit cottages.

They are respectively led by the eight brothers of the mountain eagles, also known as the eight diamonds.

Among the eight fourth-level bandit cottages, Yingmenzhai had the strongest combat power.

Moreover, Liu Mazi's personal combat power is second only to the mountain eagle.

So this time.

Chaoge Village, under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan, took down other bandit cottages one after another, which was a complete let down of the mountain carving.

But right now.

A white-faced scholar standing next to a mountain sculpture suddenly said, "Leader, since Chaoge Village can capture several third-level bandit cottages in one day, its strength must not be underestimated."

"If possible."

"I suggest that we send the entire force of two fourth-level bandit cottages to attack Chaoge Village."

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