"Bandit cottage: Qingzhuzhai"

"Cottage Level: Level Four"

"The owner of the cottage: Hua Tong Zi"

"Country Force: 750"

"Fortifications of Shanzhai: 12 wooden arrow towers, 2 fire attack arrow towers, stone city walls"


"Sister Feiyan, Qingzhu Village is in front."

"In addition to the bandit elite and bandit shooters, there are also a few bandit pikemen."

"There are about 200 second-order bandits, and the rest are first-order bandits."

In the dense forest outside Qingzhu Village.

at this time.

It's already sunset.

The time of day is fleeting again.

After this day's slaughter, under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan, there was Li Xiuning, a hero with unrivaled force, and two teams, the Dragon Guard and the Women's Army, successively cleaned up more than a dozen bandit cottages.

That's right.

in such a short time.

With the capture of more than a dozen bandit cottages.

Yang Chuan's ranking on the trial leaderboard also came to fifth place.

And now.

Before returning to Chaoge Village, Zhao Feiyan looked at the fourth-level bandit cottage.

"The strength of 750 is not a concern."

"Under the iron hoof of the Women's Army, the first-order bandits have no chance to resist."

After hearing about the situation in Qingzhu Village.

Zhao Feiyan was full of confidence.

If it was before, without the Women's Army, she would definitely not be so confident.

But after seeing the terrifying combat power of the Women's Army today, it seems that the fourth-level bandit cottage no longer makes Zhao Feiyan afraid.

next moment.

The sound of hooves roared.

The earth shook.

The thunderous drums were struck by Zhao Feiyan.

The horn to attack Qingzhuzhai was sounded.

The Women's Army was the vanguard and rushed towards Qingzhuzhai with a thunderous momentum.

Sentinel bandits patrolling outside the village.

Looking at the scene not far away that was like flying sand and moving stones, I was stunned for a while.

Although there were only 30 people in the Detachment of Women's Army, when they charged into battle, the momentum they showed was like a thousand troops.

And each of the Women's Women's Army was dressed in black iron heavy armor, holding a black iron spear, plus the mighty and heroic appearance of the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry.

At first glance, it was enough to make these bandits fear.

After all so far.

This group of bandits has never seen such a well-equipped army team.

"Is this a divine soldier coming from heaven to kill us, these sinners?"

"What are you still doing! Hurry up and escape!"

"There is an enemy attack!!!"

The sentinel bandits who came back to their senses immediately shouted loudly.

The stone city wall in front of Qingzhuzhai.

The bandit archer looked at the women's army that was approaching step by step, and in a panic, he filled the wooden longbow in his hand.

Rows of arrows rained down.

Form a giant net of arrows.

The menacing Detachment of Women in the future is shrouded in it.

However, under the protection of the black iron heavy armor, these ordinary sharp arrows did not cause any fatal damage to the Women's Army.

Instead, this time.

Li Xiuning took the lead and took the lead to kill the entrance of Qingzhu Village.

Sentinel bandits around.

At this moment, he was also crushed to pieces by the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry.

This is war.

under absolute force.

Even though some of the sentry bandits had turned around and fled for their lives, they were still unable to escape the black iron spear in the hands of the Women's Army.

The black iron spear is extremely sharp.

or provoked.

or through.

Just under the first round of offensive, dozens of sentinel bandits have all lost their lives.

When corpses are everywhere.

The blood stained the earth outside Qingzhuzhai red.

at the same time.

The Detachment Army was surrounded by golden light bursts, which formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding hell scene.

The ranks of the Women's Army have been promoted again.

A full day of rushing into battle.

A whole day of ruthless killing.

The Women's Army's military merit has accumulated as many as 1,000 points.

This means that every Detachment of Women killed at least 100 bandits in one day.

【Qin Yu】

Equal order: second order

Attack Power: 60→80→100

Defense: 60→70→80

Military merit: 1000

Next promotion: 2000 Military Merit


Promoted from level zero to level two.

It only took one day.

However, the attribute information after promotion has been greatly enhanced.

40 points of attack power.

And 20 points of defense.

Directly let the Women's Army's own attack power reach 100 points.

This is also why the Women's Army can have an invincible effect when charging into battle.

"Master Feiyan!"

"The sentinels and bandits around Qingzhuzhai have all been resolved, but the bandit shooters on the city wall are a lot of trouble."

Mu Rushuang said.

"go ahead!"

Zhao Feiyan looked at it and gave an order: "Deal with the bandit shooter on the city wall."

"Help the Women's Army break through the gate of Qingzhu Village."

When the Women's Army was charging into the battle just now, the Dragon Guard's attack target was the fortifications of the cottage.

Rocket towers and wooden towers.

Although not enough to cause fatal damage.

But the attack power of the arrow tower is still far above that of the bandit shooter.

Now with the collapse of the arrow tower.

The target of the Dragon Guard's attack naturally turned into a bandit shooter.

Only seen and kilometers away.

The Dragon Guard's bow was like a full moon, killing the bandit shooters on the city wall with ease.

At this time, Zhao Feiyan rushed towards Li Xiuning's location. The preliminary preparations had been completed, and the rest was to confront the bandit leader in Qingzhuzhai.


"Chaoge Village, who doesn't know how to live or die, dares to go to my Seventh's site to be presumptuous."

As the bandit leader of Qingzhuzhai.

Hua Tongzi would never have imagined that at noon he was still discussing the matter of attacking Chaoge Village.


Chaoge Village actually killed in front of his house.

I saw him holding a slender machete and angrily walked out of the cottage hall.

behind it.

The second-order bandit pikemen.

These bandit spearmen can be regarded as the elite of Qingzhuzhai, both in terms of attack power and defense power, they are all above the sentinel bandits.

and look carefully.

Among the two hundred bandit pikemen, there are actually dozens of bandit pikemen of the same rank, reaching the third rank.

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