Wu Mo, who holds eight swords, is a veritable battlefield meat grinder.

The scarlet blade gas was condensed but not scattered, attached to the long blade, which greatly enhanced the power of the blade.

I saw it broke away from the Vairocana and entered the Spartan warrior army alone.

If it were any other creature present except Wumo, doing so would be tantamount to suicide.

But Wumo is different, it is a god-level arm, and it is a god-level arm that is extremely good at fighting.

The next moment Wu Mo rushed into the Spartan warrior army, countless red scratches made an eight-petal lotus flower in an instant.

There were two Spartan warriors who didn't react, and still followed the main force to charge, and slammed into the bloodline eight-petal lotus.

The next moment, the two Spartan warriors and the stone horn beast under their crotch quickly turned into minced meat, filling the eight petals of the blood clematis.

In this scene, Wu Mo used eight swords to outline the shape of a lotus flower, and then cut off the flesh and bones of stone horned beasts and Spartan warriors as fillers.

And seeing such a terrifying scene, Atreus immediately changed his face, and knew that the creator of the lotus was the goal of his trip.

When Huang Yu ordered Jiang Chengzi and Leonidas to support Jingbei City, he heard that Atreus, another god-level soldier of the family, took the initiative to ask Ying, intending to see this powerful enemy.

But at the first moment of seeing Wumo fighting, Atris was shocked.

The mines in the Universal Territory are rich enough that they can directly feed various high-grade ores to the Stone Horned Beasts. Therefore, the Stone Horned Beasts in the Universal Territory have skins like iron skins and bones like diamonds.

Even the stone horned beast with the lowest potential level, with its copper skin and steel bones, can be comparable to rare-grade armor.

Under normal circumstances, a Spartan warrior with a rare-grade spear might not be able to break the stone horned beast's defense with a hard blow.

In addition to the skin and gradually metalized bones, the most defensive part of the stone horn beast is its thick visor.

Relying on the visor, the stone horns dare to charge against the walls and hills.

But the two stone horned beasts just now were cut into pieces by the swift, fast and powerful swordsmanship the moment they came into contact with the eight-petaled blood lotus.

At this level of attack power, not even Atreus can do it.

After beheading the two stone horned beasts and the Spartan warriors, Wu Mo has eight arms, dancers and eight swords. at the expense of the Spartan warriors.

In just ten seconds, seven Spartan warriors died immediately.

Even if they were wearing blue-scale suits, they couldn't match the eight-armed Guiluo with sword energy.

One of them was a hero who only had his chest cut open because of his fast escape.

And the excellent grade heavy armor on him is as crisp as paper in front of Wu Mo's blade.

This made Atreus wonder if Wumo was physically strong enough to slaughter the thousand Spartan warriors and the thousand tigers and leopards standing in front of him by himself.


The red dragon Yayi roared, his wings suddenly spread out, and then swooped towards Mo with Atreus.

At the same time, the Spartan warriors on the ground avoided Wumo, who was on the verge of killing, and rushed towards the influx of Pilus together with the tiger and leopard riders who turned into fire dragons.

Looking at the Spartan warriors and tigers and leopards rushing towards the Vairocana, Wu Mo stopped the sword he was waving.

Wu Mo was about to chase after the Spartan warriors, but at this moment, the red dragon Yayi had already flown to a low altitude, and when he opened his mouth, there was a breath of flame.

Naturally, Wu Mo would not be knocked down by a single attack in this mode, and he escaped the range of the dragon breath spray with a few bounces.

But at this moment, a series of flying spears shot out from the dragon's back. The huge force made these flying spears make an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air, and shot at Wu Mo with a cold glow.

Facing the menacing flying spear, Wu Mo's expression remained unchanged.

The sword in its hand danced again, and the scarlet sword light drew a four-layer arc in front of it.

Boom boom~

The explosive spear shot by Atreus was stopped by Wu Mo, and then a violent explosion was released.

The core material of this blasting spear is flaming rock, and its power is several times stronger than the blasting spear made by crystal blasting stone.

When Atris jumped off the dragon's back and stood firm on the ground, violent fire and vibration erupted in front of Wu Mo.

The fire and shock waves generated by the explosion even tore off a layer of ground, leaving a deep pit in front of Wu Mo.

As for Wumo, who was at the center of the explosion... But after the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Atres couldn't help being surprised.

Because Wu Mo has disappeared from the center of the explosion, and the back of the place where it stood, was not affected by the spear explosion.

With just eight swords, Wu Mo stopped all the damage caused by the five explosive spears, so that the area behind him did not even touch a spark.

Such a powerful swordsmanship can no longer be said to be a skill, it is simply a miracle!

In addition to being shocked, Atris did not forget the disappearing Wumo.

In fact, at the moment of landing, Atris was always vigilant, ready to meet Wumo's attack.

After all, according to his understanding, a god-level unit can never be solved by five flying spears.

Ow! !

The short and sharp roar of the red dragon Yayi made Atres face twist instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Atreus noticed a gust of wind blowing by his side, which was brewing the danger of making the hair stand on end.

Atreus gritted his teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned back suddenly, and saw Wu Mo who was holding eight swords and attacking him.

At this moment, Atris' body trembled, and suddenly it was as hot as a sea of ​​fire, and suddenly it was as cold as falling into an ice lake.

In his consciousness, Wu Mo's ferocious face was enlarged, and every subtle expression was clearly displayed. At the same time, Wu Mo's movements slowed down a lot.

The eight arms have different sword-holding gestures, the shape and length of the condensed sword energy on the sword, and the rapid steps in a strange way...

At this moment, Atreus felt as if he had entered the realm of time and space of Lord Lord.


As if sensing something, the face behind Wu Mo suddenly opened his mouth, and a terrifying killing intent kept hitting Atris' heart.

In the killing frenzy, Atres broke away from the wonderful feeling just now, but there was an inexplicable power in his body.

However, this power was far from enough in front of Wu Mo.

As soon as he escaped from that wonderful feeling, Wu Mo had already attacked in front of him, the eight-handed swords bursting with red light, the castration was swift and incoherent, and there was a buzzing sound that ripped apart the air.

Atreus held the silver of the front, and tried his best to resist Wumo's attack.

The manic red sword light was mixed with the thin silver light. As soon as the two sides fought, Atres felt very difficult.

It seemed that the people who were fighting with him at this time were eight masters with superb sword skills and tacit cooperation.

In the end, Atreis was unable to support one arm, and after more than thirty rounds, Wu Mo cut off his hands.

The silver of the front flew out with the palm of his hand, and Atris turned into a pool of minced meat in the seemingly endless sword light.


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