"Yuri, is it time to take action?"

Above the battlefield, Yuri and Emile stood still in the air.

Under Huang Yu's order, Yuri and Emile arrived at Jingbei City before the battle began.

However, because Wu Mo was in the army and had a miraculous melee combat ability, Yuri and Emile did not rashly break into the Guiluo army and forcibly capture Wu Mo.

Both of them are spellcasters and are not good at melee combat.

Emile's abilities are relatively balanced in all aspects, but her melee abilities are much inferior to Wu Mo. Its strongest ability is the son of the element inherited from Huang Yu, and the promotion of the fourth-order awakening talent "Yin Candle·Yin Eclipse", Good at sneak attack and large area magic attack.

Yuri is good at space spells and soul spells. Melee basically relies on the body of a vampire and the same immortal embrace as Atris, and his combat skills are even more superficial.

If Wu Mo is not in the army, the two can easily capture him alive by their own means, but Wu Mo has the protection of the army, and the two spellcasters run over, and maybe they will be caught.

Until the Guiluo army was defeated and Wumo led the raid and was stopped by Atreus, Emile thought the time had come, but Yuri stopped him.

Also possessing the Immortal Embrace, Yuri's powerful mental power allows him to know that Atreus is undergoing transformation.

However, Emile couldn't help a little after seeing Atris being chopped into pieces by Wumo.

Emile knew that Atreus had the body of immortality, so he was not worried about the safety of Atreus' life.

But the lethality of Wu Mo to the warriors and heroic arms, they both have seen.

If due to their inaction, the universe army suffered heavy losses, even if Wu Mo was captured alive, the master would not be happy.

"hold on!"

However, in the face of Emile's eagerness, Yuri remained very calm.

It looked at Atris, who had been chopped into pieces by Wu Mo, and based on the two palms holding the silver of the front, it recovered half of its body almost in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, he sensed some kind of power in Atreus, which was waking up at a very fast speed.

The power similar to his own body, after Atreus died once, rebuilt a body for him.

"Don't worry, Emile."

"This battle is an opportunity for Atreus, and that Guiluo is an excellent whetstone for him."

"We just need to stop Guira from joining his army, wait until Atreus has completed his transformation, and then catch it."

Yuri's mental strength is second only to Huang Yu, and as a teleporter, Yuri's insight is also extremely strong.

Seeing Yuri say this, Emile also calmed down and quietly watched the battlefield below.


The king of mankind?

Wu Mo smiled disdainfully, swung the sword in his hand, and threw off the blood and flesh stained on the sword.

Although I don't know why this human king level caused the second face to speak, but in the battle just now, Wu Mo didn't see anything special in him.

Whether it's strength, speed, combat skills, or reflexes, this king-level unit is even worse than the guy from the Luohu Department, and it's barely on par with Xu Luo.

The only thing that is remarkable is that this guy did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in battle, he did not take his own safety into consideration during the battle, and in the end he planned to trade his life for injury.

But the difference in strength cannot be offset by "not afraid of death". The eight-handed sword is both Wu Mo's attacking weapon and its defense.

Atreus was simply unable to break through Wumo's blade storm.

Wu Mo turned and walked towards the Vairocana, who was blocked by tigers and leopards and Spartan warriors.

It masters the strongest swordsmanship of the Vairocanas, and has a powerful body close to an extraordinary body.

Although it is impossible to slaughter the human army in front of him, as long as he does not encounter a god-level army, or besieged by the opponent's king-level army, Wu Mo has the confidence to penetrate a thousand-person extraordinary army alone.

However, it is a bit unexpected that these humans are so powerful that even giant dragons can enslave them.

Wu Mo looked at the red dragon Yayi hovering in the sky and was a little envious for a while.

A human being can have a giant dragon as a mount, but as the **** of the Vara, it doesn't even have a mount.

If I can catch that giant dragon, I don't know if I can subdue it.

The thought flashed by, Wu Mo picked up the saber of a Spartan warrior who had been beheaded by himself, and replaced the long sword in his hand that was on the verge of being scrapped.

At this moment, Wu Mo's second side suddenly sensed danger. Although the degree of danger was not high, Wu Mo still turned around to check.

After seeing Atris, who was covered in red fruit and his body grew at a terrifying speed, Wu Mo was very surprised.

The human who was just killed by himself was resurrected in just one or two seconds!

Wu Mo saw a pair of eyes with a hint of golden light through the gap in Atris' hanging hair, and there was a faint uneasiness in his heart. At the same time, the energy in his body surged, and the sword in his hand was wrapped in red light, strangling towards Atris.

Even after the resurrection, Wu Mo did not feel any threat from Atris. The energy consumed by cutting Atris into pieces before was not as much as the sword in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, in the After discovering that Atreus was resurrected, Wu Mo thought too much and immediately killed him.

However, when the sword in his hand overlapped with the silver of Atris, Wu Mo clearly felt that Atris' power became stronger.

In addition, Atreus' attack speed and reaction ability have also improved a lot.

Although under Wu Mo's attack, he could still only defend passively, but he was no less inferior to the eight-armed ghost Luo from the Rahu tribe.

This increase in strength made Wu Mo secretly startled and could not help but get serious.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!"

The eight-handed swords and the silver that penetrated the front frequently clashed, Wu Mo's eight arms swelled suddenly, and the speed of the swords under his hands became faster and stronger.

Dangdang crotch-

The knocking sound of the metal collision was as dense as a torrential rain. Atreus, who had just been resurrected, tried his best to defend, but he was soon defeated again.

In the dense crimson blade shadow, Atris was chopped into several pieces by Wu Mo again.

Glancing at the minced meat scattered everywhere, Wu Mo snorted coldly, turned and rushed towards the rear troops.

It wasted a lot of time here, and now the Viratu has been completely surrounded by the Jingbei City troops.

Tiger and leopard riders and stone horned beast knights blocked the front of the Vairocana, trampling them wantonly, while the Amazon female warriors led by Citeria and Melanibo swam back from the two wings of Vairocana and devoured the lives of Vairocana.

The "Yin" Jin and "Mao" Jin people at the rear also led the Black Armor Gate Chapter out of the city, and cooperated with the Arcanists to slaughter the Pilus.

Consume here any longer, and the Vairocanas will completely lose the possibility of breaking out of the encirclement.


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