"The enemy is catching up, hurry up and open the city gate!"

The commander of the servant army of the Bronze Dragon Eastern Theater, the half-dragon king-level arm Asbi broke a **** road from the siege of the Spartan Legion at a painful price, and led the army to flee to the nearest vassal territory in the north and east.

At this time, they were already exhausted and in urgent need of repairing in the city.

After the battle with Kratos, Asby, whose wings were ripped off by him, was seriously injured. He could only temporarily lead the remnant army by a half-dragon hero, while he was carried by other half-dragons, relying on the healing potion given by the bronze dragon Fabrio to recover his injuries as soon as possible.

The one who just called the door was the half-dragon hero who temporarily took over the power of commander-in-chief.

However, in the face of the order to open the city gate, the half-dragon man responded with a rain of arrows flying from the city wall.

The power of these arrows is not strong, but there are some arrows that can explode in them. When caught off guard, they dealt a big blow to the servant army that had suffered heavy losses.

"Bastards, what are you **** doing!"

An arrow was pulled from the wing and pinched, and the heroic unit gritted his teeth and looked at the territory in front of him, eager to rush in and tear up all the guys who shot arrows just now.

How dare these lowly vassals shoot at the noble son of the dragon!

As usual, in the face of such disrespectful acts, the wrath of the Dragon Son will completely destroy this territory and slaughter the race within it.

The commander-in-chief of this servant army, Asby, was startled when he saw the races on the city wall, and the whole person was instantly sober.

They panicked and only knew to run to the north, and knew that there was a territory of a vassal race here, but they almost forgot that this vassal race and the race that hunted them were the same race.

They are all human!

Judging from the current situation, this human territory should have betrayed the rule of the bronze dragon Fabrio and refused to allow them to enter the city for repair.

Asby didn't know much about the human race. After Fabrio conquered the human territory in front of him, it also came into contact with some humans.

It's just that those human beings appeared in front of it in the form of food by roasting or cooking.

Before coming into contact with the Universal Army, the human strength in Asby's eyes was extremely weak, only slightly stronger than the lowly races such as goblins and kobolds.

Moreover, these humans are very timid, and their uncivilized intelligence level is relatively average. For Asbi, the only thing that humans can praise is that their meat is tenderer than many races, and the taste is not bad.

In addition, female humans also have a different flavor, but they can't help tossing, and they can't satisfy the tyrannical desires of the "children of dragons" that are deeply rooted in the blood and marrow of their fathers.

But now, the proud "children of dragons" have been defeated by humans who they regard as food, and it is a fiasco that is powerless to fight back.

Even the other group of humans who were originally under their rule rebelled at this critical moment and gave them a head-on attack.

Asby glanced bitterly at the human lord on the city wall.

The other party also looked at it without fear, with hatred and killing intent in his indifferent eyes, and it seemed that he had been dissatisfied with the notification from the bronze dragon Fabio for a long time.

Human beings are among the vassal territories of bronze dragons, and there are only a few territories where there are "meat-eating" items in worship. They contribute fifty humans every day to meet the supply needs of the territory of bronze dragons.

In the territory ruled by the bronze dragon, the status of the human race is not high, and they are often bullied by the surrounding territories.

Therefore, Asby was not surprised at the hatred of this human territory for his own side.

However, this human territory is only Tier 3. After being squeezed by Fabrio and his tribes, the development is very backward, and there should not be too many troops in the territory.

Even if they are a remnant army, they are sure to break through this human vassal territory.

And the half-dragon man who was just hit by the arrow in the wings also intends to do the same. They have lost the battle on another human being, and they don't mind getting it back from the human in front of them.

It mobilized the dwarf artillerymen to bombard and suppress the archers on the city wall, and then dispatched a small number of rhinos to ram the city gate, and arranged for the brown monsters who gave up their territories to follow their own escape to climb the city wall... And the golden half-dragon People are in the rear overseeing the army.

The brown monster is a branch race of the tree people, but the tree people are resurrected from tall trees, while the brown monsters are a race transformed from vine plants. They are also called vine monsters and vine ghosts.

These brown monsters are ordinary races, and their limbs made of vines are good at whipping and climbing, and they are good at siege.

But just like other tree people races, the brown monster also has a fatal flaw, that is, it is afraid of fire.

In Asby's surprised eyes, after a brief panic, the humans on the city wall immediately took out a batch of refining fuel, splashed it on the brown monster climbing the city wall, and then threw torches. The famous human lord also unleashed a fourth-order fire attribute spell.

It didn't take long for a raging flame to ignite on the city walls of the human territory~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Those brown monsters let out a sharp roar and kept falling down the city wall, causing a lot of damage to the servants who attacked the city. loss.

Seeing that his own troops did not open and occupy the first time, Asbi, who had recovered some, shouted to the heroic unit:

"Don't waste it here, our time is running out, go to the next territory!"

"As long as we are alive, there is a chance to make these humans pay!"

In the face of the attack of the servant army, this human army responded calmly and was obviously prepared.

The enemy will be chasing in the next moment. It is not worth it to spend troops here. It is better to leave early.

Although the heroic unit was unwilling, he also knew that it was meaningless to vent his anger on these humans, and Asby was the actual commander of this servant army.

Now that Asby has spoken, they can only withdraw to another vassal territory.

The servant army that attacked the city hurriedly retreated, quickly formed a formation under the scolding of the half-dragon people, and then avoided the human territory in front of it and fled to another vassal territory.

However, beyond Asby's expectations, before they could go far, the gates of the human territory opened quickly.

Afterwards, a group of well-armed human cavalrymen, riding on grassland deer, burst out from the city gate and rushed towards them.

This light cavalry is at least an excellent class of troops, and the number is more than 1,500, which is two or three hundred more than the remaining servants.

Although the combat power of the two was not on the same level, Asby felt bad about the sudden addition of such an enemy, and they were still light cavalry with good mobility.

Now it seems that this human territory has long been rebellious, and has been secretly accumulating strength. Even if there is no defeat this time, sooner or later, it will jump out and give the Bronze Dragon Territory a backstab!

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