Wouldn't my territory have developed better without the squeeze of the bronze dragon Fabilio?

In the countless days and nights since the lord's assessment, Ou Yunhai has thought about this question.

Compared with most of the lords who came to the Chaos Continent, Ou Yunhai didn't have to worry about dying in the struggle with other lords. He only needed to follow the orders of the bronze dragon Fabrio to gain safety and status.

Even compared to those believers, Ou Yunhai still has absolute power in his own territory, and all he paid was minerals, food, equipment, and the offering of 100,000 soul crystals every week.

Obtaining soul crystals from other racial lordships is one of the special functions of super racial lords.

It is precisely because of this ability that solitary races like Titans and Dragons can continue to benefit from their vassals.

However, Ou Yunhai, who was a senior official of a listed company in Blue Star in his previous life, was unwilling to be subject to the **** of aliens.

In particular, the requirement of "fifty live humans" for food, which is one of the offerings, made Ou Yunhai feel tormented.

Although the territorial people of the territory were created out of thin air, they were not Blue Star humans, but in the final analysis they were also of their own race.

What's more, he is their lord, and he has the responsibility to protect them.

Now not only can't protect them, but also send them into the mouths of aliens as "fresh" ingredients, which makes Ou Yunhai somewhat unacceptable on the spiritual level.

Later, the bronze dragon Fabilio allowed other races to oppress the Yunhai territory, which further caused Ou Yunhai's dissatisfaction, and he was determined to resist the rule of the bronze dragon Fabilio.

The lord of the universe can enslave giant dragons, why don't we let go and slay dragons!

While enduring the oppression of the bronze dragon Fabilio, Ou Yunhai secretly accumulated strength.

With the rich experience on Blue Star, he managed the territory in an orderly manner, and because he had cooperated with a Blue Star celebrity in the Zhili Association, he was drawn into the Zhili Association.

Later, with some personal experience, in the crushing of the bronze dragon Fabilio, he accumulated a fortune and built a team of 2,000 excellent-grade rangers.

Of course, compared to the behemoth of the Bronze Dragon Territory, the two thousand rangers in the Cloud Sea Territory were nothing at all.

Any of the five servant army corps can easily break through the Cloud Sea Territory.

The road of resistance is a long way to go. Ou Yunhai can only continue to sacrifice his own people and secretly accumulate strength, so that one day he can break away from the rule of the bronze dragon territory and even take revenge on the bronze dragon Fabio.

But Ou Yunhai did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

After sending 1,500 rangers out of the city to harass and block the servants led by Aspiring, Ou Yunhai turned his head and looked at the man standing in the shadow of the city wall with trepidation.

As a vassal race in the northern part of the Bronze Dragon Territory, although Ou Yunhai knew that Fabilio was fighting against a powerful race, he didn't know much about Fabilio's enemies and the current situation.

On the one hand, the Cloud Sea Territory is more like a food storage base in the eyes of the bronze dragon Fabilio than an important strategic point. Even its servant army does not have any human troops serving.

On the other hand, the reason is because the battle is mainly concentrated in the south and east of the Bronze Dragon Territory, and the Cloud Sea Territory in the north has not been affected.

In addition, there is no image of "skilled soldiers" in Yunhai territory. After Ou Yunhai's creation, it has been deeply ingrained in Fabilio's heart.

In order to prevent his own secrets from being exposed, Ou Yunhai was even more so, and rarely participated in matters related to the Bronze Dragon Territory.

Therefore, until the mysterious person in front of him arrived, he did not know that the one fighting the Bronze Dragon Territory was actually a human force.

Moreover, this human force even had an advantage. Not only did Fabrio return to his nest, but he also almost wiped out the five servant army legions under his command.

Looking at the mysterious man in front of him, Ou Yunhai said:

"I have dispatched people to intercept Asby's servant army as agreed. Now can you tell me who your lord is sacred?"

The resources in Yunhai's territory are limited and the information is blocked. It is difficult for Ou Yunhai to believe the information brought by the mysterious man.

It was not until Aspi brought more than a thousand remnants of defeated soldiers to his territory that Ou Yunhai believed that the Bronze Dragon Territory was about to collapse, and without hesitation, he chose to cooperate with the mysterious man to attack the servant army led by Aspi.

"Well done, Lord of the Sea of ​​Clouds."

"First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ganix."

"It's the deputy commander of the Spartan Legion in the Universal Territory... As a human lord, you should know something about the name of the universe, right?"



The one attacking the Bronze Dragon Territory is indeed the Universal Territory!

That's right, only the world territory that can enslave the dragons to fight can beat Fabilio's territory so miserably.

Ou Yunhai quickly recovered from the shock and accepted the fact.

After learning that the Bronze Dragon Territory was defeated by a human army, he also thought that the only ones who could defeat the Bronze Dragon were those people. The territory of the founder of the alliance, the territory of Silla, the territory of the Golden Councilor of the Universal Alliance, the territory of Kasid, the territory of Kaguya, the territory of Galo, the territory of Blazing Sky, the territory of Starscar, the territory of Ole, the helm of the Holy Church, and so on...

And among all the territories, as the mysterious man said, the only one that can crush the Bronze Dragon Territory with absolute strength is the Universe Territory.

Originally, Ou Yunhai thought that Ganix was bragging, but when these things were linked to the world territory, Ou Yunhai felt that everything was taken for granted.

"The lord of the universe is famous, I must have heard of it."

"I have also admired the lords of the universe for a long time, whether it is killing angels or enslaving dragons..."

"It's a blessing to be able to cooperate with the Universal Territory!"


Ou Yunhai turned around and turned his back to Ganix. He muttered words in his mouth, but looked at the distant battlefield.

The rangers in the Cloud Sea Territory kept biting Asby's servant army, hindering the retreat of the servant army, but they also paid a lot of money.

Although the Servant Army is a defeated army, the camel is bigger than the horse, and the Servant Army is much stronger than the Rangers in terms of individual strength and equipment.

This also led to heavy casualties among the Rangers. In the short half hour of going out of the city to meet, a small half of the Rangers had already died.

However, even though the casualties were heavy, the fighting spirit of this Ranger was exceptionally high. Their eyes were full of hatred when they looked at the aliens, and every attack contained their own anger.

Once some rangers are entangled by the servants, they will even automatically leave the troops and rush to the enemy without fear of death to help their companions escape.

When they are fighting, they exchange wounds for wounds and fight for their lives. Even if they can leave one more wound to the enemy before they die, it seems to them that they have earned it!

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