Jiang Chengzi rode on Heilong Neo and observed the fourth-order goblin territory with the help of the telephoto device in his hand.

The good news is that there is no city wall in that fourth-order goblin territory.

At this stage, it can be described as incredible.

Although most of the city walls are as crisp as paper on the magic cannons in the universe.

But a territory protected by a wall will avoid many problems.

The territory without the protection of the city wall can rarely survive the beast tide in the early stage and the invasion of powerful aliens.

But this goblin territory, not only exists well, but has also been upgraded to Tier 4.

This also proves from the side what Lord Lord said, this fourth-order goblin territory is a little wrong.

Soon, Jiang Chengzi saw something wrong with this goblin territory.

The castle in the core area of ​​the goblin territory is soaked in a dark green lake.

The filthy rivers flowed from the lake to all parts of the territory, and finally disappeared outside the territory.

The entire goblin territory was completely enveloped by a blue-purple miasma, and the buildings with rough shapes were crowded together irregularly.

On the periphery of the goblin's territory, the original lush green area has become a swamp.

Poison gas almost completely enveloped the outer area, which contains a large number of biological corpses and a tidal wave of bugs.

Goblins roamed the territory.

There are a lot of them, Jiang Chengzi thinks there are several thousand or even nearly ten thousand.

And these goblins are not the same as the goblins in the believer's territory before.

Their bodies are very fat, especially their abdomens, and each one seems to be pregnant with a dozen babies.

As I walked, my stomach was shaking.

But these goblins are not slow.

Jiang Chengzi once saw a goblin that trotted like a fast-rolling ball. When it couldn't stop, it easily knocked down a stone house.

When it pushed away the slate on its body and climbed out of the ruins, there was no injury on its body.

Jumping alive, he fought with the owner of the stone house.

And...the appearance of these goblins is also very unappetizing.

Every goblin was filthy, covered with thick scabs, pus-filled bulges and rotting flesh.

They seem to have a faint green light in their eyes, and they have large mouths and tan, even blackened teeth.

Tongue sticking out, salivating, licking the mucus from that spot above the mouth from time to time...

In addition, the actions of these goblins also subverted Jiang Chengzi's cognition.

Some goblins roamed in the swamps and poisonous rivers, as if they were soaking in hot springs.

From time to time, he picked up unknown pieces of rotten meat floating in the river and stuffed them into his mouth.

They swallowed the white maggots that were too late to escape into their abdomens.

Others are eager to build various buildings and glue the gaps between the masonry and wood with their own adhesives.

Some are even cooking food.

Local materials, floating in the river, swimming in the mud, rotting on the body...

Jiang Chengzi's stomach turned upside down for a while, and he couldn't help but remove the telephoto device in his hand.

too disgusting!

Why does this creature exist in the world?

Even though he was as calm as Jiang Chengzi, after a few glances, the corners of his mouth twitched.

For a time, he actually had the intention of retreating, and did not want to fight such an enemy.

Although on the surface, the strength of these goblins is just that.

It was able to survive mainly because of the miasma that enveloped the entire territory and the swamps that surrounded it.

However, if you get up close and personal with these goblins and enter their territory, you will experience the horrific environment firsthand.

Jiang Chengzi felt that he would not be able to eat for several days.

However, he has already asked the Lord for his orders.

At this time, you have to fight if you don't fight!

Jiang Chengzi frowned and picked up the telephoto device again to check the information on the goblin territory.

At the same time, a doubt appeared in his mind.

Why did these goblins become like this?

As a low-level race, goblins can be called the most despicable creatures despite their low racial value.

But if they are properly guided, they can actually awaken good wisdom.

Moreover, even the worst goblins know how to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage.

Poisonous gas, swamps, poisonous insects, plagues, corrosion... These goblins are not only not afraid, but also immersed in them, unaffected by any.

Even though they are covered in pustules and their body tissues are rotting, they do not feel pain at all, but don't care at all...

This reminded Jiang Chengzi of the voodoo warrior among the orcs.

The combat power of the two is not high, but they are very difficult to deal with.

If you are accidentally hit, you will continue to lose your combat effectiveness.

Goblin territory is almost completely submerged in a poison jar.

Fighting goblins in it is equivalent to being attacked by poison gas every moment.

Moreover, the goblin territory has swamp protection, and the dense black insects also have a strong lethality...

Being able to survive until now is really hard to deal with!

Jiang Chengzi thought for a moment, took out the communication crystal, and sent a message to Cao Xing and Cao Meng.

After a while, Cao Xing rode the red dragon Gonzalez and flew to the side of Heron Neo with Cao Meng.

The White Dragon Tia, driven by Cao Meng, is not yet second-order and has limited flying ability.

So he could only ride a dragon with Cao Xing and rush towards Jiang Chengzi.

"have a look."

Jiang Chengzi pointed to the goblin territory.

Cao Xing and Cao Meng each took out their own telephoto equipment and looked at the goblin territory.

Afterwards, the faces of the two became more and more ugly, and finally they couldn't help but take off the telephoto device.

At the same time, the same thoughts as Jiang Chengzi appeared in his heart.

"How is the energy accumulation of your Soul Eater Feast?"

Looking at Cao Xing and Cao Meng with ashen faces, Jiang Chengzi asked calmly.

When rushing to kill the leopard people's territory, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Tiger and Leopard Rider obtained a part of the soul power, and did not stimulate the effect of carnival.

Jiang Chengzi knew how terrifying the Tiger and Leopard Rider Soul Eater feast was.

With the wheel of rising flames that it mounts, it can turn into a huge fire dragon, which is the nemesis of this miasma and poisonous fog.

If the scene of the night of the beast swarm can be reproduced, the difficulty of leveling the fourth-order goblin territory is not much more difficult than that of the leopard man territory just now.

What's more, Tiger and Leopard Riders are also blessed with the feature of Purifying Soul Dharma Yarn.

Even if the miasma cannot be completely removed, the damage to Tiger and Leopard Riders will be weakened to a very small extent.

As for the outer swamp, it may be difficult for other cavalry to deal with.

But for the tiger and leopard riding with the Yanlong horse, the impact will not be much.

Yanlongma has the power of wind and river, and can use simple wind attribute spell abilities.

Crossing the swampy area tens of meters wide will not be a big problem.

"Only the original four hundred and sixty-seven brothers and their flame dragon horses can do it."

"The other brothers are too low-level to keep up with us."

Cao Xing understood Jiang Chengzi's thoughts, looked at the goblin territory below, and finally said confidently:

"However, to deal with these dirty goblins, more than 400 tigers and leopards are enough!"

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