In the castle in the center of the fourth-order goblin territory.

The goblin engineering core floated quietly on the main hall, and the original sky blue crystal core turned dark blue at this time.

The light that Yingying radiated was also very dim now.

Below the core of the goblin engineering is a fountain.

The liquid spewing from the fountain was green and filled with a foul smell.

After the gushing green spring water fell, a small pool was formed, and the bones of some creatures were soaked in it.

The entire hall was filled with green miasma and black bugs.

Buzzing, the sound is very annoying.

In addition, beside the green pool, there is a hunched figure.

Even with his waist bent, this figure is much taller than a normal goblin.

It wears a robe of rough hide, smeared with all sorts of unappetizing mucus.

The long hair was draped over the body at will, and the thick hair was sticking together and looked very greasy.

Occasionally, maggots also swarm through the clumped hair.

At a glance, it was appalling.

The hunched figure raised his head, revealing a thin face.

This is a face that belongs to a human male.

The dark blue, dry face was full of filth.

The animal skin is roughly draped over the body, and the bare skin is basically not intact.

There are sarcomas, pustules and rotten flesh everywhere, and overall, there is not much human-like appearance.

If it weren't for its slightly undulating chest, it was basically no different from someone who had been dead and rotten for a long time.

The man looked at the green spring water gushing in front of him, and then half-knelt on the ground, extending a **** arm dripping with pus and mucus from the beast robe, and inserted it into the green pool.

Then, while injecting energy into the pool, he said indifferently:

"The master of plagues and germs!"

"Incarnation of disease and depravity!"

"The rotting and poisonous monarch!"


"Astaro, the great devil who controls the rotten city of hell!"

"Hendry has saved enough for a new batch of tribute."

"I pray for your attention now, and complete the contract with me!"


Hendry chanted beside Poison Pond for a while before Poison Pond made some movement.

The green poisonous water began to spin, and then a firefly-like light gushed out from Hendry's body.

Suddenly, the originally dim hall was illuminated by the sky-filled fluorescent light.

Then, the gushing poisonous spring turned into a big mouth, sucking away all the firefly-like rays like a vacuum cleaner.

As the firefly-like light spots disappeared quickly, Hendry's originally empty and numb eyes also had some expectations.

When the last bit of fluorescence was swallowed by the big mouth, the poison pool instantly calmed down.

On the contrary, the entire hall suddenly began to boil.

Those aimless, flies-like flying insects, their cries became more and more noisy, and they wrapped the man in a swarm.

The flying insects are like a small black tornado, twisting and coiling.

Even people who don't have a secret fear will feel their scalp tingling involuntarily when they see this scene.

After a while, the flying insects dispersed, revealing Hendry inside.

Hendry now looks better than before.

The abdomen, which had rotted to the point of leaking intestines, was restored to its original state, but there were still unsightly scars.

Other than that, Hendry has no other changes.

Sarcomas, pustules, carrion... All kinds of deformed and mutated flesh tissue still hang on him, making him look disgusting and terrifying.

"Why so much!"

"This is different from what our contract says!"

"I do not ask for freedom, I am willing to serve you wholeheartedly!"

"Even after I die, the soul is yours."

"Just please make me what I am."

I feel that I have been collecting enough souls for a long time, in exchange for such a little change.

Hendry's state of mind suddenly couldn't hold back.

He shouted and roared at the pool, in a frenzied manner.

And as Hendry's movements got bigger and bigger, the sarcomas on his body also began to shake.

There were even pustules that burst open, spraying disgusting pus and maggots.

Like a clown that nobody paid attention to, after shouting hysterically for a long time.

Hendry received no feedback.

With the help of the reflection of the green poison pool, he saw what he looked like now.

Looking at his ugly self, Hendry was startled.

Then he leaned over suddenly, with a grim face, and shouted at Poison Pond:


"You broke our contract!"

"You didn't say that in the first place!"


A breach of the contract finally attracted the attention of the great existence that Hendry shouted.

In the dark green pool, a deformed tentacle suddenly condensed. He slammed around Hendry's neck.

Hendry didn't even have time to resist, and was dragged into the pool by the tentacle.

Afterwards, the venom that filled the pool began to boil like boiling water, and a thick green poisonous gas evaporated.

Hendry's whole body was soaked in the poison pool, struggling and screaming.

Severe pain came from every part of his body, irritating his nerves.

It was a terrible pain Hendry had never suffered, and it made him feel like his soul was about to be torn apart.

Passing out of pain was what he wanted most at this time, but how could the one who punished him let him do so.

Not only to torture his body, but also to torture his soul.

to punish him for the offense.

The punishment lasted ten minutes.

In the second half, Hendry even hoped that someone next to him would kill him and help him end this terrible pain.

"Ah!! I...I was wrong!"

"I... shouldn't have adulterated, mixed... the soul of a goblin cub in the tribute!"

"I am the one who violated the contract..."

"Give me another will find more high-quality souls for you to satisfy your appetite!"

"Just let me go! End this painful torture!"

Hendry screamed and apologized, and Astaro punished him for a while before letting Hendry go.

The pain all over his body disappeared in an instant.

That dreaded voice resounded in Hendry's heart again, making new demands on him.

But Hendry was indifferent, floating on the poison pool like a floating corpse, motionless.

He only got a D-level evaluation in the assessment.

Although he survived, he lost his lordship and became a wanderer.

But out of fear of wild creatures and aliens, Hendry did something that he regretted to this day.

He made a deal with the devil named Astaro.

Astaro gave him the power to ensure that he could survive in the Chaos Continent.

And he served Astaro and helped Astaro harvest the souls on the Chaos Continent.

In the end, he became such a ghost.

So far, he can't even commit suicide.

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