
Two mushroom clouds bloomed in the densest area of ​​Sons of Corruption. With the dazzling fire and deafening sound, hundreds of Sons of Corruption instantly turned to ashes.

And the surrounding sons of decay were not feeling well either. They were covered by the flames thrown from the explosion of the explosive magic pill, and they became little firemen scurrying around, and at the same time, they let out a shrill wailing.

Astaro couldn't help but look at the power displayed by the two explosive magic pills.

After staring for a while, he waved his short upper limbs again, condensing energy, and spit out two huge sarcomas one after another from the huge mouth in his abdomen.

Bang bang bang!

In the sound of heavy footsteps.

A tall figure flickering with golden light jumped up from the top of the tiger and leopard ride.

"Noon" Jin Man's huge body showed amazing agility.

Ma Leng in his hand waved an afterimage, and with a sound of breaking through the air, cut through two sarcomas one after another.


The two sarcomas exploded again, and the "Wu" golden man was also smashed to the ground by the huge impact.

Sarcoma and venom splattered on its body, leaving dense marks on its smooth body.

The pieces of flesh that seemed to have life were constantly wriggling and trying to get into the body of the "Noon" golden man.

Under the corrosion of the poison, a large amount of white mist appeared on the body of the "Wu" golden man, and the shining golden body also turned black.

Ding fire power!

The "Noon" golden man stood still on the ground.

Then a pale white light appeared in his eyes, and the stored energy crystals in his body began to be rapidly consumed.

Afterwards, an orange-red flame wrapped around the whole body of the "Wu" Jinren along the river, and the venom, minced meat, and poisonous gas were instantly burned away by the power of Ding Huo.

And the injuries that appeared on the body of the "Wu" golden man have also recovered a lot.

Astaro looked at the "Noon" golden man with doubts in his eyes.

This suddenly appeared, without any breath of life.

The sophistication of the structure, even when it has entered immortality, cannot see through its principle at a glance.

Especially that kind of weird fire ability, not only has the basic characteristics of fire spell ability, but also has some characteristics that it has never seen before.

"This waste Hendry, the garbage under his hands is also waste!"

"The transformed son of decay can't even compare to the worst devil slave in hell"

"Even this body is a piece of garbage."

Astaro made a few comments and was very disappointed with Hendry and his men.

As a **** demon king, he personally took action against a group of extraordinary creatures that had not yet reached the top, but he didn't even get the soul at all.

If the other devils in **** find out, he will become a laughing stock for a long time.

At the same time, Astaro felt a little anxious in his heart.

Possessing Hendry, it consumes a lot of origin every time.

If the souls of these humans and dragons can be brought into their hands, it will naturally make a lot of money.

But in this stalemate, its losses will be great.

Damn the laws of chaos!

Astaro cursed in his heart, and then made a desperate attempt to inject the last force into Hendry's body.


Hearing a loud bang, Hendry's bloated body instantly burst open, revealing a deformed skeleton.

The turbulent energy storm quickly converged on the exposed bones, forming layers of black horny.

Before long, Hendry's form changed again.

It became a goat-headed monster with exposed ribs and a strong body.

If you look closely, you can see a distorted human face in the center of the monster's forehead.

Vaguely, Hendry can still be seen somewhat of his original appearance.

Looking at the "Noon" golden man who slaughtered the son of decay, Astaro's eyes spewed dark smoke.

Then his body flashed, and he instantly appeared in front of the "Wu" golden man.


Astaro punched the shield in the left hand of the "Wu" golden man, making a loud noise.

There was a deep dent in the shield in the hands of the "Noon" golden man, and he was repelled by the force from the shield by dozens of meters, almost pressing the tiger and leopard riding behind him.

At the same time, the surging poisonous gas spit out from Astaro's mouth, completely shrouding the "Wu" Jin Man, and forcibly destroying the power of Ding Huo on the "Wu" Jin Man.

Bang bang bang!

Under the wrapping of poison gas, Astaro launched a swift and violent attack on the "Wu" golden man.

Even if there is a battle mode like "Soldiers of the World" that gathers the essence of the world, the "Wu" Jin Man is still suppressed and unable to fight back.

The whole body was beaten with pits and pits, and if this continued, it would be a matter of time before Astaro was hammered into scrap metal.


A little cold light flickered, and a figure arrived in front of Astaro's face in an instant.

Holding a spear, Jiang Chengzi jumped up, aiming directly at the twisted face of Hendry on Astaro's forehead.

Intuition told Jiang Chengzi that the difficult-to-find face was the weakness of the monster in front of him.

As long as it hits there, this strange and powerful monster will die completely.

The sudden appearance of Jiang Chengzi made Astaro startled and hurriedly turned his head away.


Like the tip of a needle through steel.

The spear in Jiang Chengzi's hand did not hit Hendry's face, but wiped the position of Astaro's temple, leaving a white mark.


He was almost attacked by Jiang Chengzi, and Astaro was angry.

With a roar, wisps of poisonous mist emerged from Astaro's body.

These poisonous mists are like poisonous snakes, twisting and twisting, rushing towards Jiang Chengzi.

Jiang Chengzi vigorously waved the spear in his hand to disperse the incoming poisonous mist and landed in a thrilling manner.


Astaro murmured something Jiang Chengzi did not understand, raised his finger and pointed at Jiang Chengzi who had just landed.

"Flesh rotten!"

A dark green ray shot out of Astaro's fingers and shot towards Jiang Chengzi.

Jiang Chengzi was very The moment he saw Astaro raise his hand, he was startled and dodged.

However, Jiang Chengzi can avoid Estaro's flesh and blood decay.

The tiger and leopard riding behind him didn't have time to dodge.

The flesh and blood rotted through the two tigers and leopards, and the brown yellow spots quickly covered the bodies of the two tigers and leopards.

In the end, the two tigers and leopards rode a spot full of yellow spots, as if weathered.

In a dazed face, it turned into powder.

"Cao Ye! Cao An!"

Seeing his brother die in front of his eyes, Cao Xing roared, driving the flame dragon horse under his crotch to spread his wings, and rushed towards Astaro with Cao Meng and other heroic units in the tiger and leopard riding.

"Hey hee hee!"

Astaro let out an excited laugh, letting the magic grain crystal blasting arrows and magic grain crystal blasting short spears bombard wildly on his body, raised his fingers, and pointed at a random tiger and leopard.

Flesh rotten!

Dark green rays flashed past, and the tiger and leopard riding in the sky turned into gravel in an instant.

Just as Astaro smiled evilly, he continued to release spells and slaughter Tiger and Leopard Riders.

But suddenly stunned.

Because it found that it couldn't get the soul from the target it killed...

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