"What about the soul?"

Astaro felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He could sense that among the enemies in front of him, except for the iron lump, the others were creatures with full souls.

Under normal circumstances, as long as it is a creature killed by it or its subordinates, it will automatically plunder its soul.

But at this moment, after those humans were killed by it, it did not deprive them of their souls.

If other creatures were like that...Astaro couldn't imagine that.

Under the restriction of the law of chaos, it cost a huge price to project consciousness into Hendry's body.

If it can't get a sufficiently pure soul, then it will lose everything in this trip.

If it is more serious, it will even cause it to fall into a long-term weakness in the body of the decaying city.

Hell is not a peaceful place, and Astaro has many enemies.

If those devils know that it has fallen into weakness, then Astaro and the forces under his command will be in a passive state for a long time.

Dark green flames spewed out of the empty eye sockets.

Astaro used the energy stored in Hendry's body to frantically release various skills of high grade.

Hendry's dry body suffered a lot of damage under the siege of Tiger and Leopard Riders, Imperial Guards and the "Wu" Jinmen.

But Astaro did not care about it, fighting all the enemies alone with the momentum of perishing together.

In Astaro's eyes, Hendry's body is just waste and reuse, it doesn't matter if it is destroyed.

The important thing is that your origin is, as well as these pure and powerful souls in front of you.

However, after killing more than a dozen tigers and leopards and imperial guards again, Astaro was slow to plunder any soul.

This made Astaro's mentality a bit unbearable.

His eyes burst into flames, and he let out an angry roar.

"Where is your soul!"

"Where did you hide my soul!"



No one present could understand what Astaro was saying.

They formed a formation, slaughtering the irrational sons of decay while dealing with Astaro.

Jiang Chengzi retreated into the army with a calm expression, and took out a skill scroll from the space ring.

This is just a perfect skill scroll, Jiang Chengzi has six in his hand!

As for the two extraordinary-grade skill scrolls in the space ring, Jiang Chengzi is still reluctant to use them.

Although that monster is strong, it is not worthy of wasting an extraordinary skill scroll.

After all, there are not many skill scrolls of extraordinary grade in Huang Yu's hands.

There are only so many extraordinary-grade products that the discount artifact produces every day, which is used to deal with emergencies that threaten the survival of Zhanyi City.

Although this monster's magical ability is terrifying, it is not a big threat.

Even if you don't need the skill scroll called "Deep Cold Sigh" in your hand, you can use the battle formation to contain it, use the magic grain crystal blasting arrows and magic grain crystal blasting short spears to harass, and take the opportunity to shoot a few giant version explosion magic pills.

Sooner or later this monster will be torn apart by them.

However, doing so would take too long and cause too many unnecessary casualties.

You must use the skill scroll in your hand to fight quickly.

Looking at the "Wu" Jin Man who was kicked away by the monster again, Jiang Chengzi shook his head.

If I had known, I would have brought the "Xu" Jinren over here as well. To deal with monsters like Astaro, a dust cannon can solve a lot of problems.

In the face of magic monsters like Astaro, the melee-type golden man like "Wu" Jin Man does not have an advantage.

Opening the skill scroll of Deep Cold Sigh, Jiang Chengzi entered it with energy and activated the spell energy engraved in it.

Astaro, who was frantically venting his anger, didn't take it seriously at first when he sensed the energy fluctuations of the scroll.

The spells of perfect grade fluctuate only, and the body of the decaying city can be waved at will, and the power caused by it can be comparable to that of extraordinary grade spells.

Even the rotten flesh he just released at will, is a weakened version of the extraordinary spell.

Now, it just wants to know where the thief stole the victory that belonged to it.

However, when the chill wrapped around his body, Astaro suddenly woke up.

Now, although it is killing the Quartet, the body that supports it is only Tier 4 at present.

Although it has been transformed by its origin, it still has not entered the extraordinary.

However, it's too late.

The temperature in the center of the battlefield plummeted, and the invisible cold wind enveloped Astaro's body like the sigh of the Snow Goddess.

Immediately afterwards, Astaro's movements became slower and slower, and layers of ice crystals appeared on his body.

In the end, it was completely turned into an ice sculpture.

Although his body has been frozen, Astaro's will is still there.

It wants to mobilize the power in its body to break free from the shackles of the ice.

However, the energy in the body is extremely slow, and it can't keep up with the operation of its thinking at all.

Astaro's heart tightened, and he immediately obeyed the exclusion of Chaos Law and got out of Hendry's body.

If even this sense of consciousness is lost here, then it will lose a lot of money in this trip.

At the same time, a question was also brought to the rotten city of the abyss by its consciousness.

What was it that took away the souls of those humans?

Astaro's consciousness was withdrawn, and Hendry regained control of the body that had become completely unfamiliar.

He could feel how powerful his frozen body was.

But at this moment, it is completely meaningless.

In his sight, two bursting magic pills full of cracks are flying towards it at a high speed.

Boom! !

In the violent roar, the fierce fire completely covered Hendry's body.

With a strong shock wave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hendry was blown into several pieces and sputtered all over the territory.

Hendry only felt that the world in his eyes was chaotic, and after a long time, he regained part of his vision.

Then, his sight was gradually filled with a long spear.


When the monster's head rolled beside him, Cao Xing didn't hesitate, and shot a shot into the human face on the monster's forehead.

Wait until Cao Xing draws out his spear.

For a time, red, white, green, and some twisting, white things spurted out of the wound.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Cao Xing only felt very comfortable in his heart.

At the same time, a strong golden light poured out from Cao Xing, and it slowly dissipated after a long time.

After killing this monster, Cao Xing gained a lot of experience, his level soared, and he came to lv39!

"It's still a little bit!"

Cao Xing felt that he had touched a whole new level, but he still needed something to reach that level.

Control the flame dragon horse, release the fire breath, and burn the wreckage in front of you.

Cao Xing wielded a long spear and led a tiger and leopard cavalry to kill the son of decay.

It's just that he didn't see that a crystal egg fell from the forehead that was burned into black coal by the breath of flames.

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