
With two loud bangs, the explosion produced a terrifying fire wave and a strong shock wave.

The tent of the orc prophet Ragnar disappeared instantly, and the nearby tents and orcs were also tragically affected, and were engulfed by the explosion immediately.

The flames radiated, turning the orc camp into a sea of ​​fire.

The earth shook, and many orcs looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the center of the territory, and their eyes were full of shock.

The impact of the explosion carried the high temperature and sent Yan, who had not run far, flying away.

Enduring the pain of being burned, Yan Yi shot out the flying rope.

The zipline spanned a distance of more than ten meters and hit the orc who was shocked by the sudden explosion.

The sharp fixer directly penetrated the orc's neck, and then the cable retracted, pulling Yan to the orc in an instant.


Black light flashed.

The machete in his hand cut off an orc's head again.

Yan Yi didn't look back at the explosion behind him. He threw out a few explosive magic pills and killed the bewildered orc with a machete.

"Gollum woah..."

A hero unit among the orcs looked at the tent that had been completely wiped out by the explosion, and then looked at Yan Yi, who was slaughtering the orc warriors, his eyes immediately turned red.

It rushed towards Yan Yi with the battle axe, and said something Yan Yi did not understand, and it was aggressive, as if Yan Yi and it had a revenge for killing their father.

Considering the particularity of the Orc Prophet in the Orc Clan, Yan sent one or two explosive magic bullets to the Orc Prophet. For most Orcs, it was no less than the revenge of killing their father.


Scimitar against battle axe.

Yan Yi's body fluttered and slipped backward for a distance.

And the hero unit among the orcs staggered back several steps.

And the blade of the battle axe in its hand was also knocked off by the machete in Yan Yi's hand.

Both Yan Yi and the orc were fourth-order, but in the first battle, Yan Yi had the upper hand.

Of course, there are equipment advantages, but the more reason is due to the particularity of Yanyun's Eighteen Riders.

Whether fighting alone or fighting on a small scale, it is stronger than most arms.


The unfavorable apprenticeship caused a wave of anger in the hearts of the hero units among the orcs.

Waving an axe, the beastman was aggressive and charged towards Yan again.

Yan Yi waved his hand and threw out a few explosive magic pills, forcing the besieging orcs to retreat, and then erratic, facing the heroic unit among the orcs.

Clang clang!

Sparks shot out, and the machete brought out a large afterimage, covering the orc.

Not to be outdone, the orcs danced the battle axe in their hands.

However, it didn't take long for the two sides to compete, and the orc's face became more and more gloomy.

The gap in strength between it and Yan Yi can still be made up for with the powerful physique of the orcs.

But the gap in equipment made his heart sink a little bit.

The machete in Yan Yi's hand is of perfect grade, the light armor on his body is of excellent grade, and the boots on his feet are also of excellent grade.

Conversely, the orc hero unit only has a battle axe in its hand that is of superior quality, or it has been snatched from dwarven territory.

The seemingly heavy iron armor on his body also came from the territory of the black dwarf that was destroyed by the orc alliance, but its grade was only rare.

Compared with Yan Yi, it can be described as a world of difference.

Moreover, Yan Yi's equipment is tailor-made for him by the Magic Pattern Research Institute, which can maximize his strength.

And the battle axe in the hands of the orc hero unit is an out-and-out long-handled weapon in the hands of the dwarves.

But in the hands of the orcs, it seems to be wielding an axe, which is not easy to use.

Therefore, under Yan Yi's fierce offensive, the orcs gradually couldn't keep up with Yan Yi's attack rhythm.

In the sound of the collision of the weapons, there were a lot of gaps in the battle axe in its hand, and there were dense wounds on its body.

However, the Orc Hero Unit felt a little comforted at the sight of the Orc Warrior who was pressing down again.

I just need to contain this human being, and when he is surrounded, even if he has three heads and six arms, he will die here!

At that time, all his equipment will belong to him!

Whoosh whoosh!

Just as the orc hero unit was struggling to hold Yan Yi, arrows flashing with strange colors suddenly hit the orcs near the two.

Immediately afterwards, these arrows exploded violently, overturning the orc who surrounded Yan Yi.

The orc struggled to force Yan Yi back and looked back.

Then I saw several figures shuttled through the orc camp, rushing towards Yan Yi while reaping the lives of the orcs.

Menacing, unstoppable!

Seeing this scene, the orc's heart suddenly burst, and he was about to take the opportunity to slip away, but was forced back by three explosive magic pills that fell under his feet one after another.

"Where do you want to run?"

Yan Yi quickly approached the orc, the machete in his hand danced into a wind wheel, and launched an attack that was still poised to attack the orc.


How could the orcs, who lost their will to fight, resist Yan Yi's attack, and it didn't take long for Yan Yi to cut off his thigh and cut his belly.

Kneeling down on one knee, covering the wound in his abdomen, looking at the machete that Yan swung down, the orc showed a desperate expression.


At this moment, a short sword stopped Yan Yi's falling machete.

A ghostly figure suddenly appeared in front of Yan Yi and rescued the orc who was about to be killed by Yan Yi.

Compared with other orcs, its body is thinner, its pointed ears are shorter than those of elves, and its skin is much lighter green.

The graceful muscle lines make this female orc who suddenly appeared look a bit wild and beautiful.


Yan Yi's brows were furrowed, and he retreated.

He didn't notice anyone approaching at all.

If the female orc just now didn't rescue her fellow clan, she handed the dagger to her heart.

That Yan Yi has no certainty to dodge that fatal At that time, he can only pray that the protective goggles of his suit of armor will be stronger in defense.

Seeing that Yan turned over and retreated, the female orc did not chase after him.

It spat out the blood in its mouth, stared at Yan Yi viciously, and spat out some words that Yan Yi couldn't understand.

Yan Yi didn't have the idea of ​​chatting with the orc for a while, glanced at the female orc, and then shot out the flying rope, wanting to join the other eighteen cavalry of Yan Yun.

The battle goal was achieved, and it was time for them to leave.

"It asked why you were in the camp."

However, just as Yan Yi was about to leave, a voice interrupted him.

Yan Yi turned back involuntarily, and then showed an incredible look.

Because the talking orc was standing in the core area that just exploded.

Although he looked very embarrassed, Yan Yi still recognized the orc as the target of his assassination - the orc prophet Ragnar!

"Cough cough!"

Seeing Yan Yi turn his head, Ragnar coughed a few times, looked at Yan Yi indifferently and said:

"I have a problem here too."

"Can you tell me where I went wrong?"

"What the **** am I doing wrong!"

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