Looking at the orcs coming from the gap in the city wall, Tiger briefly remembered the life before he came to Chaos Continent.

At that time the country it was in was ruled by the Lion Empire founded by the Lion Man, as a kindred of the former ruler of the Empire.

Although they are the royal family among the orcs, the tiger people are restricted everywhere in the Lion Empire, and their status is not even comparable to that of some ordinary races.

Especially after the **** cleansing, the number of tiger people in the entire Ryan Empire is extremely rare.

The vast majority of the tiger people are hidden in the mountains and forests, with low schedules.

And Tiger's identity is more special.

It used to be a gladiator in the arena of Lane, and later in a rage, killed the slave owner in the arena.

Then, based on the gladiators in the arena, under the guise of the legacy of the previous dynasty, many orcs were recruited to form an uprising army.

Before they met the regular army, they laid down a lot of places.

But after the regular army came, the seemingly powerful troops were easily defeated like a mess of sand.

And Tiger himself has fallen into the escape life of crossing the street and screaming and beating.

Later, when he came to Chaos Continent, Tiger felt that this was a gift from God to him.

With personal force, it easily survived the difficult situation surrounded by wild monsters in the early stage, and led the territory to rise rapidly.

Later, after getting the certificate of the alliance and integrating multiple races, Tiger thought that his dream would be realized in the Chaos Continent.

But the successive blows have gradually cooled his enthusiastic heart.

It seems that no matter what world you are in, the most important thing is genius.


A fist the size of a millstone obscured Tiger's vision.

Recovering from the short-lived memories, Tiger looked at the Behemoth beast in front of him and roared, and sharply waved the giant blade in his hand.

A weapon of perfect grade, it can easily cut through the flesh and bones of the Behemoth.

The stump fell to the ground, blood drenched Tiger, and the Behemoth beast wailed, holding back his broken wrist.

Looking at the orcs fighting with the orcs, Tiger felt that the scene in front of him was so familiar.

In that horrific crush, it was like this, step by step, and escaped the battlefield with a few brothers.

It's just, that time it has a way out, it can be a coward.

But this time, it didn't even have a way out.

If you can't repel these orcs and welcome yourself and your clansmen, there is only one dead end!


At this moment, a werewolf hero unit was stunned and let out a roar.

Jung is the new leader of the werewolf clan appointed by Tiger.

It was just that it took the werewolf to defend the city wall and blocked the Behemoth beast.

The two orcs were divided with one knife, and Tiger looked in the direction from which the roar came.

Jung's headless corpse was slowly falling down, and the roaring werewolf hero unit faced an orc with unusually strong muscles.

The Orc Headhunter, an excellent class among the Orcs.

And that orc is a hero unit.

After seeing the werewolf's sorrowful expression again, the orc headhunter showed a hideous smile and chopped up with an axe without saying a word.

They are all hero units, and the difference in equipment and level is not big.

But by virtue of the racial advantage, as well as the rank and speciality of the troops, as soon as the two sides came into contact, the orc headhunter suppressed the werewolf.

After a few rounds, the werewolf was cut in two.

Looking at the werewolf's dying eyes, turning towards his darkened eyes, a nameless fire rose in Tiger's heart.

Jung and this werewolf are its henchmen.

Since its arrival, it has followed it longer than most tiger people, so the relationship is very good.

Now, it watched the two werewolves die in front of him.

The turbulent energy erupted from Tiger's body, turned bright red a moment later, and attached to Tiger's body like a flame.

Tiger's eyes showed a crazy look, he jumped off the four-eyed demon tiger, threw the giant blade in his hand to a tiger hero unit, and rushed towards the seemingly endless enemies in front of him.

Swish swish.

The cold light flickered among the orcs, and the length of Tiger's claw blade grew to nearly half a meter.

From the shimmering metallic color on its surface, it can be seen that its sharpness is extraordinary.

It may not be as good as a perfect-grade sword, but it should not be underestimated.

With superb fighting skills, Tiger shuttled among the orcs.

Wherever he went, blood splattered and his limbs flew. In just a few seconds, eight orcs died in Tiger's hands.

And the color of blood inflammation on Tiger's body has also become darker, and Tiger's body has become more and more burly.

In the Dance of Blood Flame, the talent that Tiger awakened when he was promoted to Tier 4 was also the talent that improved its combat power the most.

Feeling the new power pouring into his body, Tiger rushed straight towards a behemoth with golden sideburns.

This behemoth is much larger than the normal Beamon, and its strength and speed are also exceptionally agile.

Three of the elephant and crocodile men who besieged it had been hammered to death, but not even its fur was scratched.

Seeing Tiger rushing towards him from afar, Beamon Jin-temples felt a thump in his heart for some reason.

Without thinking about it, I picked up two pieces of rubble that fell off the city wall and threw it hard.

The gravel shot suddenly and rushed towards Tiger with a whistling sound.

The gravel only hit the afterimage of Tiger, and a red awn suddenly fell in front of the Behemoth beast.

At this time, Tiger's height has exceeded three meters, and the length of the claw blades of both hands has exceeded one meter, which looks very deformed.

But in front of the tall and burly body of Jinbei Beamon, he still looks very weak.

Seeing Tiger's abrupt appearance in front of him, Beamon Jin was stunned, and subconsciously clapped his palms to Tiger.

This palm down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fine iron will also be pressed into a discus.

Swish swish!

The red slashes were interspersed vertically and horizontally, weaving like a net in front of the golden temples Beamon.

Leaning less, the red net disappeared, and Beamon's arms turned into regular pieces of meat and fell to the ground.

Before it could let out a painful howl, Tiger turned into a knife with both palms and stabbed into the heart of Beamon.

puff~ puff~

Tiger stabbed dozens of times in succession, and the life breath of Beamon on the temples was completely cut off.


Jinbei Beamon fell to the ground.

Tiger stepped on his chest, pulled out his claws and raised his chest.

The blood inflammation attached to it has turned dark red at this time, and its physique has also broken through four meters!

Nearly 20 years of fighting experience in the arena has allowed Tiger to master extremely superb fighting skills.

No matter what size or number of enemies he faces, Tiger has a wealth of experience in dealing with them.

A failed uprising, a lord career that is about to fail, Tiger may not be a qualified lord, but he is definitely an excellent warrior.

Jumping off the corpse of Beamon with golden temples, Tiger shook off the blood on his claws and rushed into the enemy formation again.

And the blood inflammation on its body is getting darker and darker...

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