Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 372: Electromagnetic resonance magic net

The orc rear battalion was already in chaos.

The tent where the lord and the prophet were, was destroyed by a sudden explosion.

Many orcs who didn't know the truth began to squeeze here. After seeing the eighteen Yanyun cavalry fighting in formation, they swarmed up and started a siege.

Yan Yun's eighteen cavalry were deeply trapped in the enemy's formation, but they did not panic at all.

At this time, Yan Yi showed extremely strong combat effectiveness, which was one level higher than the other Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

Because, in the battle just now, he was officially promoted to a king-level unit!


Yan Yi swung the machete vigorously, with a black slashing attack, knocking back Magasa who suddenly appeared beside Yan Liu.

Then the figure flashed like a ghost among the orcs in front of him.

The orc warriors and warriors who rushed up couldn't even take Yan Yi's move.

And Yan Yi led Yan Yun's eighteen horses, like a nail, steadily advancing in the direction of the orc prophet Ragnar.

Whoosh whoosh!

Densely packed short spears and arrows shot from the front.

These short spears and arrows, completely ignoring their companions, completely enveloped the area where Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry was located.


The energy shield suddenly appeared, and then the energy resonated, forming a huge blue mesh shield, covering all the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry.

When the flying arrows and short spears approached the energy shield, they lost their kinetic energy and were unable to fall to the ground.

And the blue mesh shield lasted for an extraordinarily long time, blocking three or four waves of salvos, but still did not dissipate, and stably protected the Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

Until the rain of arrows stopped, the blue mesh shield remained strong.

After several waves of arrow rain, Yanyun's Eighteen Riders did not even lose their hair, but many orcs died at the hands of their compatriots.

Seeing this, several orcs roared and charged up again waving their weapons.

But Yanyun's Eighteen Riders turned a blind eye, and while the protective cover continued, they suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Ragnar, the orc prophet.


The orcs who rushed to the side of Yanyun's Eighteen Riders slashed at the protective shield with their weapons.

However, at the moment of contact with the protective cover, a fine electric current suddenly burst out on the surface of the originally calm and bright protective cover.

These electric currents follow the weapons swung down by the orcs, and cling to the orcs at an extremely fast speed.

Not only did these rushing orcs bounce away, but also their electric shocks were tender on the outside, smoking all over their bodies, and they immediately lost their combat effectiveness.

Even the lord of the Blood Chain Tribe, Magatha, was hit by the electric current, revealing his figure in the air.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry, who had turned the back camp upside down, hesitating whether to pull him into the shadow barrier.

The protective shield currently used by Yanyun's Eighteen Riders is an excellent-grade magic-weave structure specially made for them by Cangyun.

It's called "Electromagnetic Resonance Magic Web"!

Its basic original is the upgraded magic grain energy shield, but all the raw materials are made of fine gold.

And according to the resonating wind of the Spartan warriors, a similar resonating magic pattern is engraved.

After these eighteen energy shields resonate, they will form a giant energy shield with a geometrically increased defense.

When this magic texture structure just came out, Yan Yi had done experiments on the spot.

When the energy shield is fully activated, it can even defend a small-equivalent giant version of the blasting magic pill at close range!

Moreover, as long as the corresponding formation maintains the ability resonance, the energy shield can also move according to the releaser.

In addition, it also has the function of avoiding arrows and protecting it and the ability to counter injuries.

It is one of the most technical magic texture constructions in the universe.

The only downside is that each activation requires a lot of energy to crystallize.

However, there is a lot of reserves in the Yanyi space ring, and it can also support the operation of the electromagnetic resonance magic net for a long time.

Ghost Summons!




Seeing that the Eighteen Horses of Yanyun were unstoppable, Ragnar couldn't sit still, and released several spells to the Eighteen of Yanyun in a row.

After all, it is an orc prophet above the extraordinary. Although the offensive spells are relatively simple, their power cannot be underestimated.

Several ghost monsters congealed and rushed towards the electromagnetic resonance magic net.

Lightning, fireballs, and wind blades also bombard the electromagnetic resonance magic net.

The helpless electromagnetic resonance magic net of the orc warriors collapsed after a few breaths.

Seeing that the electromagnetic resonance magic net disappeared, Magasa let out a loud cry and stopped him with a few orc hero units.

And the orc prophet Ragnar drew out the little energy in his body and released the fog of war.


The gray fog that suddenly appeared covered the sight of Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders. Yan Yi immediately stopped and gave orders to the others.

The enemy disappeared, and the outside world could not be seen clearly. The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun maintained their original formation.

Just when Yan Yi was about to consume energy crystals and continue to activate the electromagnetic resonance magic net, a large number of black shadows suddenly extended under his feet, forming a closed black space in a few breaths.

The eighteen cavalry of Yanyun, the orc prophet, and the orc army all disappeared.

In front of him, only the female orc...

Outside the Shadow Barrier, the chirping of birds can be heard incessantly.

Once Yan lost contact and was in the fog of war, Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders did not fall into chaos.

Relying on their unique communication methods, they quickly determined their respective positions.

Then shrink the formation, defend the surrounding orcs in place, and wait for Yan Yi's return.

Looking at the fog of war, Yanyun's eighteen cavalry, who had lost their vision and leaders, were still well-trained to kill orc warriors.

Ragnar's heart cast a shadow.

It's not because of Yanyun Eighteen Riders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These humans are indeed powerful. Not only are they heroic units, but the tacit understanding between them is amazing.

But with the support of the army, Ragnar does not believe that these humans can take its life among the army.

The reason for this is because it felt the energy fluctuations when casting extraordinary-level spells in the direction of the half-orc territory.

In the previous battles, Magatha and its blood-chain tribe were always the first to fight, they fought aggressively and bravely, and they got the most benefits.

This is also the reason why Magatha can afford an epic-level awakening medium.

However, the reason why Magatha can gain so many advantages is also related to Ragnar's guidance.

Ragnar is indeed the hub of the orc coalition, but it is still essentially a citizen of the Blood Chain tribe, and it is inevitable to be biased.

Today's dispute between Bago and Magasa is just a performance.

Ragnar knew that not only Bago, but also Orgmar and Novaloo had issues with their previous actions.

In order to appease the three allies, Ragnar persuaded Magatha to give up the orc territory.

However, although the three orc lords have hidden strengths, Ragnar knows that they will never have the ability to release extraordinary spells.

Then who will release the spell now?

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