Darkness, which generally represents the unknown, mystery and danger, can evoke the hidden fears in the hearts of living beings.

When the curtain of darkness came, the orcs and half-orcs who had not yet run out of the hill suddenly lost their perception of reality.

As if the open skylight was covered with a thick black cloth.

Everything disappeared from perception.

The lit torch is like a fake, the light and temperature are confined in the outer flame, and it will go out on its own after a while.

The uneasy cry was also confined to the mouth.

Even if the two face each other, the sound seems to have entered a vacuum, and it cannot reach the other person's ears.

After being swallowed by this darkness, only their heartbeat can tell them the flow of time.

Falling into darkness, only the sound of his heartbeat can be heard in his ears, his eyes seem to be blind, and he can't even see his own hands.

Thinking that there are still enemies around, and there are terrifying dragons on the mountain, inexplicable panic rises from the hearts of the orcs and the orcs.

Both the orcs and the half-orcs were in a panic.

They are all worried, worried that there will be an enemy swinging a sharp blade in front of them, or that a demon dragon will open a **** mouth behind them.

The entire hill instantly turned into a flaming barrel of explosives.

Until a tiger man stepped in the air and rolled down the hillside, hitting many orcs and orcs.

The fuse was ignited, and the entire hill boiled instantly.

The orcs and half-orcs took a deep foot and a shallow foot, and ran towards what they thought was the downhill road.

Along the way, no matter what you encounter, it's just a slash.

They let out a roar that only they could hear, and their faces were burly, regardless of whether they were in the right direction or not.

Driven by instinct, he vented his fears hysterically.

The entire hill instantly turned into a hell-like scene of Shura.

The orcs and half-orcs at the foot of the mountain looked at the mountain in stunned and horrified expressions.

The Veil of Darkness does not really create darkness.

This spell, as its name suggests, is a veil that obscures all perceptions of the target.

It seems a bit like an illusion spell, but in fact, it is a veritable light and dark spell.

In the concept of spellcasting, light and darkness do not only refer to light and darkness, but also to the spiritual level.

And the Veil of Darkness is a manifestation of the latter.

Therefore, under the mountain where the veil of darkness did not reach, the orcs and orcs could still clearly see and hear everything that happened on the mountain.

The dragon that suddenly appeared was just sitting quietly on the castle in Tiger's territory, seemingly doing nothing.

The orcs and half-orcs on the mountain, like crazy, attacked everything around them frantically, and even killed each other.

Watching the scene of infiltrating people on the mountain, listening to the mournful wailing of orcs and half-orcs.

Under the mountain, whether it was a half-orc or an orc, neither dared to take a step forward.

Tiger and the three orc lords were horrified when they saw the chaotic scene on the mountain.

Especially Tiger, who was in the worst mood at this time.

Under the attack of the orcs, the half-orcs had long been beaten to the mountain.

Huang Yu just said the dragon breath, and most of the aliens killed were half-orcs.

At this time, the curtain of darkness descended, and the people who killed each other the most in the chaos were also the Orcs.

Its warriors are being consumed in the most senseless ways.

In addition, Huang Yu has already occupied the castle in Tiger's territory, and under him is the totem of the tiger people's ancestors.

Those two giant claws pressed on the main castle, which was equivalent to strangling Tiger's throat, which could endanger his own life at all times.

Thinking of this, Tiger put aside several orc warriors who were chasing and blocking, and rushed to the mountain.

Seeing that Tiger wanted to run, Novalu was about to intercept, but was stopped by Orgma.

"Novalu, let it test the water first, that... 'Human Lord' is a bit weird!"

Seeing that Bago didn't move, Novalu also gave up chasing Tiger.

It chased after it alone, and it really wasn't sure that it would survive Tiger's hands.

Inserting his totem pole into the ground, Novalu leaned on the totem pole and said:

"Tsk tsk, this is hundreds of thousands of soul crystals and experience, just let it go?"

Hearing Novalu's words, Bago said sadly:

"It really angers that guy, maybe one of the three of us will die."

"However, why did the human lord suddenly appear here?"

"Did Ragnar's prophecy go wrong, or did... the Bloodlink tribe have other ideas?"

After Baggo finished speaking, both Orgma and Novalu fell silent.

This time, face this rich orc territory.

Unusually, the Blood Chain Tribe did not participate, and only sent 1,500 voodoo warriors to the front.

And let them not hide their secrets and go all out to attack the Orcs.

End the battle as quickly as possible to face the subsequent human army.

Orgmar was even more acutely aware that Ragnar's attitude towards them was not quite right after that prophecy.

At first it didn't take it seriously.

Because what Ragnar said very clearly, is to make up for them and promote the harmony of the coalition.

But the sudden appearance of the human lord made Orgmar think a little more.

According to Ragnar's prophecy, the human army will arrive here tomorrow.

Although there is no human army in sight now, but the lord has arrived, will the army under his command be far away?

Looking at the dragon, Orgmar felt a little irritable.

It faintly resisted in its heart, associating the dragon with the human lord who had insulted itself.

"There seems to be some movement in the rear camp just now..."

Novalu turned his head to look behind, but his eyes were on the fifteen hundred voodoo warriors.

These 1,500 voodoo warriors can be said to be the most powerful and best equipped unit in the orc coalition.

At the beginning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With such a force protecting the rear, Novalu would still feel a trace of peace of mind.

But now, it has a feeling of being watched and being used as a knife.

"Let all the crossbows adjust their targets and attack the human lords!"

"The priest and the witch doctor also moved to cooperate with the soldiers to reach the top of the mountain."

"In any case, we must first solve the human lord and take down the orc territory!"

Orgma picked up the totem pole and said to Bago and Novalu as he walked:

"We all sent people to the Prophet to find out about this."

"Also, let those voodoo warriors join in."

"The losses are not huge at the moment, we..."


The sudden dragon roar interrupted Orgmar's words.

The three orc lords raised their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of the voice.

Then I saw three giant dragons, nine dragon beasts, and more than 400 iron-feather griffins, rushing over the battlefield like lightning.

We can still vaguely see the human beings carried on the dragons, dragon beasts and iron-feathered griffins.

After seeing this scene, the hearts of the three orc lords sank.

Human armies... here they come!

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