From the human beings who fell from the sky, Tiger felt a strong sense of oppression.

Not to mention the two terrifying monsters, among the more than 400 humans, except for ten spellcasters.

Each of the remaining, in its perception, is no less than the strongest hero unit under its command.

Among them, the human with a long spear gave Tiger a great sense of danger.

Although the number of his own side is five or six times that of the other side, Tiger knows it well.

Even if the half-orcs under his command are doubled, the combat power of the two sides is still not on the same level.

But even so, the current situation does not allow Tiger to take a step back.

Just like every life-and-death struggle experienced in the arena of Ryan Empire before coming to Chaos Continent.

Even if you are in a desperate situation, if you don't give it a try, you never know if there is still a way to live!


When he was less than fifty meters away from the elite unit of the universe, Tiger let out a roar.

Then he took the lead and rushed to Atreus and others.

"Dirios, leave this guy to me!"

After seeing Lord Tiger, Atreus was filled with fighting spirit.

After asking Dirios for his life and getting an answer, he stood out from the army and charged at Tiger with the silver of the sword.

From the opponent, he felt a more passionate fighting spirit than the centaur lord.

This will be a very good opponent!

After Atres took the lead in rushing out of the enemy, the remaining elites of the universe also began to rush towards the half-orc army.


Xiuen Xiuzuo controlled the magic cannon and fired the first shot against the orcs.

Two mushroom clouds erupted in the half-orc army. In the blazing fire, dozens of orcs died instantly.


Dilios roared.

Astinos and Phaedra led the heroic units of the Spartans to rush out first.

The wind of resonance formed in an instant, helping them avoid the arrows and short spears shot by the orcs.

Citeria followed with the Amazon female warriors.

Shoot arrows and short spears to suppress the vanguard of the Orcs.

At the same time, Suad led the Arcanist of the Crown of Secrets and began to release spells.

At this time, there is no need to brew some high-grade spells.

The most basic fireballs, wind blades, and ground thorns can bring a lot of casualties to closely-positioned orcs.

And some augmented spells are continuously released from the Arcanist's hands and applied to the Spartan warriors in the front row.


The "Chen" golden man flew into the air, holding a shield in the left and a knife in the right. While passing the Spartan warriors, he flew into the half-orc army and slashed at the half-orc with his knife.

Like cleaning up garbage, in a few rounds, the orcs' rudimentary formation was completely disrupted.

However, when the phalanx of elephants and crocodiles came up, the offensive of the "Chen" people was also hindered.

Looking at the rough-skinned and thick-skinned elephants with infinite strength, they resisted his own slashing.

The "Chen" golden man's eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth to charge for a moment, and spat out a pale yellow elliptical sphere.


At the moment of contact with the elephant man.

The elliptical sphere is like a lotus flower blooming, and the petals are spinning, trapping the elephant man in it.

Afterwards, the petals burst open, and the elephant man disintegrated into pieces of flesh and blood mist after touching the aftermath of the swaying.

When the lotus flower dissipated, all the elephants and people within the coverage area of ​​the light cannon disappeared, and only a blood-colored vortex was left on the ground, symbolizing that they had come.


A huge golden halo suddenly appeared above the head of the elite of the universe.

The spirit element of the Hall of Valor controls the golden halo, casting a piece of holy light, covering all the elites of Universal City.

The pure power of faith poured out on the elites of Universal City.

Not only did it restore its physical strength to its peak state, but it also formed a layer of shield around its body.

Blessed Aura!

One of the augmentation divine arts mastered by Yuan, can keep the subject's physical strength at its peak.

When the subject is injured, the blessing halo can also evolve into a healing magic, helping the subject to recover from the injury as soon as possible.

It's a very useful skill.


The swung spear was stopped by Tiger's claw blade.

Atreus pressed down hard, causing Tiger's body to lose its center.

Then, while he was standing unsteadily, he stabbed the silver of the front in his hand again.

Stab it!

Mars burst.

Tiger set up his claws to hold the silver of the front.

But Atreus' power exceeded its expectations.

A series of sparks rubbed between the silver of the front and Tiger's sharp claws, and they still inserted into Tiger's heart unimpeded.

Tiger was horrified and hurriedly dodged.

Although the Dance of Blood Flame had erupted once in the previous battle, Tiger's power was still enhanced several times.

But even so, it still did not block Atreus' shot.

This is not just a lack of strength, but also a gap in skill.


The Silver of the Frontier picked out a scar on Tiger's shoulder, bringing out a wisp of blood.

Then, when Tiger's ten blades crossed and was about to get stuck on the silver of the front, Atreus quickly took back the long spear he had obtained from the centaur lord in his hand.

Afterwards, Atreus completely ignored the attack of Tiger's tail, and stabbed the shadow of the penetrating front in his hand again.



The powerful tiger tail directly knocked Atreus into the air.

The direction in which Atreus' spear was inserted also deviates.

It was originally aimed at Tiger's heart, but it was inserted into Tiger's arm at this time.

Moreover, as Atreus flew out, Guan Feng Zhi Yin also brought out a wisp of blood and broke away from Tiger's arm.

"Cough cough!!"

Atreus touched his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Tiger slapped a tiger's tail, and UU reading smashed several of his ribs and injured his inner palace.

The holy light shrouded in Atreus began to spill into his body, but before the holy light soaked into his body, the immortal blood in Atreus surged rapidly.

With just two dry coughs, Atris' injury recovered in an instant.

On the other hand, the blood inflammation on Tiger's body dimmed a little.

The wound left on his shoulder by the silver of the front is also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The same super strong self-healing as me..."

The corners of Atres' mouth were drawn, and Lu Chi had a somewhat sinister smile.

Then he kicked his legs on the ground, holding the silver of the front, and rushed towards Tiger, whose eyes were scarlet.

Tiger's beard and hair were all open, his face was angry, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, and the maximum power consumed the energy stored in the dance of blood flames, and he rushed towards Atreus with a fierce expression.

At the moment when the two converged, Atreus heard a few words that Tiger almost squeezed out of his teeth:

"The sky is brilliant!"

The next moment, the entire battlefield, centered on Tiger and Atreus, suddenly burst into endless streamers.

The whole mountain was sprayed with colorful arcs, followed by the roar of muffled thunder.

When the roar dissipated, Atreis was seen to be steaming all over and collapsed to the ground.

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