
Tiger panted heavily, glanced at Atris, who was burnt like charcoal, and braced himself, ready to rush to Dilios and the others.

At this time, its body size shrunk again, and the blood inflammation on its body also turned pale red.

Cang Tian Huang Cai is its second talent, it can turn itself into colorful arcs to avoid damage, and release strong high temperature to burn the enemy.

The power is huge. When Tiger was not promoted to the fourth rank, he used this trick to kill a fifth-rank wild monster in the beast tide.

It's just that every time I use the Cang Tian Huang Cai, it will put a burden on the body and fall into weakness.

However, after being promoted to the fourth rank, Tiger obtained the new talent of the Dance of Blood Flame, and the side effects of the brilliance of the sky were also offset by the Dance of Blood Flame.

Even so, in the battle with the three orc lords just now, Tiger did not use this skill to avoid or even kill Bago and others.

Because in Tiger's eyes, it doesn't need to use the brilliance of the sky, it is also sure to defeat the opponent.

But after facing Atres, Tiger felt the pressure from Atres.

Click it!

Just as Tiger crossed Atreus and rushed towards the castle, it heard a few crisp sounds.

Afterwards, the sound of breaking the air came from behind, and the surging murderous aura of the carrier approached the back of Tiger's head.

Feeling the danger coming, Tiger was horrified and quickly turned sideways to dodge.

A cold light swiped across Tiger's forehead, and then the cold light paused, condensing it into silver across the front.

"Where are you going?"

A hoarse voice came, and Tiger looked at him angrily, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Because of his immortality, Atreus does not have high requirements for armor. Like the Spartan warriors, he wears rare-grade azure armor.

In the face of Tiger's brilliance, this heavy armor was directly destroyed.

The metal parts turned into molten iron and stuck to Atres.

Therefore, Atreus at this time looked particularly miserable and terrifying.

Where there is no protection of the green scale armor, the flesh tissue has been carbonized, and the place protected by the green scale armor is even more unbearable.

The molten molten iron cooled quickly and stuck tightly to Atreus' chest and back, and the reddish flesh and blood tissue could be seen through the gap.

Tiger frowned, looking at the unrecognizable Atris, and could even smell the faint smell of barbecue.

It has experienced countless battles of life and death, and has seen all kinds of **** and cruel scenes.

I thought that my will was firm enough, but after seeing Atreus' appearance at this time, his scalp was still a little numb.

What made it even more shocking was that even with this ghostly appearance, Atreus was still able to move freely.

As if he couldn't feel the pain, after showing a terrifying smile at it, he rushed over again.

"What the **** is this!"

The image of Atreus has a strong visual impact at this time.

Under the influence of this, Tiger's heart rarely came up with the idea of ​​avoiding war.

Click it!

The crisp sound came out again, and Tiger noticed where the sound came from.

Along with Atres' movements, the necrotic tissues on his body, as well as the metal fused into the flesh and blood tissues, are rapidly peeling off from him.

When he rushed to Tiger, the necrotic flesh and blood had all fallen off. At this time, his skin was not intact.

The bright red muscles arched, and the blood formed a faint blood mist beside him.

However, Atreus's movements were not affected in any way, and he vigorously swung the silver sword in his hand towards Tiger.


Tiger put up his tiger claws, blocked Guanfeng Zhiyin, and when he looked at Atris again, his brows jumped.

Under its gaze, the wounds on Atreus were recovering at a terrifying speed.

The skin, facial features, nails, hair... In less than a breath, the injuries that Cang Tian Huangcai left to Atreus have all recovered.

At this time, Atreus was no different from before, except that he didn't have an inch of thread, and Tiger was stunned when he saw it.

It felt that even if it chopped Atreus into pieces, Atreus would be reborn in a pile of minced meat.

Even a warrior above the extraordinary, the self-healing ability will not be exaggerated to this extent.

If this ability is permanent...

Thinking of this, Tiger's heart completely fell to the bottom.

A monster that can't be killed no matter what, even if his strength is slightly stronger, he will only have the possibility of failure in the end.

Can't mess with this guy!

Fighting again is a waste of time. Only by capturing that human lord can there be a chance to keep your territory!

Tiger's eyes narrowed, and he threw his tail at Atreus.


The tiger's tail hit the air, and a loud roar was heard in the air.

Having seen Tiger's move, Atreus has always been on guard against Huwei's attack.

When he saw the afterimage, he quickly dodged away.

But Tiger didn't want to use the tiger's tail to hurt Atreus, and after forcing Atreus away, he rushed towards the castle.

Dodging the whip of Tiger's tail, Atreus took out a robe from the space ring and wrapped it around his waist.

Looking at Tiger, who was escaping and rushing towards the castle, his eyes changed slightly, and he immediately chased after him.

He knew that Tiger rushed over, just seeking his own death.

Because in front of the lord, Tiger is no better than a goblin, and he can be destroyed by raising his hand.

Even Tiger might not be worthy of the Lord's shot, and the "Yuan" of the Hall of Valor, and the alien woman, are not easy to deal with.

It's just that the prey that he took the initiative to deal with has to escape, and even attack the majesty of the This is not allowed by Atreus...

Seeing the heat on the mountain, the allied orcs under the mountain just regrouped and lined up, and had no plans to attack.

After the appearance of Lingyuan and "Chen" Jinren in the Hall of Valor, the three orc lords fell into silence.

Although Ling Yuan in the Hall of Valor only showed the magic of group blessing, the three orc lords did not think that Yuan had only this ability.

Not to mention anything else, even with his physical body, Yuan can be transformed into a terrifying battlefield machine, reaping the lives of the soldiers.

Although the "Chen" golden man is smaller than Yuan, his performance is not inferior at all.

The tall and powerful Elephant Man was slaughtered by it with a machete.

From time to time, it also releases spell-like attacks, slamming the orcs into the world.

And counting the human lord...

The three orcs looked at each other and remained silent. What appeared in their minds was the dragon breath that Huang Yu spit out after his arrival.

Even Orgma, who hated Huang Yu the most, felt a bit of retreat in his heart at this time.

Everything deviates from the prophet's guidance.

Maybe the next moment, the human army will appear behind the orc coalition.

At that time, even if they want to go, they may not go!

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