"Why haven't the people sent to the rear camp come back!"

As the level increases, the physical quality of the lord will be greatly enhanced in all aspects, as will the senses such as vision and hearing.

So even though the battlefield on Lishan was still a certain distance away, the three orc lords could still see everything that happened on the mountain.

After seeing the incredible self-healing ability of Atreus, Bago couldn't help swallowing, turned his head and asked his subordinates impatiently.

The orc was holding the totem pole of his lord, and when he saw the gloomy lord, he asked cautiously:

"Lord Lord, do you want to send warriors over to take a look?"

Bago didn't answer, and looked back at the thirty-three Behemoth beasts lying in front of the formation, feeling even worse.

After listening to the prophet's words, it honestly sent all the Behemoths under its command to the battlefield.

In breaking through the city walls and fighting the Orcs, it lost a small half of the Behemoth.

One of them has taken blood medicine and is expected to become the golden temple Beamon of Golden Beamon.

Since he came to Chaos Continent, this was his biggest loss.

Even when he attacked the territory of the black dwarves, he only lost seven Beamon beasts.

If you can occupy this fourth-order half-orc territory, this loss is of course nothing.

Even if it is divided equally with Orgma and Novalu, the soul crystals and loot obtained are enough for it to buy hundreds of Behemoths from the ancestral land.

However, seeing that victory is in sight, the war has changed unexpectedly.

The sudden arrival of the human lord has become a destabilizing factor in this war.

The subsequent arrival of those human elites pushed the orc coalition forces into a dilemma.

Even if the Orcs and Humans fight together, it is impossible to eliminate them all without paying a huge price.

Although those humans are few in number, they are well-equipped and very powerful.

Each of these warriors is a hero unit, and there are even two king-level units.

Even the tigers and elephants whose individual strength is not weaker than or even stronger than the orcs, are still vulnerable in front of them.

In addition, there are ten spellcasters with a high level, those two behemoths, and that kind of large-scale destructive equipment.

In the face of these humans, the orc coalition has only one advantage, and that is the number of orcs.

If you really want to fight, it will definitely take a lot of time to eliminate all the enemies.

During this period of time, the human army might have arrived on the battlefield and outflanked their back path.

Although I don't know how many troops the human lord has, but looking at the number of heroic units on the mountain, we can confirm that the scale of the human army must be not small.

At that time, the orc coalition might be in danger of being wiped out!

But he stopped fighting in the middle of the fight, and if he quit this war, Bago was a little unwilling.

The war has come this far, and it has put too many resources into it.

If it can't return to its original value, its territory will be severely damaged.

In the future, don’t say that it will compete with the Blood Chain tribe, and it may even be comparable to the Blackstone tribe of Novalu.

"Bastard, where is the crossbow, why isn't it ready yet!"

"Blow the horn, let the two-footed flying dragon retreat, and don't get entangled with those giant dragons!"

"Why are there so many dragons in a human territory!"


Orgma's frantic voice caught Baggo's attention.

Bago turned his head to look, and saw Orgma, who had always been calm and smooth, was in a rage at this time, yelling at his opponent.

Seeing Orgma's appearance, Bago couldn't help but feel a little bit of balance, and even faintly gloated.

He lost a small half of the Behemoths, but Orgmar lost more than him.

At this time, Orgmar's most precious dragon knight was being killed by the dragon.

Those dragons of different races have shown a very tacit cooperation ability.

They were divided into three teams, cooperated with each other, and slaughtered three times their number of bipedal dragons to flee in embarrassment.

The physique and speed of the bipedal dragon are far inferior to those of the giant dragon. Under the siege of these giant dragons who abandoned their racial views and cooperated sincerely, they suffered heavy losses.

For a while, there were only sixteen flying dragons alive in the sky.

Seeing that someone is worse than himself, Bago's mood is inexplicably better...

Um! !

Before being happy for too long, Bago suddenly remembered something.

The war has been going on till now, although it has paid a lot of price, but reason tells Bago that if the fight continues, maybe the entire Chiqi tribe will be buried here.

The wisest choice is to leave here with his subordinates.

However, if they leave like this, the Chiqi Tribe will lose a lot. From now on, they will not be able to raise their heads in front of the Blood Chain Tribe.

After all, the Blood Chain Tribe that did not participate in this battle has no loss at all now.

And the Demon Hoof Tribe, which was equal in strength to the Blood Chain Tribe before, suffered even greater losses than Chiqi.

In this way, in the entire orc coalition, the Blood Chain tribe will dominate.

Only when the other three tribes unite can they resist the Blood Chain tribe.

But how easy is it to join forces?

Don't look at the good relationship between Orgma and Bago, but in Bago's heart, the one who least believes in Orgma.

When it was in the ancestral land, although it was only an ordinary warrior, it could be regarded as an old oil.

It can see the hypocrisy and selfishness of Orgmar.

Working with Orgma, Bago felt like he was going to be sold sooner or later.

As for the Blackrock tribe of Novalu...

Baggo glanced at Novalu without a trace, squinting his eyes, he felt that he had caught the key.

This war, from beginning to end, is a conspiracy of the Blood Chain Tribe!

Although the Prophet Ragnar is the initiator of the Alliance~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he has always been the Prophet of the Blood Chain Horde.

The Demon Hoof and the Red Flag have threatened the status of the Blood Chain Horde in the alliance. The purpose of dealing with the Orcs this time is to weaken their strength!

As for the prophecies, they are all false!

An orc prophet above the extraordinary, how could the prophecy go wrong?

Ragnar just wants to use the name of prophecy to let them send their elites to die!

"Lord Lord, the voodoo warriors of the Blood Chain Tribe are evacuated!"

At this moment, the men holding the totem pole behind him shouted at Bago.

Bago was stunned for a moment, and the secret passage was indeed the case. Looking back, he saw 1,500 voodoo warriors rushing towards the rear camp.

"Blood Chain Tribe!"

Orgma glanced back, her teeth clenched, her face ashen, obviously thinking of something with Bago.

At this moment, another orc hurriedly ran to Novalu's side, possessing himself and whispering.


After listening to the report of his subordinates, Novalu exclaimed and looked at Orgma and Bago in disbelief.

Facing the indifferent and questioning eyes of Orgma and Bago, Novalu's lips twitched and he spat out four bytes.

"The Prophet is dead!"

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