Standing on the top of the mountain, holding fire, Huang Yu stood east.

The mountains rise and fall to the sky, and it is a slowly rising sun.

It exudes orange-red light, like a huge expanding flame, burning the thin clouds in the sky and spreading to all directions.

At the beginning of a new day, things are flourishing, just like the fire in Huang Yu's hands.

Although it is weak now, it will continue to grow with the development of the sub-city, just like the morning glow, reflecting the mountains in the east.

[Do you want to activate the sub-tinder here? 】


Seeing the information prompt, Huang Yu chose Yes.

The golden shield that protected the secondary fire quietly disappeared, and the faint blue secondary fire floated out of Huang Yu's hand and drifted to the direction selected by Huang Yu and fell.

Then, the secondary fire emitted a hazy golden light, covering an area of ​​100 meters.

After the golden light dissipated, Huang Yu appeared in a wooden house, while the secondary fire floated on a stone platform.

【Ding! 】

[You have two heroic arms successfully promoted to the king-level arms! 】


[Hall of Heroes: 369 Heroic Soul Seals have been activated, please pay attention to the lord to check it and determine whether it has been converted into a Heroic Spirit unit! 】


[Crown of Mysteries: Mystery Department: Your Arcanist has successfully researched the third-order Mystery Department arcane results! 】


[Magic Weave Research Institute: You get a master-level casting master, 9 expert-level casting masters, 3 expert-level magic-weave possessors, and 1 expert-level magic-weave constructor...]


[Trading Tip: Lord Starscar paid 1.8 million soul crystals to buy epic-grade material—Tide of the Styx! 】


Just after the fire was activated, Huang Yu received a series of information prompts.

Among them, the news of the activation of 369 Heroic Soul Seals in the Hall of Heroes made Huang Yu's heart sink slightly.

Including the casualties of the auxiliary soldiers, in the battle last night, the loss of the Universal Army was several times the sum of the previous battle losses.

Universal City is indeed powerful, but it is still a bit difficult to fight against five Tier 4 advanced race territories at one time.

If it wasn't for the fierce battle between the orcs and the orcs, and the synergy between the tribes of the orcs, the entire world would have to pay a higher price to annihilate the orcs and the orcs.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu couldn't help but feel puzzled.

He didn't know much about the customs of orcs, but the three tribes of Demon Hoof, Blood Chain, and Chiqi were united at an early stage, and it stands to reason that the cooperation should be smoother.

But in this war, the orcs allied forces fell apart without much fighting, giving Huang Yu a chance to defeat them one by one.

Among them, there is naturally the influence of the fate interference technique and the eighteen cavalry attacks of Yanyun to kill the orc prophet, but Huang Yu felt that there should be a contradiction within the orcs...

Huang Yu walked out of the wooden hut and saw two thatched huts and ten restrained residents.

When the new branch city was just established, the configuration was the same as that of Universal City and Zhanyi City.

After all, it is only a first-order fire, both in terms of area and population.

Just like when Zhanyi City was established, the extinguishing of the secondary fire will not affect the status of the lord. If Huang Yu accidentally loses the main fire, the secondary fire can automatically become the main fire.

Moreover, after the secondary fire is activated, Huang Yu has another chance to modify the default territory name.

Huang Yu turned his head, the sun had risen from the mountains, exuding dazzling but not warm sunlight, clearing away the darkness that remained between heaven and earth one by one.

"The red sun was born, and its path is bright..."

"The second sub-city is like a rising sun in the east, guarding the east of Universal City and clearing away the alien enemies in the land of Shanyuan!"

"The new branch city is called Rising Sun City!"


【Ding! 】

[Do you name the territory where the secondary fire is located as Rising Sun City? 】

[Note: If there are no special items, the name of the territory can only be modified once, please choose carefully. 】


Seeing the pop-up information prompt, Huang Yu didn't hesitate, and immediately chose yes.

The second branch city is located in the east of Huanyu City. It was established after an important war. It is also a key position for the expansion of the universe to the eastern mountains.

It not only means new life, but also contains Huang Yu's expectations for its development.

The name of the rising sun lives up to its name.

In the information panel, "Huang Yu" (village) disappeared, and with a ray of golden light, "Rising Sun" (village) appeared in its original position.

Since then, the second branch city of the Universal Territory was officially established.

Of course, the first-order villages are too fragile, and the radiation range is also very small.

Seeing that there is still plenty of time, Huang Yu immediately entered the trading platform, bought a large amount of wood, stone, refined iron and food, and then chose to upgrade the secondary fire.

[Will it consume 100 soul crystals, 1000 units of wood, and 500 units of stone to upgrade the secondary fire to Tier 2? 】




With Huang Yu's determination, the flames of the secondary fire soared and released a golden light, covering the territory.

The wood and stone slowly disappeared, and the building slowly deformed in the golden light, like an invisible hand pinching it into the shape Huang Yu had in mind.

Territory upgrades are slower than building upgrades.

In less than an hour, the check-in time was refreshed, and the golden light of the upgrade slowly dissipated.

【Ding! 】

[The secondary fire is upgraded to the second level (add 10 people every day)! 】

[Note: It takes 1000 soul crystals to upgrade the secondary fire to Tier 3...]

[Territory: Rising Sun (Town)]

[Affiliation: Universal Territory, Huang Yu (Lord)]


After the upgrade is completed, the radiation range of the secondary fire in Rising Sun City has expanded a lot.

Seeing that it was getting late, his subordinates were already ready, and they were waiting for the order to return to Universal City.

Huang Yu continued to consume soul crystals and materials, and chose the secondary fire of Rising Sun City to upgrade to Tier 3.

[Will you pay 1,000 soul crystals, consume 10,000 units of wood, 5,000 units of stone... Upgrade the secondary fire of Rising Sun City to Tier 3? 】



After Huang Yu chose the golden upgrade cover once again enveloped the Rising Sun City and expanded outward little by little, and the materials purchased from the trading platform gradually disappeared.

Afterwards, Huang Yu opened Chaos Mall and searched for "population".

First, they paid 20,000 soul crystals to buy 2,000 random basic occupations, and then spent more than 30,000 soul crystals to buy 400 construction workers, 300 foragers, and 300 cooks, village chiefs, Tailors and other professionals have supplemented and enriched the common citizens of Rising Sun City.

Then it's time to buy some crops, livestock, and some basic mineral resources.

The construction of Rising Sun City this time, Huang Yu intends to hand it over to his subordinates to manage by himself. There are no special circumstances, so he probably won't come here.

So he wanted to do everything he had to do before he left.

After all, the straight-line distance between Rising Sun City and Universal City is 134 to 40 kilometers. When Atreus accompanies him back to Universal City, and then leads the relevant personnel and materials back to Rising Sun City, the construction of Rising Sun City can quickly enter the right track.

After simply assigning a task to the territorial people, Huang Yu handed it over to Leonidas for coordination, and then chose to sign in.

【Sign in successfully! 】

[Congratulations to the lord for obtaining a bag of fine-grade crop seeds - 1 bag of fragrant wheat seeds! 】


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