"The Lord is back!"

"Lots of loot, another great victory this time!"

"I am so lucky to be able to live in the world territory!"

"Everything is because of our great lord, long live the lord!"

"Long live the lord!"


On the East Avenue in the outer city of the universe, Huang Yu and the army he led, who had just returned, received a warm welcome from everyone in the territory.

The expedition time was tight yesterday, and Huang Yu didn't have time to mobilize before the war, so the people in the territory only saw that the lord led a large number of soldiers to leave the territory, and they didn't know what happened.

Then the night passed, and the lord returned, bringing back a lot of loot.

In particular, the corpses of the Behemoth beasts and the two-footed flying dragons that were dragged back by the warriors brought great shock to the people.

Coupled with the piles of equipment, ores and other materials, although the lords did not know the course of the war, they could see that their lord had won another huge victory!

Huang Yu rode on a tall Yanlong horse, and beside him were five king-level units, Ryana, Atreus, Citeria, Yan Yi, and Cao Xing.

With the ability of shadow jumping, Emile hides in Huang Yu's shadow, and most people cannot perceive her existence.

In this battle, Emile's performance was also quite good. Huang Yu originally planned to reward Emile's share of the tide of the Styx in the Huanyu shop to help him advance to the fourth rank.

But it is a pity that the Tide of the Stygian River was bought by the Star Mark lord last night for 1.8 million soul crystals.

Huang Yu was originally wondering why the soul crystals in his account had reached more than 24 million unknowingly.

After the secondary fire was activated, he received a message prompt and learned that it was bought by the star-scar lord.

But Huang Yu didn't care.

He has a huge amount of money now, not to mention epic-level awakening media, and even legendary-level awakening media, he can buy it directly without the help of a discounted artifact!

The people were too enthusiastic, and Huang Yu led the army to walk for more than half an hour before stepping into the inner city with the support of everyone.

The huge amount of booty has been taken over by the logistics department of the government department. The legionnaires returned to their respective buildings for repairs, while Huang Yu entered the castle with several legion commanders and arcanists.

"Let's eat first!"

Entering the castle, Huang Yu said to the housekeeper beside him.

The butler nodded and waved his hand back, and a team of servants stepped forward, leading the Legion Commander and Arcanist to the spare room to serve them and wash.

Huang Yu, accompanied by Emile, returned to his room for a short rest.

Although he hadn't slept all night yesterday, with the improvement of his strength and the completion of his meditation technique, Huang Yu was not mentally fatigued.

After a brief wash, he sat at his desk and let Emile massage him to relax.

After being transformed into a vampire, Emile's power system is quite complicated, but her mastery of natural magic is still very mature.

Even the hermit of St. Man can not be compared with Emile.

Now, Emile is using natural energy in massage to serve Huang Yu.

Natural energy, also known as life energy, nourishes the body and soul, making people feel comfortable and happy.

With the blessing of the void plundering talent, Huang Yu's body can be called the limit of mortal body, and the super high double resistance makes it impossible for ordinary magic energy to penetrate into his body.

However, Emile's special skills allowed the natural energy to still have the effect of moisturizing Huang Yu's body.

Closing his eyes and letting go of distracting thoughts, Huang Yu began to upgrade the building.

First of all, Huang Yu first called up the information interface of the Crown of Mysteries and the Arcane Tower of the Mystery Department, and then chose to upgrade it.

[Detected the Crown of Mysteries The mysterious school has researched the third-order arcane results, which meet the promotion requirements! 】

[Will you pay 10,000 soul crystals...to upgrade the arcane tower of the mysterious genre to Tier 3? 】




After Huang Yu was confirmed, he closed the upgrade interface of the mysterious genre Arcane Tower.

Among the four arcane schools currently owned by the Crown of Mysteries, the Elemental School and the Force Magnetic School have reached the fourth order, and the Summoning School and the Mysterious School have now reached the third order, and have gradually kept up with the development of the territory.

Then Huang Yu called up the information interface of the magic tower training ground and chose to upgrade.

[Please allocate the special building materials required for the third-level upgrade of the Magic Tower Training Ground! 】

"200 units of Xuankong Jade!"

[To meet the upgrade requirements, in addition to special building materials, this upgrade will also consume 360,000 soul crystals... Please confirm whether to upgrade? 】



Huang Yu decided to upgrade, 360,000 soul crystals were erased from the account, and there were still more than 23 million left.

Kate's training camp is already a Tier 3 building, capable of accommodating 500 troops.

This is a building with the same function as the Spartan training camp, which can transform the territorial people into an extraordinary army - Kate War Girl.

Huang Yu paid 10,000 soul crystals, purchased 400 training places, and informed Celine to choose a training target.

After Kate's training is out, she will be arranged to go to the Magic Tower training ground for training and upgrading.

Next, Huang Yu will form legions around the Amazon female warriors and Kate War Ji, and go to the two branch cities that will be established soon.

It is urgent to improve the strength of Kate's war princess.

After the message was sent out for a while, Huang Yu received a reply from Celine.

Because of the sudden advance of the war, since yesterday, Celine has been preparing for the establishment of the branch city.

Arrange the personnel of the government affairs system of Rising Sun City, dispatch special professionals such as foundries, pharmacists, arcanists, organize architects and construction workers, and prepare the materials needed to build the city...

Like Huang Yu, Celine didn't sleep all night, so she arranged these things properly before Huang Yu's return~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Celine is currently the busiest person in the world. The government affairs department is responsible for the basic necessities of life for nearly 100,000 people.

Although the person in charge of the manufacturing center is Nanxing, the current management work is still coordinated by Celine.

Next, there are two more sub-cities that need to be built in the plan. When the Universal City is upgraded to Tier 5, the population of the Universal Territory will usher in a wave of outbreaks.

The time is too short for professional training bases to count on.

Huang Yu is considering whether to add helpers to him through Chaos Mall.

Of course, these helpers can be spawned from skill scrolls from time to time, but are heroic units with outstanding political abilities like Celine.

Compared with combat hero units, these non-combat hero units are more controllable for Huang Yu...

"Kate's training camp is promoted to the fourth rank, and there is still a lack of high-grade special building materials, so it can be slowed down."

"The second-order God Forbidden Wall has enough defensive power, so don't rush to upgrade."

"The top priority now is to upgrade the Hall of Valor to Tier 3..."

The three hundred and sixty heroic spirits of CNOOC in the Hall of Heroes were sleeping in the soul imprint, waiting for Huang Yu to wake up.

Now that he has a lot of soul crystals in his hand, Huang Yu will not keep his warriors and heroes waiting for too long as he did before!

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