After searching the warehouse for a while, Huang Yu did not find any special building materials that were particularly suitable for the upgrade of the Hall of Valor except for the Soul Nurturing Stone and Xuankong Jade.

The materials in the universe are very rich, and the discounted artifacts are refreshed every day, and Huang Yu can buy one or two mineral resources from it.

But the vast majority of them are low-grade mineral resources, which are not enough to be used as territorial infrastructure resources, but not enough to upgrade special buildings above the extraordinary.

The Hall of Valhalla is a legendary-grade building, and at least special building materials of excellent or even perfect grade must be used in order to obtain good architectural characteristics.

Fortunately, the Hall of Valor only needs 100-1000 units of special building materials to meet the upgrade needs.

Huang Yu also did not intend to collect enough 1,000 units of special building materials to upgrade the Hall of Valor.

Calling up the information panel of the Hall of Valor, Huang Yu chose to upgrade.

[Please allocate the special building materials required for the third-level upgrade of the Hall of Valor! 】

"300 units of soul-cultivating stones!"

[To meet the upgrade requirements, in addition to special building materials, this upgrade will also consume 1 million soul crystals... Please confirm whether to upgrade? 】



The number of soul crystals in the account was immediately reduced by one million, and the Hall of Valor entered the upgrade state.

It takes a long time for a legendary building to upgrade from Tier 2 to Tier 3. Huang Yu took a look at the upgrade progress and made an estimate. It will probably be tonight before the Hall of Valor will be upgraded.

bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door, followed by the butler's voice.

"Lord Lord, the meal is ready, and everyone is in place, please come over to eat."

Huang Yu waved his hand to let Emile back down, and then said:

"Understood, I'll go right now."

Standing up, Huang Yu turned to Emile and said:

"You go to dinner first."

"When the meal and meeting are over, I will prepare an awakening medium for you."

"You are ready to advance to Tier 4."

Emile is a vampire who feeds on blood and is not used to eating human food, so the housekeeper will prepare it separately.

This has been the case since Emile joined the Universal Territory.

As for the source of the blood, of course, it will not come from the wrong way.

The fire devoured the vampire's lordship, the ancestor's coffin, and Huang Yu also had the right to buy vampire "food". Emile's food was purchased by Huang Yu in the Chaos Mall.

There is a perfect grade of vampire blood food, called "Blood Dew Brew", which can purify the blood of vampires and enhance the potential and strength of vampires. It is Emile's favorite food.

"Thank you for your gift!"

I don't know if it was because I heard that Huang Yu had prepared a promotion medium for him, or it was time for dinner.

Emile smiled sweetly, and behaved like a natural elf to Huang Yu, then quietly disappeared from Huang Yu.

Departing in the early morning and returning to the world territory, it was exactly noon.

When Huang Yu came to the restaurant, in addition to the five kings and ten arcanists who accompanied the army, Shilin, You'an, Baili, Zhuling, Nanxing and others were also waiting there.

Gathered together in twos and threes, chatting in full swing.

However, after seeing Huang Yu coming down the stairs, everyone immediately stopped talking and saluted Huang Yu.

"Don't be too polite, let's have dinner together!"

Huang Yu waved his hand and walked towards the main seat.

After the housekeeper opened the seat and Huang Yu officially took his seat, everyone around the dining table sat down one after another.

Fortunately, after the territory reaches the fourth level, the restaurant area of ​​the castle is large enough.

Otherwise, with so many people dining together, it's not really possible to sit down.

There were only some fruits, drinks and the like on the table. After everyone was seated, the attendants began to serve everyone.

Huang Yu would not deliberately cover up his desires, as a senior Blue Star foodie. After coming to Chaos Continent, he will also improve the food if conditions permit.

For a long time, among the many chefs in his castle, four of them broke through to become a high-quality professional "chef" not long ago, and one chef made a second breakthrough to become a rare-level professional - a gourmet!

And there are many things on Huang Yu's table that other lords can easily get.

The flesh and blood of excellent and perfect-grade monsters is the next best thing. Only people like Huang Yu who have unlocked the right to purchase goods of the corresponding race can buy the parts of various sub-dragon species and even dragon species.

This table of meals may cost more than 100,000 soul crystals!

Of course, Huang Yu has not yet reached the level of luxury to satisfy his appetite and spend 100,000 soul crystals to buy ingredients.

Most of these ingredients were selected by Huang Yu after the discount artifact was refreshed.

In Chaos Mall, in addition to various materials, there are the most types of food.

Now on the trading platform, food is not very valuable, so there are not a few high-grade food accumulated in the warehouses of the Universal Territory.

The food has been served. Seeing everyone looking at him, Huang Yu smiled slightly and said:

"Let's have a meal, don't be restrained."

Then he took the lead in picking up the cutlery and began to solve the first appetizer, the roasted liver of some kind of Yalong.

Because of the large number of people, many dishes are temporarily placed in the side hall, and the waiters on the side will add corresponding food according to the needs of the dining staff.

Whether it is barbecue, fruit, dessert, or drink, even if Huang Yu eats it, in addition to the wonderful taste, he will more or less feel a strong energy, burning like a flame in his body.

This energy is then transported throughout the body, nourishing the eater's body and enhancing their strength and potential.

Huang Yu has only tasted all the dishes, just tasted the delicious food. He has the innate ability to plunder from the void, and these foods have limited improvement in his strength.

And with his physical quality, if he let go of eating, this table of food might not be enough for him to eat Among the remaining people, Atris, Ryana, Cao Xing, Yan Yi and Citeria eat the most ferocious food. They are keen on all kinds of high-grade meat, and the energy contained in them helps them a lot.

Arcanist and Yoan have a special liking for some fruits and drinks. These kinds of foods usually have the effect of nourishing spiritual power, which can have a great effect on their practice.

Ruianna, Baili, Zhuling and the others were not very strong, and they had enough to eat after a while. In the second half, they dealt with some desserts and waited for the end of the luncheon.

This luncheon was of a very high standard. Huang Yu deliberately asked the butler to prepare it carefully, especially to reward the sergeants after the war.

The soldiers of each legion will also be rewarded accordingly, but the quality of the food will not be so rich.

After more than an hour, the luncheon was over.

Seeing the satisfied look on everyone's face, Huang Yu put down the tableware in his hand, wiped it briefly, and said to everyone with a smile:

"Everyone, let's take a break first, and the meeting will start after half an hour."

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