The last section is called Alliance Collaborative Management.

Lord Starscar set it up as a help area to meet the security needs of some research-oriented lords of the Zhili Society.

Most of the lords of this type are relatively moderate in strength. If they encounter similar orc coalition forces, fourth-order half-orc territories, or even ordinary believer territories, they are in danger of being destroyed.

Top lords supporting them with some equipment, potions, and even small-scale elite combat troops can also help them relieve a lot of pressure.

Exchanging knowledge for the resources and protection of other lords is the original intention of Lord Star Mark to establish a help area.

Unlike Lord Star Mark, Huang Yu has very high requirements for members of the Universal Alliance, and the lords he intends to invite are all top lords among human beings.

This type of lord encounters a strong enemy, and the support of small-scale elite troops basically does not play much role.

For lords like Kashid and Galo, only the territory of the same level of high-level races, or the enemy who has the proxy of the gods, the servants of the forces of hell, can make them feel the pressure.

Large-scale, long-distance space teleportation has not yet been opened, and the territories have not yet been able to join forces in reality.

Just like Lord Kashde attacking an angel, only Huang Yu can provide some substantial help when encountering an enemy of that level.

Of course, the help-seeking area is not meaningless at all. As the alliance level increases, the upper limit of help-seeking will be gradually increased. Large-scale support among alliance members is absolutely possible.

However, to achieve that level, it will take a long time.

Huang Yu still attaches great importance to the application of the alliance cooperation management section.

Because this involves whether the members of the alliance can send territorial citizens to the Universal Territory for magical possession and vocational training, and it is also related to the development of the universal mercenary business.

Huang Yu set the alliance cooperation management section as a special area for cooperation.

Regarding the authority of alliance members to ask for help, support and other functions in the cooperation area, Huang Yu still divides them according to the points level of the alliance members.

The higher the points level of the alliance members, the higher the priority of asking for help and support.

In addition, Huang Yu has also set up a resource library for cooperative warfare in the Points Mall. In the future, he plans to put strategic equipment such as magic guns, maglev helical crossbows, and even one or two golden men in it. Can.

The equipment inside can only be borrowed and not sold. As long as the points reach a certain level of alliance members, they can borrow from the resource library of the cooperative station. However, there will be restrictions on the number of borrowings, quantity, and grade that correspond to the points level. When borrowing, you must sign a contract to prevent the accident of borrowing and not returning it.

The three major areas of the Oneworld Alliance: the Golden Council, the Points Mall, and the Alliance Battle Area, rely on a more rigorous point system than the Zhili Club.

The higher the alliance points, the greater the authority of alliance members in front of various benefits.

However, members of different ranks should also undertake different obligations for the alliance, which are mainly reflected in the Golden Council and the Alliance War Zone.

And Huang Yu only needs to make the alliance attractive enough to other lords, and he won't be careful about losing the alliance's dominance.

. . . . . .

【Ding! 】

【The Oneworld Alliance is officially established! 】

[Leaders can find their own alliances in the World Channel Alliance section! 】

[The number of allied lords is now 1, and the lord can invite other lords to join by himself! 】

[Note: The first-order alliance certificate can invite up to 50 lords to form an alliance. If the number of alliances is increased in the later stage, special items need to be consumed to upgrade! 】

. . . . . .

After all the three major sectors and management systems were set up, Huang Yu received the news of the successful formation of the Oneworld Alliance.

A long time ago, Huang Yu had communicated with Lord Star Mark about the upgrade of the Alliance Certificate.

Lord Starscar told him that the super-grade material, Shadow Diamond, was needed to enhance the support function.

As for the props needed to increase the number of alliances, Lord Starscar did not say, and Huang Yu did not ask.

However, the Oneworld Alliance has just been established, and the fifty members are now fully enough. Huang Yu is not in a hurry to increase the number of members.

The most important thing at present is to increase the heritage and appeal of the Oneworld Alliance.

Huang Yu opened the World Channel Alliance area and saw three alliances formed by human lords.

The Alliance of Gods formed by believers has the highest level, which has risen to the third order, and the Zhili Association created by the star lord is still second order. The rest is the Universal Alliance that Huang Yu has just established, and now it is only Tier 1.

Entering the Oneworld Alliance, Huang Yu opened the Points Mall, and then brought out a batch of equipment, potions, skill scrolls, skill books, etc. from the warehouse, and some of them came from loot captured from alien races.

Then Huang Yu picked out some bed crossbows, magic guns, and maglev flying cars and put them into the cooperative resource library.

Afterwards, Huang Yu selected among the twelve golden people, and put the "si" golden people and the "wei" golden people into the cooperative war resource library, but the borrowing points were quite high.

After doing this, Huang Yu was about to quit the World Channel and went to Chaos Mall to screen for discounted products, when he suddenly thought of the heroic spirits in the Hall of Heroes.

The strength of ordinary heroic spirits is equivalent to that of heroic units among humans of the same rank, and as long as the heroic spirit seal is still there, it can be resurrected all the time.

After the Hall of Heroes is upgraded to Tier 2, each Heroic Spirit has a Heroic Spirit Void Jade. Using the Heroic Spirit Void Jade, anyone can summon Heroic Spirits to fight for themselves from anywhere.

Since the Twelve Golden People can be Yingling Kongyu can naturally also!

Huang Yu's eyes lit up, and he put the empty jade of twenty heroic spirits, including Dirios, into the cooperative war resource library.

There are more than 700 heroic arms in the universe, because Huang Yu now has five extraordinary arms, two perfect arms and two excellent arms.

The quality of the troops is high, and the number of hero units is large. Other human lords are not as rich as Huang Yu.

Moreover, after the awakening of the Holy Soul, Dilios' strength has been able to catch up with the king-level units, and his holy weapon is also being cast.

Other heroic spirits also have the opportunity to awaken holy souls and forge holy artifacts. After a while, there may not be a group of heroic spirits with strength comparable to the king-level arms!

In the Chaos Continent where extraordinary abilities emerge in endlessly, the importance of high-end combat power is self-evident. A king-level unit, even if it is only borrowed, is quite attractive to other lords.

And Huang Yu has Yuan Zhikong Jade in his hand, and he can summon heroic spirits anytime and anywhere. The Points Mall is Huang Yu's word, and it is his decision to put items on the shelves and take them off the shelves.

If he needs something urgently, he can take it out at any time as long as he is in the territory and the thing has not been borrowed.

After adjusting the points and councilor level required for borrowing for different heroic spirits, Huang Yu quit the World Channel and opened the Chaos Mall.

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