There is a well-developed fourth-order human territory on a plateau that is not many kilometers away from the universe.

There are high walls standing here, the houses are like houses, there are elite soldiers and strong generals guarding the city walls, and there are bustling human beings walking around in the territory.

This territory with a population of more than 15,000 and more than 7,000 high-level arms is the Star Mark Territory.

Inside the territory, Yi Xinheng finished teaching and walked out of the classroom with the support of several students.

As a well-known scholar on Blue Star, after coming to Chaos Continent, he founded the Zhili Society in the name of Lord Star Mark.

The good popularity and wisdom among the lords have given him a lot of resources.

Now his strength has reached the fourth rank, and the three awakened talents, except for the first excellent grade talent, the other two are extraordinary talents.

With his current strength, even the lords of most advanced races would not be his opponents.

In addition to the improvement of personal strength, the development of the Star Mark Territory is also very fast.

The third-order rare grade city wall, 2,000 extraordinary arms, forty-six casting masters, twenty-two pharmacists, and thirty mages. . . . . .

The current star-marked territory is full of talents, and both the people's livelihood and the military are on the right track.

Especially the military.

Although Yi Xinheng was a Blue Star scholar, he was not a pedantic person, and he would not be soft-hearted in the face of other lords, even human lords.

Now, within 40 kilometers of the Star Scar Territory, there is no shadow of other territories, and most of them were destroyed by him.

However, even if the territory has developed to this level, Yi Xinheng still has a problem of his own, and that is his only daughter who is thousands of miles away.

When he was at Bluestar, because of his divorce at an early age, he took great care of his daughter, and as a result, he cultivated her into a simple-minded, stubborn foolish white sweet.

If he was still on Blue Star, it wouldn't be a big deal. With his status, he was enough to protect his daughter from harm.

However, all this changed completely after it came to Chaos Continent.

Although assistance can be provided in various ways, the territory between him and his daughter is unknown how many kilometers apart. Once an emergency occurs there, Yi Xinheng will not be able to rescue him in time.

And in the chaotic continent where there are thousands of races and creatures from different worlds, accidents happen from time to time.

"People like the lord of the universe don't have to live in fear!"

"After all, one's own strength can avoid most disasters."

Yi Xinheng felt a little tired, and the Star Mark Territory did develop well, but now it has also entered a bottleneck.

As the radiation range of the territory increased, he also encountered some powerful forces and had friction with them.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If the Starscar Territory cannot keep up with the development of the surrounding forces, there will be a danger of destruction.

What's more, Yi Xinheng has to take care of his daughter's territory, the pressure can be imagined.

After trying his best to find his daughter, Yi Xinheng gave him a lot of help, including equipment, medicine, and arms. . . . . . Even the awakening medium for his daughter to be promoted to Tier 4 is an epic-level awakening medium that he consumed a lot of soul crystals and purchased from the Universal Store!

That is 1.8 million soul crystals, which is equivalent to an extraordinary army. Even if there is Zhili to support, Yi Xinheng's vitality is severely damaged, and there will be no major moves in the territory for a while. . . . . .

Open the friend list, as usual, Yi Xinheng goes to chat with her daughter whenever she has time, asking her about her current situation.

Just after opening the dialog with her daughter, Yi Xinheng saw three unread messages.

【Dad! ! You actually helped me buy the Tide of the Styx in the Universal Store! 】

【This is an epic awakening medium! It is worth 1.8 million soul crystals! ! 】

[People are moved to cry. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

Seeing her daughter's message, Yi Xinheng smiled knowingly, as if she saw the scene of her daughter holding her arms and acting like a spoiled child after she prepared a birthday surprise for her.

For a time, Yi Xinheng felt that the pressure after losing a large amount of soul crystals was relieved a lot.

only. . . . . . That kind of life is hard to come back to. . . . . .

"Can not give up!"

"Dad will definitely find you!"

With firm belief, Yi Xinheng sent a message to his daughter.

[1.8 million soul crystals only, as long as you are safe and healthy, this is nothing. 】

[Is the awakening process going smoothly? 】

【What kind of talent have you awakened? Is it right for you? 】

After the news was sent, Yi Xinheng did not receive news from her daughter immediately.

Although he knew that his daughter might be resting in the castle and didn't see his message, Yi Xinheng couldn't help feeling anxious.

After all, the higher the quality of the awakening medium, the probability of failure after use.

Yi Xinheng walked towards the castle while waiting for news from his daughter. He still has a lot of business to deal with.

There are no talents like Xilin in the Star Mark territory, and even there are only fourteen government officials. In the decision-making of many things, Yi Xinheng must personally intervene.

However, as soon as he entered the castle, Yi Xinheng received news from his daughter.

[Dad, the lord of the universe has established a universe alliance! 】

[The world channel is boiling now, and many lords are asking who has joined the Oneworld Alliance! 】

[Dad, did the lord of the universe invite you to join his alliance? 】

The world lords forge a new alliance?

Yi Xinheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't even bother to reply to his daughter's information, and hurriedly opened the World Channel.

After experiencing the advertisements of the believers, although the World Channel is not as active as before, it has gradually returned to the state of normal discussion.

After being invaded by beast hordes many times, UU Reading has to bear the pressure of competing with foreign lords for hegemony. The lords with insufficient strength or unstable minds have basically taken refuge in the power of the gods.

Moreover, the true face of the believers was first revealed by Huang Yu, and then there was news that Lord Kashde killed the angel.

Then everyone knew that the angels were not so powerful as to be invincible.

Become a believer, even with the protection of a perfect grade Holy Army, the territory is still in danger of being destroyed.

Angels, holy troops, priests, etc., are not as powerful as they were at the beginning, whether in the eyes of normal human lords or in the eyes of believers who have no substitutes.

Fewer and fewer lords have become believers, and the believers who are unable to recruit people have also entered a period of weakness after a long period of advertising, and gradually stopped advertising on the World Channel.

As soon as Lord Starscar entered, he was dazzled by the information quickly refreshed by the World Channel.

However, before Yi Xinheng could read it, he received a message.

【Ding! 】

[The Lord of the Universe invites you to join the Universe Alliance, do you agree! 】


. . . . . .

Seeing the information prompt, for some reason, Yi Xinheng had a vague feeling that the opportunity to solve the predicament of the Star Mark Territory was at hand.

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