"Hello, Lord!"

"Lord Lord, you are here!"

"It's a coincidence that you are here, we are preparing to experiment with this Adamantite Magic Light Cannon!"

After seeing Huang Yu, the busy people hurriedly greeted Huang Yu with a salute.

On the other hand, Zhuling ran over happily, hugging Huang Yu's arm and said excitedly:

"Lord Lord, this is the perfect magic weave structure developed by our team!"

"This is the first perfect-grade magic weave structure invented by the research institute!"

"Should you reward us well?"

After speaking, Zhu Ling blinked at Huang Yu, waiting for Huang Yu's reply with anticipation.

With the rapid development of the territory, Huang Yu's personal strength has increased rapidly, and he has become more and more majestic in the eyes of the soldiers, professionals, and territorial people under his command.

Right now, among all the people in the territory, there was only Zhu Ling, who was a genius and a carefree personality, who dared to hold his arm and act like a spoiled brat, directly asking for benefits.

Bamboo Ling's mind is simple, and she only has construction research in her mind, so Huang Yu is not disgusted by Bamboo Ling's behavior.

In addition, Bamboo Ling is the core of the core of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, half of the core magic pattern constructions in the universe are from her.

Therefore, Huang Yu was particularly indulgent and fond of Zhuling.

Zhuling not only has her own room in the castle, Huang Yu also built a mansion for her in the inner city alone, and arranged servants to take care of her daily life.

Under Huang Yu, only Zhuling had this treatment.

Even Celine moved out of the castle a long time ago, and most of the time, lives in a house in the inner city.

Huang Yu patted Zhuling's head, a smile appeared on his face, and said:

"What other reward do you want?"

"In terms of treatment, your salary is already the highest in the world."

"In terms of status, you are a senior engineer of the Magic Pattern Research Institute..."

"In terms of support, your research group has a fixed monthly research fund of 10 million coins."

"Tell me, what are you missing now?"

Now in the entire Magic Pattern Research Institute, the treatment of Zhuling is unmatched.

Even Shilin, who had just been promoted to a non-consul, and the general-level officers of each legion, could not compare with Zhuling in terms of treatment.

And the research group she led has also received a lot of dividends, and it can be said that it is the hottest research group in the entire Magic Pattern Research Institute.

"I don't want those!"

Piece of lips, Zhuling said indifferently:

"Zhuling is not interested in those."

"Lord Lord, I am now a master-level magic pattern constructor and master-level casting master!"

"Can you give me the Holy Spirit marrow fluid for research?"

"And the imitation lock of God, I want to try to repair it."

After speaking, Zhu Ling widened her eyes and looked at Huang Yu with a look of anticipation.

It was waiting here.

Huang Yu understood in his heart.

The deal with Lord Gasd allowed Huang Yu to obtain sixty-eight units of Holy Spirit marrow fluid and a damaged imitation of the God's Lock.

Holy Spirit Marrow is an epic-grade material. Huang Yu consumed 60 units to upgrade the Hall of Valor, and now there are 8 units left.

These eight units of Holy Spirit marrow fluid are very precious, with a total value of hundreds of millions!

The foundry and magic weave constructors in the territory are all masters, and materials of this level cannot be used yet.

In order to prevent waste, Huang Yu did not give the foundry and magic texture constructor permission to use it.

And the damaged imitation of the lock of God is different from the imitation fragment of the lock of God that Huang Yu handed over to the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

It is quite well preserved, and although it is damaged everywhere, it still has an extraordinary grade.

It's just because it's inconvenient to carry and its functions are sometimes ineffective, Huang Yu has never used it, and put it in the warehouse to eat ashes.

Waiting for someone to be promoted to Saint Foundry before planning to hand it over to the other party for repair.

Although Zhuling's dual occupations are currently at the master level, Huang Yu is already a little moved when he thinks of its metamorphosis potential.

It doesn't matter to Huang Yu that a few units of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid are lost, or a piece of equipment that has been repaired to an epic level.

But if you can use these materials to train Zhuling's hands, so as to promote Zhuling's promotion to Saint Foundry or Saint Demon Constructor, then

Although he had already agreed in his heart, Huang Yu was not ready to agree to Zhuling immediately, but opened his mouth and said:

"You want the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid and the imitation of the God's Lock?"

"no problem!"

"As long as your adamantine magic light cannon can satisfy me!"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Zhuling jumped up excitedly and said to Huang Yu:

"Please rest assured, Lord!"

"Me and Mu Ping have calculated, the power of the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon will definitely exceed your imagination!"

"Adamantine Magic Light Cannon is a magic weave construction belonging to the Adamantine energy system!"

"Although it was developed on the basis of a magic gun, its lethality and applicability far exceed those of a magic gun!"

"Besides, the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon doesn't need special ammo..."

Once the topic turned to the magic weave structure, Zhuling would talk endlessly.

Huang Yu automatically ignored Zhuling who was chattering in his ear, nodded to Mu Ping, and motioned them to go to the test site.

After comprehending what Huang Yu meant, Mu Ping commanded four imperial guards to drive the maglev to the south of the outer city.

Huang Yu gathered a large amount of wind elements and flew behind the maglev flying with everyone.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the forbidden wall in the south of the outer city.

"Lord Lord, do you still remember the magic lightsaber I made for you?"

"That's the initial configuration of the Adamantine Magic Light System's Magic Pattern Configuration!"

"There are many modules similar to the magic lightsaber in the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon, but compared to the magic lightsaber..."

Perhaps because she thought that after the experiment was over, she would be able to take over the imitations of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid and the lock of the gods. Zhuling was very excited~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and talked a lot.

Huang Yu kept talking on the way to bring her. Even when he arrived at the experimental site, he was still enthusiastic about introducing the magic light cannon to Huang Yu.

However, this also showed Zhuling's pride in developing the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon.

Don't try to teach me how to make a magic light cannon. . . . . .

Huang Yu was helpless, holding down Zhu Ling's head and interrupting her babbling.

"Zhuling, let's operate the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon!"

"I can't wait to see its power!"

Hearing Huang Yu's order, Zhuling bowed solemnly to Huang Yu and said:

"Received! Lord Lord!"

Then walked towards the maglev.

At the same time, the four imperial guards stood on the maglev flying car and lifted the tarpaulin covering the adamantine magic light cannon.

Huang Yu also finally saw the true face of this magic weave.

Although it was born out of the magic cannon, the shape of the adamantine magic light cannon is completely different from the magic cannon.

The Adamantine Magic Light Cannon is dark golden in color, and its overall shape is similar to a terrace, with many regular hemispherical protrusions on each side.

It doesn't seem to be anything special.

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