On the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon, there is no neat and complicated magic pattern circuit like the Magic Guide Cannon, and it looks like a lump of iron.

There are also some dismantling equipment on the forbidden wall, which is used to carry supplies and large equipment.

At this time, the four imperial guards were using these equipments to laboriously carry the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon under the maglev flying car.

After Huang Yu saw it, he asked them to retreat, and then stretched out his right hand.


Air surge.

Huang Yu's outstretched right hand instantly swelled into a giant claw, grabbing the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon.

Partial magic dragon transformation is Huang Yu's simple application of the talent of "Void Plunder".

A fusion of Balrog, Dragon and Giant. . . . . . . The power of many other creatures, the power of Huang Yu's claw is even more terrifying than that of a mountain giant!


The giant claws of the demon dragon grabbed the adamantine magic light cannon and made a harsh metal friction sound.

Huang Yu squeezed the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon and lifted it hard, like pinching a chess piece, and lifted the Adamantite Magic Light Gun from the maglev.

However, even under Huang Yu's gravity, the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon did not show any deformation or wear, and its hardness was evident.


Huang Yu put the adamantine magic light cannon on a liftable platform on the forbidden wall.

The Imperial Guard, Zhu Ling, and Mu Ping all had a look of awe when they saw Huang Yu lightly moving the fine gold magic light cannon down.

Don't look at the size of the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon, but it uses excellent-grade material for all its structures, and it weighs even more than three magic-guided guns!

However, Huang Yu can use his physical strength to transfer it with one hand, which is beyond the scope of normal creatures.

Zhuling and Mu Ping took two deputies and started to check the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon. After Huang Yu looked at it for a while, he called up the information panel of the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon.

[Magic Construct: Adamantite Magic Light Cannon]

【Grade: Perfect】

[Equipment introduction: This is the work of master-level magic-pattern constructors and master-level foundry masters Zhu Ling and Mu Ping of the Universal Magic Pattern Research Institute!

Channel and enhance the special energies contained in Adamantite with a magic pattern, causing it to release a devastating beam of energy.

The energy beam has high temperature and powerful cutting ability. After hitting the target, it will penetrate and cut the target, and the energy remaining at the wound will explode violently after a short reaction. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

After reading the information introduction of the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon, Huang Yu naturally thought of the magic light sword that almost made him commit suicide.

The excellent-grade magic lightsaber can cut almost anything under the extraordinary, while the Adamantite magic light cannon is like an enhanced version of the magic lightsaber.

Of course, the power of the magic light cannon should be more than that.

Zhuling babbled a lot, and Huang Yu listened to it more or less.

The Adamantite Magic Light Cannon can not only attack land targets, but also be used for air defense. There are also several attack modes to target different combat targets.

In addition, as long as it is operated properly, the Adamantine Magic Light Cannon can also attack multiple targets at the same time.

As a perfect-grade magic weave construction, according to the usual situation, the power and function of the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon should be comparable to, or even surpass, most extraordinary-grade equipment.

Of course, considering the particularity of the extraordinary level, its efficacy may be reduced to varying degrees.

But no matter how weakened it is, the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon is stronger than ordinary extraordinary equipment!

When Huang Yu checked the information about the adamantine magic light cannon, Zhuling and Mu Ping also checked and debugged.

Zhuling took a metal ball engraved with fine magic patterns from her assistant, turned her head to look at Huang Yu, and said eagerly:

"Lord Lord, can we start?"

"let's start!"

Huang Yu nodded and stood still on the wall of divine forbidden, watching Zhuling press the magic-patterned metal ball into the only groove behind the adamantine magic light cannon.


Just when the metal ball was inserted into the groove, the entire Adamantine Magic Light Cannon suddenly made a compact humming sound and began to vibrate.

Then, like a snake, a magic pattern quickly drilled out and spread from the magic pattern metal ball, covering the adamantine magic light cannon in an instant.

On the adamantine magic light cannon, the hemispherical protrusions began to emit light golden light after connecting with the magic patterns.

At first, Huang Yu didn't take it seriously, but after a few seconds, those golden lights became more and more intense, like little suns, exuding heart-pounding energy.

In about ten seconds, the golden light condensed to the extreme, and the entire adamantine magic light cannon was shrouded in hazy golden energy.

On the other hand, Huang Yu stared at the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon, his scalp tingling for a while, and his sharp intuition made him feel the danger from the Adamantite Magic Light Gun.

This shows that if he does not make any preparations and is hit by the adamantine magic light cannon, he may die instantly!

You must know that Huang Yu's defense is much higher than that of dragons, giants, and flame demons.

Even if it is to resist a giant version of the explosion magic pill head-on, it will only be slightly injured.

The Adamantine Magic Light Cannon made him feel the threat of death.

"This thing... can only be placed in the points mall cooperative resource pool at most, and rented to the members of the Oneworld Alliance."

"If you don't develop countermeasures, you must not turn it over to Chaos Mall!"

Huang Yu thought to himself that Zhuling over there had already controlled the magic light cannon and started the first attack.


A mechanical voice sounded.

The adamantine magic light cannon split from the center at an angle, and the golden energy jumped and condensed in the cracks, finally forming a golden little sun.

"Magic burst, launch!"

When the energy gathered to a certain level, Zhuling pressed the magic-patterned metal ball.


A clear sound pierced the space.

A golden beam of light shot out from the little sun and reached the test mound in an instant.

Everyone present held their breath, looking at the beam of light, it seemed a little quiet for a while.

However, the next moment.


In the harsh chirping sound, the mound was cut off in an instant.

Then, with a bang, a large piece of soil and gravel suddenly rose from the mound, and a mound more than 30 high was directly wiped from the ground by a magic light explosion.

However, although the mound has disappeared, the magic light explosion has not stopped.

After the mound was eliminated, the magic light burst unabated, and the pouring angle penetrated the ground.

sizzle —

boom boom-

With the harsh energy resonance and the violent explosion vibration, a deep groove was plowed out of the ground.

call out!

The last touch of golden light disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The gold magic light cannon closed, Huang Yu looked at the hundreds of meters long groove outside the city, and the shock could not be added.

"Lord Lord, the next time is the magic light ray!"

When the magic light cannon was closed, Zhuling couldn't wait to experiment with another attack mode of the adamantine magic light cannon.

Zhuling twisted the magic-patterned metal ball and pressed it down.

Then the hemispheres in front of the magic light cannon protrude, and they all emit energy rays. The power of these rays is not as strong as the magic light explosion, but it is better than the number.

Moreover, Huang Yu was stunned to discover that under the control of Zhuling, these magic rays could change their angles.

One after another magic light rays crossed, carved an irregular net on the ground, and then exploded along the network cable one after another, blasting a large area into scorched earth!

Zhuling continued to twist the magic-patterned metal ball, the hemispherical protrusion in front of the adamantine magic light cannon went out, the hemispherical protrusion at the top lit up, and thirty-six magic light rays burst out.

"Lord Lord, use the magic light ray at the top to kill the enemies in the air!"

Zhuling controlled the magic light ray with great interest, like slender sword blades waving alternately, slashing the sky.

Its coverage is very broad and very dense.

Huang Yu felt that having an adamantine magic light cannon was better than arranging a hundred maglev spiral crossbows on the city wall!

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