Although there are many monsters and wild monsters coming ashore from the sea, their strength is not very strong.

With the participation of the Amazon female warriors, the imperial guards and the warriors of the Black Armor Sect, the beast tide did not advance but retreated. At dawn, the army of Universal City even pushed back, almost hitting the southern bay.

In this battle of unequal strength, the various arms of Universal City have benefited a lot.

There are too many wild monsters and monsters, and the level is quite satisfactory, but they are limited by land combat, and the combat power is not ten.

Under the offensive of two extraordinary arms and a perfect arm, it is no different from the experience packs that can be picked up.

Of the 800 soldiers of the Black Armored Sect, everyone's level has been raised to the second rank.

This meant that all the 800 soldiers of the Black Armored Sect were promoted to warrior-level arms.

Among them, twelve warriors from the Black Armored Sect also achieved a second breakthrough and became heroic arms, which achieved a qualitative change overnight.

The only pity for Huang Yu is that the Tier 3 Black Armor Sect can only have 800 Black Armor Sect warriors.

If he now has 3,000 black armored warriors, after the baptism of this magic tide, he will have thousands of warrior-level troops under his command.

And the Black Armored Sect will also become the number one arm under Huang Yu's command!

In addition, the Amazon female warrior, the imperial guard, and the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun also gained a lot of benefits.

At this time, these two extraordinary arms, a total of more than 3,000 warriors and heroes, have all entered the third rank, and one-fifth of them have even entered the fourth rank!

Ryana, Citeria, Ella, Melanipor, Ying Changtian, Pojianzi, and the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun and other king-level arms and veteran hero arms have entered the fifth rank and entered the shock The sixth-order extraordinary stage.

However, the transformation of the Black Armored Sect and the great increase in the strength of the Amazon female warriors and the imperial guards were not the things that made Huang Yu the most happy.

After such a long period of accumulation, Ying Changtian, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, was successfully promoted to the king-level army in the confrontation with the beast tide!

Shortly after Ying Changtian was promoted to the king-level arm, the Amazon female warrior, Melanipor, who has the title of "Quiet", also successfully promoted to the king-level arm in this battle.

Counting Cao Meng, the deputy commander of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Huang Yu won three king-level arms overnight.

At this time, under his command, excluding the Hall of Heroes Lingyuan, the Heroic Spirit Dirios, and the vampire Emile, there are a total of twelve king-level troops!


Huang Yu stood quietly in the air, overlooking the battlefield below.

The army of Universal City was scattered all over the southern bay, no longer forcing back the beast tide, but forming a blockade, strangling the monsters and wild monsters that came ashore from the sea.

In the area that was ravaged by monsters before, there were more than 100 arcanists with the crown of mystery, releasing spells to purify the magic.

The Magic Weave Research Institute also excluded researchers, and placed a demon-suppressing tablet in the purified area.

Before this South China Sea magic tide caused hidden dangers, it was eliminated by Huang Yu.

Not only that, after the beast tide is over, Huang Yu will send people to set up a monument to suppress the demons and block the coastline, leaving only the area of ​​​​the southern bay as a place for the soldiers under his command to gain experience...

Thinking in his heart, Huang Yu looked across the sea at the island in the sea.

The area of ​​the island is not small, but it is very far away. Ordinary people can only see a vague black shadow.

But Huang Yu's vision has been strengthened by various abilities.

Even if it is more than 30 kilometers away, he can still see the basic outline of the island.

The island has steep sea cliffs, and at the center of the island is a towering volcano.

After turning on Chaos Vision, Huang Yu could see a huge throne directly above the volcano.

Huang Yu didn't know what race the throne was.

But although the throne is a fourth-order lordship, there are five other races' lordships around it.

Huang Yu knows four of them, they are the totem of the ancestors of the orcs, the human fire, the icon of the troll, and the furnace of the dwarf.

Another lordship that Huang Yu did not know was a colorful spar.

The five lordships are all Tier 3 and have existed for a long time.

It means that on that island, these six different race forces have never annexed.

This is inconceivable in the context of the Chaos Continent, where all races are fighting for hegemony.

And being able to rule the five alien races, so that they can settle down, and the root cause of no conflict between them, should be related to the race represented by that throne.

As it got close, Huang Yu couldn't even hold back his curiosity and wanted to fly over to find out.

However, as the red moon faded away, a fish belly white appeared in the eastern sky.

The wild monsters in the beast tide began to gradually regain their senses. Even if they were driven by the monsters, they did not dare to go ashore to confront the troops in the universe.

They fled into the sea one after another, and the intensity of the beast tide rapidly decreased. This beast tide, which caused countless lords headaches, finally came to an end.

Watching the wild monster jump into the sea like dumplings, Huang Yu used Hunyuan Wuji to dodge to the top of the South Bay.

Then he stretched out his hands to mobilize the ability of the Elemental Master.

brush brush -

Huge ice cones with irregular shapes rose one after another, forming a tall ice wall, with Huang Yu as the center, rapidly extending to both sides.

It didn't take long for the entire South China Sea Wide-area Bay to be surrounded, blocking the retreat of the sea beasts ashore.

The tall and hard wall of ice stood in the shallow water, and the imposing manner rising from the ground stunned everyone in the world who were fighting against wild monsters.

Only in terms of scale, Huang Yu's hand has far exceeded the influence of sixth-order extraordinary range Although it is not comparable to the coverage of seventh-order sanctuary spells, it brings everyone in the world. Shocking, truly unparalleled.

"Long live the lord!"

"The Lord is mighty!"


The warriors shouted excitedly, while quickly strangling wild monsters with nowhere to go.

The lord alone has temporarily blocked the southern bay.

This made their reverence for Huang Yu peaked.

After all, every time Huang Yu made a shot, they made them feel the huge gap in strength.

Even any of the king-level troops present did not have the strength to fight against Huang Yu.

Of course, this scene is possible because Huang Yu has been preparing for it for a while.

In fact, Huang Yu has been waiting here for a long time. Although the elemental energy in this area has not been controlled by his elemental commands, it is also easier for him to use it under his active influence.

What's more, there is water everywhere, and it is easier to use water spells and ice spells.

And even so, after casting a high wall of ice crystals in the southern bay, Huang Yu didn't have much energy left.

This also made Huang Yu give up the idea of ​​​​going to the island to find out.

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