Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 466: Invincible, the flower of connection

A large number of wild monsters and monsters were killed, and the sea water in the shallow water area with the high ice wall was also dyed into turbidity by various colors of blood.

It was not until the sun rose and the last wild monster fell to the ground howling, that the beast tide came to an end.

Fighting all night, even if it is a king-level soldier such as Ryana, there is a bit of weariness in his expression.

Of course, it is more about excitement and satisfaction. After all, such hearty battles are rare.

Huang Yu left behind the soldiers of the Black Armored Sect to clean up the battlefield, cooperated with the Arcanists of the Crown of Mysteries to purify the magical energy, and assisted the founders of the Magic Pattern Research Institute to set up the Demon Suppression Monument.

Then return to Universal City with the remaining warriors.

. . . . . .

【Ding! 】

[The Imperial Guards Camp: You have a soldier that has been promoted to a king-level soldier! 】

. . . . . .

【Ding! 】

[Amazon Tribe: You have an arm that has been promoted to a king-level arm! 】

. . . . . .

【Ding! 】

[Magic Pattern Research Institute: You have obtained an expert-level magic pattern possessor! 】

. . . . . .

As soon as he stepped into the coverage area of ​​Huanyu City, Huang Yu received a series of information prompts.

Huang Yu mainly checked the information panels of Ying Changtian and Melanipo.

[The Imperial Guard: Ying Changtian]

[Level: lv40]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Legendary (upgradeable to lv79)]


1. Imperial Iron Wall:

As the imperial guard, Ying Changtian has always carried out his duty of guarding.

When he stands in front of a target in need of protection, his convictions will be as strong as steel.

After the successful launch of the Imperial Iron Wall, Ying Changtian's basic quality will be greatly improved, and he will show amazing combat intuition and defensive skills.

This effect can be blessed on the army commanded by Ying Changtian, the more the number, the stronger the effect. . . . . .

2. Jincheng Tangchi:

When Ying Changtian guards a place, the effect of Jincheng Tangchi will be triggered.

The actual power of the defense devices (city walls, sentry towers, bed crossbows, etc.) under the extraordinary in this area will be increased by one grade.

The soldiers under the command of Ying Changtian will greatly improve their own defense, self-healing, and endurance in battle, and the actual effect of the defensive equipment they carry will be improved by one grade. . . . . .

3. Invincible Fighting Madness:

When facing a large number of enemies, Ying Changtian will enter a state of war madness.

In the state of Zhan Kuang, every effective attack of Ying Changtian can restore his physical strength and injuries. If Ying Changtian's body is in peak state, Zhan Kuang will enhance the strength of Ying Changtian.

Under the blessing of Zhan Kuang, Ying Changtian can have a combat power comparable to that of god-level troops.

However, after the war madness is lifted, Ying Changtian's strength will return to normal, and he will enter weakness for different lengths of time.

If Ying Changtian leads a small number of troops, the War Madness effect will be added to other troops, but will be weakened as the number of troops increases. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

Ying Changtian is an augmented king-level unit similar to Cao Meng, but his abilities are two extremes.

Cao Meng was good at attacking, but Ying Changtian was good at defending.

Cao Meng is good at defeating the enemy head on, while Ying Changtian is good at attacking the enemy head on.

These two king-level arms are the spear and shield of the universe.

The strength of the two can also be said to be between equals.

Cao Meng's personal core ability is world-shattering and can provide him with a one-second immunity to damage, while Ying Changtian's core skills Wanfu Invincible Battle Madness can make him more courageous and even fascinated.

In contrast, Cao Meng has a strong explosive ability, and Ying Changtian has a strong battle endurance.

In terms of personal strength, Cao Meng is slightly inferior, but he is not yet able to kill Ying Changtian in one second. Only with the help of immunity to damage in that second, can he be able to inflict heavy damage on Ying Changtian.

In terms of increasing the army, Ying Changtian is much better than Cao Meng.

After all, Ying Changtian can not only increase units, but also increase defensive buildings and equipment.

Although it is limited to the transcendent, the improvement of the army is also very huge.

Huang Yu was quite satisfied with Changtian's ability.

Although the "combat power comparable to god-level arms" brought by Yingchangtian Zhankuang is only temporary.

But this is also among the twelve king-level arms under Huang Yu's command, the few who touch the "God-level".

For people like Ying Changtian, Huang Yu will also let him guard one side like Jiang Chengzi and Leonidas.

Although his commander-in-chief ability is slightly lacking, his ability to defend one place is still unmatched under Huang Yu's command for the time being.

After reading Ying Changtian's information, Huang Yu continued to check Melanipor's information.

[Amazon Female Warrior: Melanipo]

[Level: lv40]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Legendary (upgradeable to lv79)]


1. Breath of Silence:

Melanipor possesses a spell-like ability called Breath of Annihilation, which is where her title comes from.

All Melanipo attacks will have the effect of the breath of silence. Even if no effective damage is caused, the breath of silence will invade the enemy's body, causing the parts infected with the breath of silence to die.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, the breath of silence will spread due to the intensity of the exercise, and in the process, you will feel the pain like countless ants tearing flesh.

2. Shattered Shadows:

Shattered Shadows is an interpretation of Melanibo's movement, swordsmanship and archery.

Because of the breath of annihilation, Melanipo is used to hitting the enemy multiple times in a short period of time.

When she entered a state of battle, her movement was elusive, her swordsmanship was strange and hard to guard, and her archery was as fast as rain.

The enemy often cannot even touch her shadow, and will die in the breath of silence.

3. The Flower of Lianyi:

Because of the power of the breath of annihilation, Melanipo inflicted unforgettable pain on the enemy.

In the eyes of the enemy, Melanibo is their nightmare.

But in the eyes of his companions, Melanipo is the most reliable companion.

Melanibo will get a Seed of Marriage for every enemy killed with the Breath of Silentness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Melanebo will put the Seed of Marriage on the companion. When the companion is fatally injured, The Seed of Marriage will be activated as the Flower of Marriage.

After activation, the flower of connection will quickly merge with the wound, helping the companion to heal the wound.

A companion at the same time. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

In the eyes of the enemy, Melanibo is their nightmare.

But in the eyes of his companions, Melanipo is the most reliable companion.

Melanipor will receive a Seed of Liation for every enemy killed with Breath of Annihilation.

Melanipo will put the seed of marriage on the companion. When the companion is fatally injured, the seed of marriage will be activated as the flower of marriage.

After activation, the flower of connection will quickly merge with the wound, helping the companion to heal the wound.

A companion at the same time. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

In the eyes of the enemy, Melanibo is their nightmare.

But in the eyes of his companions, Melanipo is the most reliable companion.

. . . . . .

But in the eyes of his companions, Melanipo is the most reliable companion.

. . . . . .

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