"Suyard, Kate Zhanji, who has been severely eroded by demonic energy, will be taken care of by your Arcanist with the Crown of Mysteries after returning to the Universal Territory."

"A Huai, Shi Xin, each of you sent a few pharmacists and potions to assist the Arcanist of the Crown of Secrets."

Fire Hall.

Due to the influence of the beast tide, today's court meeting will be a little later than before, and the content is quite large.

Three hours have passed since Huang Yu returned, and the meeting is only halfway through.

After the consul Celine reported the relevant matters, it was time for Huang Yu to arrange the work.

And the first problem to be solved in the territory is the fact that Kate Zhanji is easily eroded by demonic energy.

Kate, who is currently supporting Wings City and Rising Sun City, is on her way back to Universal City.

Of the 2,800 Kate War Princesses, there are more than 400 people who are seriously eroded by demonic energy.

Fortunately, although they were irritable and irritable, they did not completely lose their minds and did not cause too much trouble to their companions and territory.

"The next step is the construction of the outer city walls after the upgrade of Huanyu City."

Huang Yu looked up at Tinder, the upgrade progress was still a little short, and the upgrade should be completed this morning.

"Affected by the magic tide last night, I plan to build an urn city in the southern part of the territory to strengthen the defense of Universal City and resist the creatures in the southern sea area."

"This urn city can also be used to gather troops and train troops. Chunyu, about the construction of the urn city, you must come up with a suitable plan."

Chunyu, who participated in the court meeting for the first time, immediately stood up after hearing Huang Yu's words and took Huang Yu's order.

Huang Yu thought for a while and then continued:

"The southern Gulf is strategically important, and you can see if you can transform it into a port-like building."

"In addition, the construction of the outer city walls of the universe and the construction of Jingbei City are all things that need to be completed during this time."

"Your work pressure will not be small. If you have any needs, just mention it to me and Celine."

After Huanyu Tinder was upgraded to Tier 5, Huang Yu planned to use the twenty-five-kilometer-long Divine Forbidden Wall as the inner city wall.

As for the outer city wall, Huang Yu still wanted to use Kunjinyan to build it.

The Kunjinyan City Wall of excellent grade, as the city wall of the outer city of the universe, is completely enough.

As for Jingbei City, it was the name of the third branch that Huang Yu was going to build on the site of the Canglan Territory in the north of Huanyu City.

The construction of Jingbei City will be carried out simultaneously with the construction of Huanyu Outer City.

After the court meeting is over, the Amazon female warriors will join the Black Armor Sect Battle Group, carry supplies and personnel, and head to the Canglan Territory Ruins.

They will maintain peace and stability during the construction of Jingbei City, and at the same time, after the construction of Jingbei City, they will be stationed in Jingbei City and continue to open up into the depths of the forest.

Chunyu thought for a moment, then gathered up his courage and said to Huang Yu:

"Lord Lord, the construction of the city walls of the southern Wengcheng, Jingbei City and the outer city of the universe is a big project."

"At the same time, the construction period will take at least one month with the current manpower alone."

"Besides, the supply of core materials has not kept up with the demand at all... Can these projects come one by one?"

Hearing Chunyu's words, Huang Yu of course smiled and asked Chunyu:

"How many people do you need to do it in a week?"

After hearing this, Chunyu thought about it carefully, and finally gave Huang Yu a conservative answer:

"If there are enough materials, at least 6,000 construction workers will be needed."

"And the building department now has only fifty-six building engineers."

"In addition to construction workers, I need at least a hundred architects."

There are now more than 3,000 construction workers in the Universal Territory, which is the group with the most basic occupations in addition to farmers and gatherers.

In other territories, there are 300 construction workers, which are enough to handle the infrastructure tasks of the territory.

But under the promotion of Huang Yu, the development of the Universal Territory can be said to be the same day by day.

The three thousand construction workers were barely enough to build the city wall of a separate city.

But whether it is the construction of the southern barn city or the construction of the outer city of the universe, the workload will exceed the construction of a branch city wall.

Huang Yu didn't immediately answer Chunyu's question, but turned his head and said to Celine:

"Celine, this afternoon, I will add 50,000 civilians and 10,000 construction workers. I will coordinate the staff and prepare for the placement of the new leader."

"In addition, you should also inform the political officials of Zhanyi City and Rising Sun City about this matter, so that they can also prepare to accept the citizens."

"Today, the two branch cities will add 20,000 new residents!"

As the Universal Territory is upgraded to a Tier 5 Territory, the fire coverage area of ​​the Universal City will be greatly increased.

The Universal Territory can accommodate a substantial increase in population.

After the two sub-cities were upgraded to Tier 4 territories, they also had the territorial characteristics of Tier 3 Fertile Lands.

Not only can it get rid of the material supply of Huanyu City and become self-sufficient, there is also enough space to meet the daily needs of 20,000 people.

The addition of this 100,000 population has also made the total number of residents in the Universal Territory exceed the 200,000 mark!

In the Blue Star period, Huang Yu would not dare to imagine that he would one day be able to control a territory with a population of over 200,000.

But for now, those 200,000 people are just the beginning.

As the world territory develops faster and faster, the number of territorial people under Huang Yu's rule will also increase.

After solving the manpower problem, Huang Yu looked at Chunyu again and said:

"As for the material issue, you don't have to worry either."

"It is expected that tomorrow, the mining efficiency of Kunjin Rock Mine will increase to 800 units per day."

"The mining efficiency of the three newly excavated Kunjin rock mines will also reach 500 units per day."

"I will also improve the mining efficiency of other materials accordingly."

"I can assure you ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that there will be absolutely no shortage of materials during construction."

Huang Yu plans to upgrade the Kunjin rock mine in the territory to the fifth-order mineral resource after the fire is upgraded to the fifth-order.

Upgrading a Tier 5 mine requires tens of millions of soul crystals.

Fortunately, after the sale of goods in the World Alliance Points Mall, and the huge profits brought by the share of the Demon Suppression Tablet last night, Huang Yu now holds nearly 40 million soul crystals in his hands!

Upgrading the Kunjin rock mine and some other mineral resources is not a big problem.

Hearing Huang Yu's assurance, Chunyu immediately gained confidence and confidently responded to Huang Yu's request.

Using the topographic sand table of the Tinder Hall, Huang Yucai continued to work on other matters in Anpa after he raised some requirements for the construction of the Urn City and the Outer City to Chunyu.

The production of Adamantite Magic Light Cannon. . . . . .

The upgrade of the Twelve Golden People. . . . . .

The problem of the development of the Northeast. . . . . .

The progress of the mechanized production of the Scarlet Glory suit. . . . . .

Research on monsters and demons. . . . . .

Statistics of the military industry after the beast tide. . . . . .

The meeting lasted for nearly four hours, and it was barely over until it was approaching eleven o'clock.

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