"Lord Lord, with the current strength of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, it is still unable to satisfy your thoughts."

Baili was the first to speak.

With an embarrassed expression on his face, he said to Huang Yu with consideration:

"Strictly speaking, the Twelve Golden People are a building-type war weapon, not a piece of equipment."

"Its grade is extraordinary, which means that in its most basic form, all functions are at the level of extraordinary grade."

"The subtlety of its internal structure, the complexity of its energy system, and the precision of its operating principles cannot be equated with extraordinary-grade equipment."

As soon as Baili finished speaking, Cang Yun, who was beside him, continued:

"The Twelve Golden People are growth buildings."

"Its growth potential can reach epic rank, even legendary rank."

"Even if we imitate, we can only imitate a metal lump that has its own appearance."

"It's not that difficult to make it fight independently like the Twelve Golden Men."

"At most, it is manipulated in the way of a puppet master, which is far less spiritual than the twelve golden men."

"I just watched the central system of the 'ugly' golden man, and its complexity, even for a saint-level professional, is difficult to imitate."


After Baili and Cangyun spoke, other master-level professionals also agreed.

They also know the strategic position of the Twelve Golden People, so they understand Huang Yu's idea of ​​copying the Twelve Golden People.

Each master keeps putting forward his own ideas, confirming each other, and constantly rejecting them.

But not long after the discussion, everyone fell into silence again.

Looking distressed, looking at the eyes of the twelve golden men, it was like looking at a hard bone that could not be eaten in the mouth.

Bang bang bang.

"too difficult......"

Mu Ping, a dual-professional master of equipment casting and magic weave construction, patted the soles of the "ugly" golden man's feet in distress, showing a decadent look, and sighed:

"The essence of the twelve golden people lies in their unique energy system on the one hand."

"Like the power of the 'ugly' Jinren, it is not a simple elemental school ability, but a subtle combination of multi-school abilities."

"I can't see through the mystery at all."

"On the other hand, it lies in the movement principle of the twelve golden men automatically performing their work."

"This is a completely different way of operating from a puppet master."

"How to make a dead object, like a human pulling a bow and shooting an arrow, perform combat skills, and even automatically execute the best movement method according to the surrounding environment, is an area that none of us here has covered."

"If it weren't for the absence of life and soul, I would even think that the twelve golden men are like twelve human beings with spell-like abilities and superb combat skills."


After Mu Ping finished speaking, everyone stopped talking, and the scene suddenly fell into silence.

After listening to their words, Huang Yu also roughly understood the difficulty.

The Twelve Golden Men reminded him of the intelligent robots on Blue Star, and with the abilities that the Twelve Golden Humans have shown so far, it can be said that the Blue Star has never reached a level before crossing.

Master-level professionals are indeed strong, but they are not enough to make intelligent robots.

If you want to master the production principles of the Twelve Golden People, you must at least be a saint-level professional.

Looking at the silent crowd, Huang Yu felt a little pity in his heart, but he still encouraged calmly:

"Masters, don't be discouraged!"

"You have a lot of time in research."

"I believe that one day, you will be able to enter the threshold of Saint-level professionals!"

"At that time, the mystery of the twelve golden men will be discovered!"

Facing Huang Yu's encouragement, no matter what they thought in their hearts, the master-level professionals present still showed encouraging expressions and echoed Huang Yu's words.

They encouraged each other and re-discussed the combination of the Adamantite Magic Light Cannon and the Twelve Golden Figures.

In their eyes, it seems more feasible to connect the previously impossible energy system than to imitate the Twelve Golden People.

However, at this moment, Zhuling spoke up.

"Since we can't replicate the 'human-like' abilities of the Twelve Golden People, why don't we just 'plug' a person to make up for the lack of this part?"

Um? ? ?

Zhuling spoke suddenly, immediately attracting the attention of everyone present.

During the previous discussion, Zhuling had not spoken, which did not mean that the master-level professionals present had ignored her.

In fact, every move of Zhuling will attract the attention of everyone in the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

This is not only because Zhuling is favored by Huang Yu, but also because of the abilities Zhuling has shown so far and the great contribution she has made to the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

Not to mention anything else, the results developed by the Magic Pattern Research Institute every time it upgrades are basically related to Bamboo Ling.

In terms of Zhuling's contribution to the Magic Pattern Research Institute, Baili, Cangyun, and Mu Ping all had to stand aside.

This little girl's status in Huang Yu's heart can be said to be in the first place.

Even Baili, the director of the Magic Weave Research Institute, A Huai, the director of the Center for Magic Weave Possession, Xi Lin, the executive officer of the government affairs department, and the commanders of the military departments were all inferior to Zhu Ling's position in Huang Yu's heart.

But after Zhuling opened his mouth, Huang Yu was instantly overjoyed.

Although Bamboo Ling looks carefree, it will never aim at nothing without a reason.

Her ideas seem unpredictable, but the results are always unexpected.

From the very beginning of the zip line, to the later explosion magic pill, maglev flying disc, and now the Adamantite magic light cannon.

It can be said that every invention of Zhuling can bring about a huge change to the world territory.

Some of the masters were confused, some thoughtful, and all looked at Zhuling with bright eyes, waiting for her follow-up words.

Under the gazes of everyone, Zhuling showed no signs of timidity and said with a smile:

"The strength of the Twelve Golden Men~www.wuxiaspot.com~ lies in their energy system like spell-like abilities, as well as their flexible and superb combat skills like human warriors."

"Is it also understandable that 'human-like but better than human' is the essence of the strength of the twelve golden people."

"The imitations we can make are just empty and homogeneous."

"Then why not add a human part to it and let people manipulate the imitations of the twelve golden figures?"


Zhuling's words made the casters instantly boil.

Mao Jiang, a master caster who was born in the same batch as Zhuling, couldn't help but ask:

"Isn't your idea just puppet art? Is there any difference?"

Hearing Mao Jiang's words, Zhu Ling smiled and said:

"Puppet art has too many restrictions, and if you want to learn puppet art, it is as difficult as becoming an arcanist."

"Besides, the way the puppet master manipulates the puppet lacks spirituality."

"What I want is to integrate man and machine, and let the machine follow the actions of people."

Zhuling turned her head, looked at Huang Yu and said:

"Lord Lord once told me about a kind of equipment called mecha. I think the imitations of the twelve golden figures in front of me can act as mechas manipulated by humans!"

Huang Yu, who was beside him, was stunned when he heard these words.

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