Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 479: The third major research achievement

The painting style of the world territory... why is it getting more and more wrong?

Huang Yu looked at Zhuling, and then looked back at the "ugly" golden man, not knowing what to say for a while.

He valued Zhuling very much, and often dragged her to talk about some things on Blue Star, including some science fiction novels and equipment that appeared in movies.

And under his influence, Zhuling has embarked on a completely different path from the traditional foundry.

Until today, Zhuling has indeed invented a lot of equipment with Blue Star's shadow, but some of them are not too successful.

For example, the magic pill gun, and the magic light gun that was later improved with adamantine.

Although it is based on the firearms on the Blue Star, it is not suitable for the battlefield of Chaos Continent.

Outside the seven steps, the gun is fast, and within seven steps the gun is accurate and fast. It is aimed at ordinary people on Blue Star who are not affected by extraordinary power.

In the Chaos Continent, units with a slightly higher grade are basically not hit by the ballistic trajectory of the straight attack.

The magic pill guns and magic light guns developed by the Magic Pattern Research Institute are all worn by the security guards of the government affairs department.

The security guards are only foot soldiers one grade higher than the militia. Under normal circumstances, they can only be upgraded to the second rank. The strength is not strong, and it is okay to manage ordinary people. Sending them to the battlefield is basically equivalent to cannon fodder.

The units under Huang Yu's command are the worst and excellent, and they scoff at things like magic pill guns.

And most of them can shoot arrows. The arrows they shoot are not only fast and lethal, but also have some special skills.

It can even be said that the arrows shot will not turn, and they are embarrassed to say that they have mastered the art of archery.

In the same way, there is the magic lightsaber, that is, the magic weave structure that almost made Huang Yu commit suicide.

When Huang Yu first got it, he was very happy, thinking that this kind of equipment that resembles a Jedi knight lightsaber would be welcomed by his troops.

But when he released it to the military, he hit a wall immediately.

Soldiers are not impressed with this kind of equipment.

Although the magic lightsaber is portable and has strong cutting power, it also has many defects.

It's just that the magic light sword is much better than the magic pill gun, and there are still some special arms that use it as a secondary weapon, such as the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun and the Shadow of Sparta.

Of course, as the level increases and research becomes more and more, the things that Bamboo Ling invents later have a wide range of applicability.

The maglev vehicle upgraded from the maglev flying disc is now the core means of transportation and transportation in the territory.

The excellent-grade magic-weave-constructed magic-guided cannon was also loved and welcomed by all the lords.

Now, together with Mu Ping, they have developed a strategic weapon magic light cannon.

Of course, these equipments, more or less, all carried some shadows of Bluestar technology creations.

Just... mecha?

Even on Blue Star, the power of mecha is only reflected in novels and film and television dramas.

In reality, the cognition of things like mechas is also two-sided.

Even, some people think that the traditional large-scale mechas are completely inferior to tanks, aircraft, drones and other equipment in terms of cost performance.

Even if the mecha is really successfully developed, if it can't achieve the effect of the twelve golden people, the significance is not much.

When Huang Yu told Zhuling these things, it was mostly at the dinner table.

Therefore, most of the dozen masters present had never heard of this thing.

They subconsciously linked Zhuling's statement with the puppet technique. They didn't know the difference, so they all came forward to ask Zhuling's thoughts.

Everyone started a new round of discussions, but it was only centered on Zhuling.

Half an hour later, everyone came to a conclusion that Zhuling's idea was completely feasible.

Mu Ping, who has collaborated with Zhuling the most, was the first to understand Zhuling's idea and said excitedly:

"If you want to achieve the resonance of the man-machine magic pattern, you also need the assistance of the magic pattern possession center."

"Only in this way can the controller be able to use the mecha like an arm."

"Moreover, once the man-machine resonance magic pattern technology is available, it may become the second major research achievement of the magic pattern research institute!"

The third major research result of magic pattern!

Hearing Mu Ping's words, Huang Yu was also hot in his heart.

Since the establishment of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, its predecessor is the Blue Mountain Workshop, a special building of perfect grade.

Because of the advent of the magic pattern construction, it became the magic pattern research institute.

Later, the birth of the possessed magic pattern technology promoted the magic pattern research institute to an extraordinary grade building.

If the magic pattern human-machine resonance technology is developed, it will become the third major research achievement.

Take the Magic Pattern Research Institute and you will be promoted again to become a special building of epic level!

Looking at the masters in front of him, Huang Yu said:

"Since the third major research result is involved, the masters present must do their bit!"

"I'll tell Ah Huai at the Magic Mark Possession Center."

"Next, it's up to you to form a special research team for the magic-weave mecha to overcome the difficulties in the third major research achievement!"

Huang Yu made a final decision and brought together the top talents from the various centers of the Magic Pattern Research Institute to study the human-machine resonance of the magic pattern.

Just after everyone's research, Huang Yu also understood that this technology is not only used to develop magic-patterned mecha, but also has a very broad application in the future.

After hearing Huang Yu's appointment, the masters present were excited, distressed, or pondering, but they all nodded and said yes, and took over the task.

After Huang Yu called A Huai with the message crystal, he chatted with everyone for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until he received a message prompt.

【Ding! 】

[The Magic Tower training ground has been upgraded to a Tier 4 building! 】


Huang Yu opened the fire interface and called up the information panel of the magic tower training ground.

After upgrading to Tier 4, the training sessions, training time, and the number of teams trained in the Magic Tower training ground have been greatly improved.

At present, the Magic Tower training ground can accommodate up to 2,000 people to train at the same time in one day, and there are eight training sessions allocated to each person, with an average training time of ten hours.

In addition, because of joining the magic tower core, the magic tower training ground has also unlocked some special functions.

The first function enables the tactical deduction function of tactical evolution, analysis and simulation for the coordinated operations of the arms.

The second function is to analyze the training process for the individual training of the arms.

This function not only optimizes the trainer's combat skills, but also has a certain chance to enable the trainer to learn new combat skills!

The last function is a facility called genetic relocation.

This kind of genetic adjustment warehouse can automatically configure the nutrient solution that cures the dark diseases of the arms, quickly restores physical strength, and replenishes the missing nutrients.

In addition, there is a hidden ability of genetic regulation, that is, the potential to improve the arms!

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