The Land of Shadows is not the same as the Abyss.

Among them, the masters, and some high-level powerhouses have a high probability of encountering accidents.

The remaining shadow creatures, no matter how powerful the probability is, will not exceed the eighth-order legend.

Although it is still something that the Universal Territory cannot deal with now, with the development speed of the Universal Territory, it will not be long before it will have the ability to open up the Kingdom of Shadows!

At that time, Huang Yu will be able to obtain a lot of soul crystals just by virtue of shadow diamonds.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu intends to hand over the task of opening up the passage between Chaos Continent and the Land of Shadows to the now possessed Faceless.

"I have one thing for you to do."

"Since you can't get rid of the identity of the shadow creature for the time being, then you can use this identity to search for the way to and from the land of shadows from the Chaos Continent."

"Pay attention to safety, and reply to me immediately if there is relevant news."

After Huang Yu finished speaking, the Faceless replied immediately:

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The Faceless's tone was flat, and when she spoke, Huang Yu could not feel any fluctuations in her heart.

As if she didn't have any feelings, like a cold machine.

Huang Yu was not going to say more, and planned to take off the face of the faceless person to see the situation of the other faceless people.

At this moment, through the sight of the Faceless, Huang Yu saw a corner not far away, and the shadows began to gather in one place.

It didn't take long for the shadows to condense into a leopard-like creature.

Its whole body is composed of shadow energy, and the shadow energy at the eye position is particularly strong, like a substantial black gem.

Looking at the pair of eyes, Huang Yu only felt emptiness and coldness, without any feelings that belonged to living things.

This is a shadow creature, and the faceless one possessed by Huang Yu has become its hunting target.

The shadow energy spreads through the faceless body like water, and finally turned into a shield and a long sword.

With the help of the faceless man's sight, Huang Yu glanced at the four words "Universal Blue Mountain" on the shield, and he suddenly became a little playful.

Judging from the shape of the shield, it should be the product of the Blue Mountain Workshop before it was upgraded to the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

The "identity" borrowed by this faceless person, the territory he was in before, should have visited the Universal Shop in the early days of his arrival.

I just don't know which human territory it is and whether it still survives on the Chaos Continent.

Without any words, the shadow creature in the form of a leopard looks like a low-level thing.

After seeing the faceless man transform into a weapon, charge up the faceless man and launch a pounce.

Although its movements are fast, in Huang Yu's eyes, it is full of loopholes and very rough.

But this is from Huang Yu's point of view.

In the eyes of the Faceless, this shadow creature is not easy to deal with.

With the fighting skills brought by her "identity", she is ready to use her shield to block the attack of the shadow creatures.

However, he did not expect that the shadow creature was very agile, adjusted its body with the help of a shield, opened its mouth and bit the head of the Faceless.

Huang Yu's line of sight was occupied by the big mouth. Just when he was worried that his faceless man would be killed, three ridges of shadow energy suddenly burst out from the faceless man's shield, piercing the body of the shadow creature.

The Faceless took the opportunity to slash with his sword, slicing the shadow creature into pieces.

Those fragments fell to the ground, squirming and trying to fuse together at an extremely fast speed.

But the faceless body immediately turned into a shadow, like a greedy snake, swallowing all the shadow fragments.

Huang Yu was possessed by the Faceless, and he could feel the identity of the "Shadow Creature" of the Faceless at this time, and it became stronger.

Is this how the shadow creatures fight?

Huang Yu was a little curious, but knew that he should not wait here, and asked the faceless man a few words. After learning from the faceless man that the territory he was in before was called Changxing territory, he took off the face of the faceless man. .

The faceless person has no name or code name. In order to distinguish the faceless person easily, Huang Yu named the faceless person who fell into the country of shadows "Shadow Girl".

The Shadow Girl is now unable to protect herself and cannot help him for the time being.

But if Huang Yu wants to open up the kingdom of shadows and hunt shadow diamonds, the shadow girl is his best choice.

Putting the Shadow Girl's face back in place, Huang Yu spent some time activating the remaining nine Faceless Ones one by one.

The fate of the remaining nine faceless people is much better than that of the shadow girl.

Five of them are hidden in the human territory, some are ordinary citizens, some are low-level warriors, and one is a special professional.

When Huang Yu put on the face of a faceless man whom he named "Night Lion", the "identity" of the faceless man was fighting and was killed by orcs for distraction.

Huang Yu is still regretting the loss of a precious faceless person because of his sudden arrival.

Then he found that the connection between himself and the Faceless was not interrupted.

And after he died from the enemy, Ye Shi's "identity" was completely cut off. He was lying on the battlefield while holding a corpse and chatting with Huang Yu.

I don't know how he avoided the fatal wound.

Until the human army was defeated, the enemy's advance troops left, and the Orcs in the rear began to sweep the battlefield.

The night lion turned into a lion-man, stood up like no one else, and walked to a seriously injured lion-man hero. Taking advantage of his weakness, he launched karma borrowing and illusion, and finally successfully obtained a new identity.

And the lion-man hero who was deprived of his identity was like a bubble, and disappeared in front of Huang Yu.

During the whole process Although Operation Night Lion was very careful, there was no major disturbance.

But in Huang Yu's eyes, Ye Shi was blatant, walking from the dead man's pit to the side of the seriously injured Lion Hero.

Even a few lions and night lions passed by without looking at him. The whole process was strange and exciting.

However, like Shadow Girl, Ye Shi's personality is also very indifferent, and his mood does not fluctuate.

In other words, all faceless people are like this. They have abandoned their identity and their feelings as human beings.

After accepting the identity of the Lion-Man hero, Night Lion also accepted its memory.

The Lion-Man hero class is called Reiner, which comes from a fourth-order lion-man territory called Rhine.

Located on a grassland, this territory is stronger than the Tiger Territory destroyed by Huang Yu. There are twelve orc tribes in the territory.

The reason why Huang Yu values ​​Yeshi even more is because there is a mountain range in the west of the Rhineland that spreads from the grassland to a forest.

And that mountain range is very similar to the mountain range that is far away from the North West North Pole of the Universal Territory. Standing at the position of Jingbei City, you can see one or two mountains in the distance!

In other words, the Rhineland Territory and Zhanyi City are on the same grassland, and the distance is not particularly far.

When the Wings City and the Rhineland come into contact, the Night Lion may play an extremely important role!

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