Except for Night Lion and Shadow Girl, the other eight Faceless are basically useless at present.

After Huang Yu asked them to infiltrate the high-level forces of all parties as soon as possible, he paid for soul crystals to raise the Thousand Faces Church to the second rank.

The function of the second-order Thousand-faced Sanctuary has not changed much, only the number of marked faceless people has increased to fifty people.

Huang Yu activated them one by one and issued tasks to them.

The ability of the Faceless is strong, but most of them are currently unable to bring effective information to the universe.

Of the fifty faceless people, most of them are in the human territory, and their status is only ordinary citizens. Even the arms are rare, and there is no special professional.

The remaining small half of the Faceless, some mixed into the alien territory, lived and fought like aliens.

Some wandered in the wilderness, turned into various wild monsters, and even attacked the human territory with the beast tide, but failed to change their human status. . . . .

Of course, out of the fifty faceless people, there are still two who have special and important identities.

The Faceless Stranger, the lord of a human territory called Yanxing Territory!

When he first met the stranger, Huang Yu was also taken aback by his identity.

The new spy he took over turned out to be the leader of one of the forces, which made Huang Yu's mood quite complicated, and at the same time he was even more afraid of the faceless.

You must know that even the divine prison creatures cannot currently deprive the lords of the Blue Star humans.

The believers they support are rebellious in their hearts, and the clergy and the Holy Army can only put them under house arrest, inducement or mental control.

The lordship authority is given to the human lord by the Chaos Continent. Without the consent of the lord, the lords in the territory can resist the lord's rule, but they cannot deprive their lordship.

But the Stranger and the Faceless did it.

The reason why the territory of Yan Xing was named "Yan Xing" was because its lord signed a Yan Xing army of excellent grade on the first day of his arrival.

The Stranger deprived the identity of a Yan Xingjun at the first time.

After gaining Lynch's trust, Stranger has the opportunity to contact Tinder.

However, after getting a B-level evaluation in the assessment, the strength of Yan Xing's territory increased, and the lord Lyn Qi spent money to buy a perfect-grade arms building.

The new arms became Lyn Qi's darling, Yan Xingjun's status plummeted, and due to the strange operation of the lord Lyn Qi, the two arms were hostile to each other.

Later, Stranger borrowed the hand of the lord Lyn Qi to end his identity as "Yan Ming", and then he kept doing it without stopping. After drugging Lyn Qi, he launched a causal loan and successfully obtained Lyn Qi's identity.

After obtaining Lynch's identity, the Stranger not only has the unlimited potential of the blessing of the lord's identity, but even Tinder has acquiesced in the identity of the Stranger.

Stranger became the first lord Huang Yu learned to control the authority of the lord in the identity of a non-comer!

Embarrassingly, the stranger later told Huang Yu if he could release his identity from the small dark room.

Huang Yu didn't know when he actually blocked Lord Yan Xing. . . . . .

However, although the stranger has the status of a lord, the Yanxing territory is only a third-order territory. Although it is hitting the fourth-order, it is useless to the universe territory.

The resources of Yan Xing's territory are very common, and there are none of the extraordinary arms. The location has nothing to do with the surrounding areas of the Universal Territory, and its value is very limited.

Of course, if done properly, Yan Xing's territory may not be able to play a role in the future.

A lord turned out to be his own spy, which is something that no one can imagine.

The most important thing is that the life and death of this spy, and even his personal will, will be controlled by Huang Yu because of the Thousand Faces Church.

If there is a real need in the future, the Stranger and Yan Xing's territory will become a hole card in Huang Yu's hands that no one could have expected!

Huang Yu released Lord Yan Xing from the little black house, but he was not ready to pull the stranger into the Oneworld Alliance.

The Oneworld Alliance are all partners, and the Stranger is the surprise Huang Yu prepared for the enemy.

If it weren't for the faceless one named "Sister" by Huang Yu among the ten faceless people, he stayed in a territory with believers, and Huang Yu even wanted Lynch to break into the believers. . . . . .

Seeing that the development of Yan Xing's territory was difficult, Huang Yu added the stranger's friend after taking off the stranger's face, and sent one million soul crystals and some supplies.

With the current strength of Yan Xing's territory, it is possible to be destroyed when encountering slightly stronger alien races.

Huang Yu didn't want such a meaningful piece. Before he started to use it, he was engulfed by other strengths.

Now Yan Xing Territory is a loyal younger brother of the Universal Territory, helping the younger brother to develop rapidly, the greater the role that he can play in the future when needed. . . . . .

The nun mentioned earlier was the one who was the most valued among the ten faceless people that Huang Yu obtained for the first time, except for the shadow girl, the night lion and the stranger.

The nun's identity is only an ordinary territorial citizen, but the territory she is in is very special.

Goya Territory, the birthplace of the Church of the Earth Goddess, has agents and angels of the Earth Goddess in the territory!

This is one of the most representative lords among human believers, and one of the members of the Alliance of the Gods.

Huang Yu has never had contact with the believers of Dadi Church. The strength of the believers in this church is in the middle level of all churches.

The Church of Light in the Silla Territory is the only one.

The Holy Church in the Ole Territory, the Life Church in the Green City Territory, and the Verdict Church in Vidic belonged to the upper churches.

Next are the Church of the Earth, the Church of War, the Church of the Silver Moon, and the Church of the Stars, etc.

The Church of Truth that was killed by an angel by Huang Yu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After its reputation took a sharp turn for the worse, few people went to seek refuge, and they were gradually distanced by other churches.

After the faceless nun came, she has been living in Goya's territory as an ordinary territorial citizen.

After the lord's assessment was over, Goya's territory knelt down quickly. After the representative of the Church of the Earth brought an angel to the territory, Lord Goya joined the ranks of believers without saying a word.

There are agents and angels, and Goya's territory has developed rapidly. Now the number of holy troops has exceeded 10,000, and there are more than 300 temple warriors.

Although the nun is an ordinary citizen, she has never encountered any danger, and her daily task is only to plant the fields and pray.

But Huang Yu would not let such a good piece go!

He asked the nun to find a way to occupy the identity of a cleric, and rely on this identity to climb to the top of Goya's territory.

Of course, Huang Yu hopes that the nun can replace Lord Goya or the agent like the Stranger, that's even better.

But this idea was directly rejected by the nun.

His strength is still not at that level, and the karma on Lord Goya and the agent is too great, and they are all people who are watched by the prison of God.

Unless the god-hell creatures behind the Goya Territory and the Church of the Earth hang up, it is impossible for the causal loan to be launched successfully.

However, the nun did not object to Huang Yu's request for him to climb up.

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