Celine looked at Wu Guang with a simple and honest expression, and her vigilance towards this person increased a bit. On the surface, she still had an impeccable polite smile and chatted with Wu Guang.

Before coming, she asked Huang Yu whether to avoid some special areas to reduce the leakage of territorial information.

And Huang Yu just waved his hand and told her that it was not necessary.

Although the Universal Territory is a fifth-order territory, it is only one rank higher than other territories.

But the world territory is completely different from other territories.

This gap is reflected in the strength of arms, territorial construction, social order and many other dimensions, as well as the fire that Huang Yu spent a lot of energy to upgrade to the highest standard.

The price of the Spartan warriors under Huang Yu ranks at the bottom of the extraordinary arms, and its comprehensive performance is inferior to several other extraordinary arms.

For example, Taihua Ruishi in the hands of Jia Luo, in terms of basic data, Taihua Ruishi is stronger than the Spartan warrior and the Amazon female warrior.

However, under the superposition of buffs of territory characteristics, lord statue functions, and architectural characteristics, its comprehensive performance has surpassed Taihua Ruishi.

In addition, the rare-grade blue scale suit per capita, the extraordinary-grade mount stone horn beast, and the coverage rate of possessed magic patterns of 35%.

Two thousand Spartan warriors and Taihua Ruishi fight against each other, and the Spartan warrior will definitely win.

What's more, because of the additional construction features, the Spartans have 800 more people than Taihua Ruishi.

Universal Territory not only has a hard fist, but also has a very stable chassis.

Now the world territory has entered a self-sufficient and healthy development path, with abundant mines, unusually developed agriculture, emerging scale of animal husbandry, and booming manufacturing industry. . . . . .

In terms of the demand for basic materials, it basically got rid of the Chaos Mall.

To this day, some lords even need to buy food from Chaos stores and trading platforms.

Even the top lords, such as equipment, medicine and other materials, have not reached the level of self-sufficiency.

If the comprehensive strength of a territory is assessed from the aspects of military, economy, politics, culture, scientific research, education, etc.

At the current stage, the Universal Territory is a hexagonal warrior that has reached its peak in all aspects.

The power of the Universal Territory is reflected in all aspects, and it will not lose much if you look at it.

As long as it is strong enough, the secret of the universe is not a secret, but a distant goal for others.

The meaning of deliberately concealing is not great, but it seems petty.

The maglev flying car passed by the Huanyu Palace, the glazed gold windows, the jade table top, and the purple gold carvings surrounding the fire, which once again attracted Wu Guang's amazement.

After encountering a group of guards patrolling the imperial forest, Wu Guang looked at the equipment on the guards and his eyes flooded.

After entering the inner city market, Wu Guang was lying in the shops on the first floor of the market, almost unable to walk.

The inner city market and the outer city market are completely different.

The outer city market is mainly for ordinary people, and only the second floor will have extraordinary items such as potions, equipment, and scrolls.

The Universal Inner City Market is for special professions and arms.

The shops on the first floor are equipped with high-grade equipment, potions, skill scrolls, special materials, etc. On the second floor, there are services such as equipment customization, library, magic pattern possession, and magic pattern construction monopoly.

As for the third floor, it is the restaurant with the highest specifications in the world except the palace.

The chefs among them all come from the logistics of the Universal Palace. Usually, they are only open to the corresponding people in special circumstances such as the establishment of sub-city, winning battles, and major research results.

Now Celine wants to come here to serve as a temporary reception place.

After the meal, she can take these people to the second floor to receive the magic pattern possession, which is relatively convenient.

What made Wu Guang unable to walk was a perfect grade longbow in the equipment sales shop on the first floor.

"One, two, three... There are seven pieces of perfect-grade equipment here!"

"Thunder Bow costs 250,000 Universal Coins, or 250,000 Soul Crystals if I remember correctly...so cheap!"

"Lord Celine, can you sell me this bow!"

"Whether it's soul crystals or universe coins, just ask the lord directly."

"Lord Kaguya will never refuse!"

Wu Guang held the Thunder Bow and couldn't put it down. He looked at Shilin eagerly. He didn't look like a king-level soldier at all, and he was completely different from the four people next to him.

However, after carefully examining Capone and Candlelight, Celine realized that she had made a mistake.

Although the four people standing beside them looked stable and restrained, their eyes swept over the equipment in the shop, and their eyes shone brightly.

There are not only seven pieces of perfect-grade equipment in the shop, but also dozens of excellent-grade equipment, as well as a large number of rare-grade equipment, with a total value of millions of soul crystals.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the world territory, several people still maintained restraint, maybe they would have to grab it.

Seeing the expressions of the five people, Celine's expression remained unchanged, and she said with a light smile:

"At present, these equipments are only available for the fighters of the world territory to buy."

"The equipment sold to the outside world will be placed in the Points Mall and the Universal Store."

Hearing Celine's words, the expressions of several people showed a bit of disappointment.

Seeing this, Celine changed the conversation and said with a smile:

"However, everyone is a guest from afar, and is the first batch of VIPs to visit the world territory."

"I'll ask the lord to ask for a few purchase places for everyone, and try not to disappoint everyone."

After the five people heard it, they immediately showed a look of joy, and they all said:

"Lord Lacylin is here!"

Celine nodded without saying much, and brought the five people to the third floor of the market for dinner.

The government clerk who was on the side took out the communication crystal and reported the matter to Huang Yu.

. . . . . .

"Want to buy equipment from the market?"

Huang Yu just returned to the palace from the Hall of Valor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After seeing the message sent by Shilin, he agreed after thinking about it.

Because it is provided to their own people, it doesn't matter if they make money or not.

Therefore, the equipment in the inner city market of the universe is indeed the equipment with the highest quality and the best price in the universe, and the selling price is only a little higher than the cost price.

Like the Thunder Bow, it would cost at least 300,000/280,000 Universe Coins in the Points Mall, while the price in Chaos Mall was 330,000 Soul Crystals.

In comparison, it was directly cheaper by 80,000 soul crystals!

If Wu Guang, Capone and others bought it from the inner city market, they really took a big advantage.

But Huang Yu didn't take this little money to heart. Even if the equipment was sold, he wouldn't be considered a loss, but he wouldn't be able to earn much soul crystals.

Earn a little less soul crystals, give this transaction a good start, and there will naturally be no shortage of opportunities to earn soul crystals in the future.

"But it also reminded me."

"With the development speed of the Universal Territory and the popularity of the Universal Coin, the Universal Territory will sooner or later become the economic center of the human lord."

"It's time to lay out the trade system between sub-cities and territories."

Huang Yu took out the communication crystal and called Finance Minister Nezel over.

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