on the training ground.

Wu Guang held the Thunder Bow in his hand, and the wind element energy was wrapped around him, like a bird, and then walked in the air and turned it back.

While avoiding the combined attack of the two king-level arms with ease, he can also use the thunder bow in his hand to counterattack.

And as the mastery of the wind spirit phantom became more and more proficient, it became easier and easier for Wu Guang to be besieged by the two of them.

The thunder bow in his hand pulled out the afterimage, and it was as noisy as a thousand birds chirping at the same time, shooting arrows composed of a large amount of thunder and lightning energy, and the other two king-level troops scurried away.


With a scream, a king-level unit was accidentally hit.

Wu Guang's arrows shot by the Thunder Bow are not only numerous, but also fly very fast. The flight path and attack angle are also very tricky, which can be said to be hard to guard against.

Although the penetrating power and lethality are a little worse, it is still no problem to penetrate ordinary excellent grade armor.

That king-level soldier was the arrow of the Thunder Bow, which pierced through the shoulder pad and hit the shoulder.

A dense electric current spreads along the shoulders to the whole body.

The king-level unit reacted very quickly, and the moment he was hit by the arrow, the energy in his body was stimulated to disperse the entangled current, but the position of the shoulder was still paralyzed, and the flexibility dropped instantly.

Looking at Wu Guang, who was moving through the training ground like an elves in the wind, the king-level troops shouted with an ugly expression:

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

"Lord Lord, this is not fair!"

"Wu Guang not only doesn't fight us head-to-head, but also disgusts us with the benefit of the equipment!"

Lord Hui Ye watched with great interest, and when he heard the shout of the king-level soldier, he joked:

"Chufu, haven't you always called yourself the number one warrior in Kaguya's territory?"

"Working with Frey, we can't defeat Wu Guang."

"How can you call yourself the strongest Kaguya in front of the warriors in the future?"

When Wu Guang and another king-level unit in the Hui Ye domain were shouting at Chu Fu, they had already stopped.

It was early morning.

But when Wu Guang accepted the possession of the magic pattern and returned to the territory.

Lord Kaguya, who had already fallen asleep, got up and summoned him immediately.

After inquiring about Wu Guang about the Universal Territory, Lord Hui Ye, on a whim, called the other two king-level troops in the territory, Chu Fu and Frey, to start the effect of Wu Guang Fengling's phantom at the scene.

"This is not Wu Guang's true skill!"

"He borrowed external force!"

"Lord Lord, you are biased!"

"Going to the Universal Territory is such a good thing, why didn't you send me?"

"Maybe I can grab a few more pieces of perfect-grade equipment, and it's not impossible to even bring back a few magic-pattern possessing masters!"

The three king-level troops in Kaguya's territory.

Wu Guang is a commander-in-chief king with balanced combat abilities, but he likes to use a longbow because of his fighting habits.

Before that, Wu Guang's main weapon was an excellent-grade longbow. This time he went to the universe to take a lot of money and bought a thunder bow.

Chu Fu is a pure fighting-type king. Before Wu Guang got new equipment and accepted the "Possessed Magic Pattern · Wind Spirit Phantom", he was the strongest in Kaguya's territory.

Of course, this "strongest" premise does not include Lord Kaguya.

Since the establishment of the territory, Lord Kaguya has rarely made a move, and even Wu Guang, Chu Fu, and Frey don't know how powerful Lord Kaguya is.

After all, Lord Kaguya does not rely on force to govern the territory.

The last king-class arm, Frey, is the newest king-class arm, which belongs to the augmented king-class arm.

He comes from an extraordinary arm that Hui Ye has recently cultivated, and does not belong to the same arm sequence as Chu Chou and Wu Guang.

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Wu Guang teased:

"That's why the lord didn't send you there."

"Universe territory is not Kaguya territory."

"If you dare to mess around there, you will be sent back with a corpse."

As Wu Guang spoke, he played with the Thunder Bow in his hand.

He went to the universe with a mission, but possessing the magic pattern was second, and getting the Thunder Bow was even more of a surprise.

Whether it's the thunder bow or the possessed magic pattern, Lord Kaguya still pays through the universe coins.

He still has hundreds of thousands of universe coins in the account of the world alliance, which is enough to pay the price of the thunder bow.

Huang Yu also acquiesced to this method of transaction, and told Lord Hui Ye that when he sent people to the Universal Territory in the future, he could open a Universal Bank account for his subordinates and store a sum of Universal Coins.

Oneworld Bank and Oneworld Alliance are linked together, and Huang Yu has opened accounts for all alliance members.

When the members of the Oneworld Alliance come to the Oneworld Territory, if they want to purchase the goods of the Oneworld Territory, they can withdraw money from the Oneworld Bank and consume directly in the Oneworld Territory. . . . .

In this regard, the Lord Kaguya does not know if it is possible or not.

However, he also knows that as long as the Universal Territory keeps ahead of other territories, the economic status of the Universal Territory is irreplaceable.

As long as there are no accidents, sooner or later, Universal Currency will become the common currency between human territories.

Its applicability even surpasses that of soul crystals.

After all, the invisible and intangible things like soul crystals can only be used by lords.

And the management of the territory, it is impossible to carry out everything by the lord. . . . . .

Hearing Wu Guang's words, Chu Fu was quite dissatisfied and said:

"What if the universe territory is a fifth-order territory?"

"If you dare to take action against me, even if it is the lord of the universe, I will make him pay the price."

"We Tianwu warriors are not easy to bully!"

Chu Fu dared to say so, naturally he had the confidence.

As the strongest person in the Huiye territory other than Lord Huiye, Chu Fu seems to have focused all his points on his strength and potential~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't look at the fact that he just joined forces with Frey, Suppressed by Wu Guang.

But Wu Guang has already entered the fifth rank, while Chu Fu is only at the third rank now, and is in the stage of impacting the fourth rank.

Being able to suppress Wu Guang, whose level is more than ten levels higher than himself, and who has not yet obtained the Thunder Bow and Possessed Magic Marks and Phantom of the Wind Spirit, Chu Fu's strength can be seen in general.

The reason why Chu Fu's combat power is so strong is because Chu Fu is the only one of the three king-level arms in Kaguya's territory.

Its status is that of Atreus, Leiya, and Cao Xing in the world territory. . . . . .

However, it may be that he is full of fighting talent, and Chu Fu is rough in handling things.

"Chufu, some things can't be solved by force."

"I spent less than half a day in the Universal Territory, and saw four extraordinary arms."

"They are well-equipped, and almost everyone is wearing, at worst, rare-grade equipment."

"There are many people among them, all of whom have been possessed by magic patterns like me."

"In addition, their spellcasters are also very strong, and they can even give me a sense of oppression."

Wu Guang's expression was serious, and he peeped at the leopard. Only a corner of the universe was exposed, allowing him to see the gap between the two.

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