"This time, there are two new gold councillors and four silver councillors. The election for councillors will end at twelve o'clock tomorrow morning."

"The top five lords in points will get the golden councillor seat."

"The lords ranked sixth to fifteenth in terms of points will receive the seats of the Silver Councillor."

. . . . . .

The Universal Alliance was upgraded to a Tier 4 alliance, and the Golden Council was also transferred to the Chaos Illusory Realm.

Huang Yu set the parliamentary venue into a circle with the starry sky as the dome.

There is a terrace at one end of the venue, there is no seat on it, only a lectern, Huang Yu is standing behind the lectern at this time.

In front of the podium is a row of three golden thrones. The thrones are majestic and gorgeous in appearance. They are the positions of the three golden councilors of the Oneworld Alliance.

Lord Gasd, Lord Kaguya, and Lord Garo sat on the throne.

It's just that the faces and figures of the three of them are very hazy, and they concealed their true appearance before participating in the meeting.

Of course, this was also allowed by Huang Yu.

Not only the three Golden Council members, but other members of the Oneworld Alliance, including Huang Yu, hid their looks and figures after entering the Golden Council.

It's a form of self-preservation.

The Chaos Continent is full of all kinds of strange abilities. Mastering a person's appearance can do a lot of things.

Curse, divination. . . . . . Even worse things are possible.

Even if Huang Yu has the ability of Chaos Power and is immune to the ability of the Mystery Department, he is currently unable to prevent the enemy from using his face to do some disgusting things.

Therefore, this most basic protection still needs to be done.

The three golden seats became five after Huang Yu's voice fell.

Lord Haichen and Lord Chitian automatically filled their seats and fell to the golden councilor seats in the first row.

However, if the five of them, including Gasd, Garro, and Kaguya, could not occupy the top five positions in the standings before the end of the parliamentary election tomorrow, they would have to step down from these five seats.

The silver seats behind the golden seats have also become two rows, with a total of ten seats, and they are now seated from sixth to fifteenth in the standings.

Except for these fifteen people, the remaining thirty-four people can only stand or sit on the backmost ring platform.

. . . . . .

"The Oneworld Alliance plans to upgrade to Tier 5 at noon tomorrow."

"If the lord's teleportation function is enabled, all lords are welcome to visit Universal City."

"This concludes today's meeting."

"If you have something to do, you can leave by yourself, and you can communicate with other lords freely."

"There is a negotiation room in the parliamentary hall that is open for free."

Huang Yu's voice fell, and none of the fifty Universal Alliance members left the Golden Council directly.

The Golden Council can only be initiated by the leader of the alliance, or by a combination of three Golden Council members.

The Zhili Association is currently only second-order, and it is still unable to hold meetings in the Chaos Illusory Realm.

Like now, there are very few opportunities to communicate face-to-face with other lords.

Although everyone is a "hazy person", their clothing and basic gender characteristics are still reserved.

Soon, well-known lords such as Kashid, Garo, and Kaguya were surrounded by other lords.

"Lord Kashde, it is said that you established a branch city, why did you choose to open a branch city?"

"No way, the development of the main city has encountered a bottleneck. I can only build a branch city to consolidate my strength."

. . . . . .

"Lord Kaguya, has your territory been promoted to Tier 5?"

"No, it will take a lot of time... As far as I know, only the universe is currently a fifth-order territory."

. . . . . .

"Lord Galo, you are a rare heroine among human lords. Would you be lucky enough to see your true face?"


. . . . . .

The lords are in groups of three and five, sharing the development of their respective territories, and exchanging their experience in the management of the territories.

Some people, led by Lord Zhongtian and Lord Xuanji, wanted to get in front of Huang Yu, but they were blocked from the podium by Huang Yu.

Huang Yu picked out a few lords, answered some of their questions, and closed the Golden Council completely until everyone was almost gone.

[Lord Kashde exchanged 4 million universe coins and got 400,000 points! 】

Just after returning to reality, Huang Yu received a message from the Oneworld Alliance.

Lord Gasd made another big deal, scoring 400,000 points, and with an advantage of 560,000 total points, he firmly occupied the first position in the points rankings.

Looking at the posture, no one should be able to shake it at present.

Perhaps it was stimulated by Lord Kashde, and soon, the exchange information of the Universal Coin of the Universal Alliance began to pop up frequently.

[The lord of the sky exchanges 1.5 million universe coins and gets 150,000 points! 】

[Lord Galo exchanged 2.5 million universe coins and got 250,000 points! 】

. . . . . .

[Lord Huiye exchanged 3 million universe coins and got 300,000 points! 】

. . . . . .

Among the many lords who exchanged points in the future, Lord Garro and Lord Kaguya were considered to be generous.

It seems that both of them have benefited a lot after becoming the golden members of the Oneworld Alliance.

The shot at this time was two or three million soul crystals. On the one hand, it showed their determination to win the golden councillor seat, and on the other hand, it also reflected the value of the oneworld alliance councillor seat.

You must know that in the previous parliamentary election, Lord Galo still took advantage of the opportunity to win the golden parliamentary seat from Lord Chitian.

At that time, Lord Garo didn't even have 2 million soul crystals in his hands. After a week, he threw out 2.5 million soul crystals without batting an eye.

This had to make other lords have more ideas about the seats of the councillors.

It's just that in the last competition for seats, the more active Lord Chitian and Lord Haichen disappeared at this time.

The last time when the snipe and mussels fought, Lord Jialuo benefited, but it made Lord Blazing Sky become more popular for a long time.

I didn't make a move this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe I wanted to hold back a big hand at the end and explode others from behind.

Of course, every time the members compete, the biggest winner is Huang Yu.

In just a few minutes, the soul crystals on his account increased by more than ten million!

Sure enough, the platform is the most profitable. . . . . .

【Ding! 】

[The Crown of Mysteries is upgraded to a fifth-order building! 】

. . . . . .

At the end of the golden meeting, Huang Yu was exchanging the problems exposed at the meeting with Nezel.

After the Universal Alliance is upgraded to Tier 4, members of the Council can bring their men to a meeting in the Chaos Illusory Realm.

It's just that Huang Yu only gave this authority to the members of the alliance.

In the second Golden Council, only Huang Yu brought Nezel into the meeting.

The part about the Universal Bank was what Nezel introduced to the other lords.

After hearing the information prompt, Huang Yu remembered that the Crown of Mysteries had been upgraded for two days, which was only a little less than the upgrade of the territory.

However, there are more things at hand, Huang Yu just opened the Tinder interface and checked the information after the upgrade of the Crown of Mysteries.

The fifth Arcane School of Arcane that was born from the Crown of Mysteries is the natural school.

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