got windy.

Rain is rare in the eastern mountains, and the vegetation is sparse. Once the strong wind blows, there will be sandy soil.

And in the past few days that Rising Sun City was established, the wind on the eastern mountain has not stopped.

The long sandstorm ends in the western forest, and the Rising Sun City is at the junction of the two places. The 25 square kilometers of sub-fire coverage area presents two completely different scenes.

But in this environment, the east gate of Rising Sun City opened, and 2,000 Spartans and 3,000 Meteor Mountain cavalry filed out.

Only nearly 800 Spartan warriors and 3,000 Orpheus warriors were left to guard Rising Sun City under the leadership of the Spartan frontman Phaedra and the Spartan commander Musa.

In addition, the "Hai" Jin man was also left in Rising Sun City by Leonidas, as well as a dragon beast controlled by Phaedra.

With this level of troops to guard Rising Sun City, even if the orcs allied forces attacked again, Rising Sun City has the power to defend against the enemy with the help of Kunjinyan City Wall, Adamantite Magic Light Cannons, and many magic-guided cannons and bed crossbows.

In the rolling yellow sand, the red dragon Yayi flew into the sky with two dragon beasts.

Two thousand Spartan warriors riding stone horned beasts, and three thousand meteorite cavalry riding cloud stepping antelopes rushed into Huangshan like a raging black tide.

The heavy giant hoof of the stone horned beast stepped on the ground and could easily smash the stone.

The Cloud Treading Antelope sprang out from behind the Spartan warriors like an elves in the wind. It was agile and extremely fast.

The whole army left the city, and the east gate of Rising Sun City was closed.

The Spartan warriors raised the wind of resonance and swayed the sand and flying stones away. When they rushed out of the coverage of the fire, the wind of resonance had merged with each other and turned into a huge columnar tornado.

Outside the tornado is the turbid world, and inside the tornado is the extraordinary army that swallows mountains and rivers.

The rumbling of hoofs, the rubbing and collision of the armor and the gold, coupled with the whistling of the wind, weaved a murderous battle song.

Leonidas did not ride the dragon, but left and right with Atreus, riding on two fourth-order stone horned beasts with the potential of the sanctuary, leading the Spartan warriors forward.

In the past two days, a troll army has been very active, attacking troops going out hunting in other territories, and even the Meteor Mountain cavalry who went out for training and upgraded have been expelled.

The Shadow of Sparta led by Ganix conducted tracking and reconnaissance yesterday, and Leonidas finally grasped the trajectory and corresponding stronghold of the troll army.

The purpose of their trip is to defeat the army sent by the troll territory. If there is a chance, they will also try to attack the fourth-order troll territory.

A group of Meteorite Mountain cavalry crossed the Spartan warriors protected by the resonating wind and disappeared into the barren mountains at a very fast speed.

They are the nets that Leonidas casts, and will seduce, harass, and surround that army of trolls, guided by the dragon and the shadow of Sparta.

When the time is right, the Spartans will deliver the final blow.

The reason why they chose such a weather expedition is because the communication and reconnaissance methods of the Spartan Legion are more advanced than that of the trolls.

Although the weather will interfere with their sight to a certain extent, the impact on the troll army will definitely be higher than that of the Spartan army.

After all, Leonidas didn't just want to attack this outgoing troll army, but wanted to wipe out this army of more than 6,000 trolls.

This is the minimum requirement for him to go out to fight this time. This kind of dusty weather with low visibility can instead become a cover for their actions.

When Huang Yu set up a branch city, he usually left a sand table.

The sand table will not only mark the approximate location and distance of each alien territory, but also let his subordinates ride dragons, iron-feather griffins or Thoron giant eagles to survey the surrounding landforms.

And each sub-city also made a plane map according to the sand table.

So Leonidas was not worried at all that his people would get lost, or that he could not tell the direction and route.

As for the connection and communication with each other, it is even simpler.

Since Huang Yu purchased the spiritual crystal mine, the communication crystals in the universe have become the regular equipment of the military, and the hero unit has one manpower.

And under the improvement of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, the communication crystal has been upgraded to the third generation.

Although the communication range has not been increased, a group chat function has been added, which can allow up to fifty people to chat on the same channel.

With these two sharp weapons in hand, Huan Yu's army has temporarily taken the lead in terms of information.

Dirios and Atreus took the Spartan warriors and set off according to the planned direction, and adjusted the direction and target area in the middle of the way due to the information from the shadow of Sparta.

It wasn't until more than three hours later that a fifty-man Meteorite cavalry arrived and sent news to Leonidas that the troll army had bitten behind a Meteorite cavalry and was rushing towards this side. Meet the Spartans in about an hour.

finally come!

Leonidas and the Spartans behind him were immediately excited.

The more than three-hour trek in the sandstorm did not make them slack and irritable, but accumulated a gradually fanatical fighting spirit.

They looked at Leonidas, and just waited for Leonidas' order to rush to the troll.

However, Leonidas's military order did not let the Spartans start charging immediately, but opened the map, checked the terrain, and finally selected a location to arrange the Spartans to prepare for battle.

"Leonidas, why don't you rush up at once?"

"This distance is completely within the charging range of the Stone Horned Knight."

"As long as we rush the Meteor Mountain Cavalry cooperates with the flanking attack, this army of trolls will definitely be easily wiped out."

Atreus looked puzzled.

The enemy was right in front of him, but Atreus did not immediately raise troops to destroy them, but instead stationed in place.

If the enemy finds out, it may delay the fighter plane.

However, after hearing Atreus' words, Leonidas shook his head and explained:

"This troll's reconnaissance methods are very shallow, and it is impossible to find us."

"The longer we wait here, the more the troll's stamina will be consumed."

"Besides, we are at a high place, and the troll is at a low place, so they can take advantage of the situation and charge more fiercely and with less effort."

Leonidas flattened the map on the back of the stone horn beast, took out the pen and drew on it, then waved to Atreus and said:

"What's more, destroying this army of trolls is the minimum goal of our trip."

"Now that we're here, it's time to revise the goal."

"Wait for this army of trolls, it's our bait!"

Pointing to a location on the map, Leonidas smiled at Atreus and said:

"Don't bite too hard later, the sandstorm is getting bigger and bigger, we can just surprise the enemy from the sky!"

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